medical professionals Archive

ڈاکٹر روتھ : اس ملک کے ہر شہری کی محسن: یہ خاتون جرمنی کے شہر لائزگ کی رھنے والی تھی۔ پیشے کے لحاظ سے یہ ڈاکٹر تھیں۔ سن 1958ء کی بات ھے اس خاتون نے 30 سال کی عمر میں پاکستان میں کوڑھ (جزام) کے مریضوں کے بارے میں

RIP Professor Shabbir Shah: The silent target killing of Shia professionals in Pakistan: Author: Khadim Hussain A prominent Shia Professor Syed Shabbir Hussain Shah, of University of Gujrat, and his driver were shot dead by Deobandi terrorists of banned terrorist outfit Sipah-e-Sahaba (currently operating as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat ASWJ) on Tuesday,

Do we want doctors to leave Pakistan? – by Dr Anis Rehman: First it was Dr Aftab Qurieshy from Hyderabad, who was kidnapped and then brutally murdered. Yet again we see another doctor, Dr Rahim Bux who was murdered cold bloodedly while he was working at his clinic in Karachi. Such

Floods and humanitarian medicine — by Dr Mohammad Taqi: “Bani Adam aaza’ e yak o deegarand, Keh der aafreenesh ze yak gauharand. Choon uzvi ba dard aaward rozgar, Digar uzvha ra na manand qarar. Tu keh az mehnat-e-deegran beghami, Nashayad keh naamet nahad aadmi.” (Human beings are members