politicians Archive

Politicians united to defend the mighty army and spy masters – by Haris Ubaid: Pakistan’s political elite after due consultation with his highness COAS Kayani and his highness Chief Spy Pasha have come to the defense of the military establishment. This reminds me the following words of Urdu poet John Eliah: Nahi dunya

Youth should now lead Pakistan – by Shaukat Masood Zafar: Our Youth has a lot of energy, high hopes, great ideals and real potential to achieve almost everything in life. In spite of having talent, skills and intelligence in this wonderful young generation, a born genius, it is very

Cricket as a metaphor – by Irfan Husain: Another day, another scandal. Judging from the media coverage of the cricket betting sting first reported by the News of the World, it would appear that there are no floods devastating the country; that millions have not been displaced;

Say No to Martial Law – by Hamid Mir: زیادہ پرانی بات نہیں۔ 27/اگست 2005ء کو امریکی ریاست لوسیانا کے ساحلوں پر ایک سمندری طوفان کا آغاز ہوا۔ سمندر کا پانی ساحلوں سے نکل کر شہروں میں داخل ہوگیا زیادہ نقصان لوسیانا، مسی سیپی اور فلوریڈا میں ہوا۔

Jinnah’s Pakistan- by Dr Mubarak Ali: It has become a ritual to celebrate Independence Day every year without considering whether we have achieved it or not. The question is how far independence has accomplished its objective by creating historical consciousness among people: whether it has