Malakand Archive

“Dear Taliban, This is your province.” says PTI CM in KPK. Taliban oblige by killing 21 Pashtuns in Malakand!: “We have no enmity with the Taliban” PESHAWAR (17 May 2013): Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf (PTI) senior leader and soon-to-be Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Pervez Khattak on Friday said that the coming provincial government was ready to hold talks

Concerns over Post-military operations developments in KP – by Idrees Kamal: Amn Tehrik (Peace Movement) , an organization of Political workers, civil society, writers, intellectuals, Lawyers, Students, Labours, Women, Poets and sensible segment of the society and comrises political workers of almost all the secular political parties working in the