president Archive

اسلام آباد دھرنا اور وزیر اعظم نواز شریف کی ہٹ دھرمی: صدر ممنون صورتحال کی نزاکت دیکھتے ہوۓ سپریم کورٹ کو ریفرنس بھجوائیں – از کنور دلشاد: Source:

Thank you Mr. President! – by Saria Benazir: “God brings night and God brings day. God brings light and God brings darkness. Victory and defeat are in God’s hands. In our hands is the decision to live a life that can give us the satisfaction to say,

My president: The most valiant and tolerant – by Maleeha Manzoor: When the lights on the stage of life go out, those names shine brightly that were dedicated to the people, God’s agents in this world and its true masters. Asif’s name will be one of those shining stars while