Progress Archive

The babu-feudal-general nexus backed by industrialists cripples Pakistan – by Farooq Ahmed Khan: Free speech in a society ensures that rights of all the citizens, especially the minorities, are cared for and everyone enjoys complete peace of mind. A successful state requires holding assurances to the public that all fundamental rights will

The only way forward- by Imran Qadir Butt: I certainly believe that if Pakistanis start taking unbiased and realistic approach towards any political or social issue they will start making good decisions which in turns leads to the road of bright and successful future.

Peace, prosperity and progress for tribal people — by Dr Ishtiaq Ahmed: What is utterly disgraceful is the fact that women have been effectively and comprehensively denied their right to education by both commission and omission. Nowhere is this fact more glaringly manifest than in FATA My recent discussion of tribal

Some confusions about economic progress – by Ali Arqam (Articles by Nimer Ahmad): معاشی موشگافیوں سے جڑی کچھہ کنفیوژنز پاکستان میں آج جب کہ بی بی سی کے ایک نامہ نگار کے بقول ہر کوئی 23روپے خرچ کرکے ایک انگریزی اور ایک اردو اخبار خرید کر دانشور بن سکتا ہے۔اس جملے میں