Nigeria Archive

Nigeria: Army attack on Shia unjustified: (Abuja) – The killing of hundreds of Shia Muslim members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN), by Nigerian army soldiers from December 12 to 14, 2015, appears to have been wholly unjustified. The Judicial Commission of Inquiry set

Once again, Shia Muslims massacred by Salafi Deobandi terrorists in Nigeria: Today’s tragedy in Nigeria where Shia mourners were attacked – yet again – by Salafi Wahhabi terrorist groups affiliated with the Boko Haram, is an apt reminder of the failure in specifically identifying terrorist groups. As long as we

Muslim world’s silence over Salafi-Wahabi outfit Boko Haram’s crimes against humanity: THE news from Nigeria is blood-curdling. Shrouded initially in mystery, the kidnapping of almost 300 Nigerian girls last month has now been owned by the Salafi-Wahabi extremist outfit Boko Haram, with its chief threatening ‘by Allah’ to sell