Interfaith Dialogue & Harmony Archive

Pakistani Muslims build church for Christian neighbors: In Pakistan’s northeastern Punjab province, Muslim villagers are raising funds to help their poor Christian neighbors build a church. The initiative was begun shortly before Easter by a group of Muslims from a village in Faisalabad, Pakistan’s

میرؔ کے دین و مذھب کو اب کیا پوچھتے ہو- جے ڈی سی کا کارنامہ – عامر حسینی: میر صاحب نے کہا تھا کہ میرؔ کے دین و مذھب کو اب کیا پوچھتے ہو ان نے تو قـشـقـه کھـینجا، دیـر میں بیٹھا، کب کا ترکِ أســلام کیا مجھے یہ شعر اس وقت یاد آیا جب جے ڈی

Pakistan’s interfaith couples stay in trouble: Lahore- Thirteen years ago among the whirring looms of a garment factory in an eastern Pakistani city, a Muslim woman fell in love with a Christian co-worker. Now married with three children, Kalsoom Bibi and her husband Yousuf

Interreligious marriage: Another way of building peace -by Nasir Saeed: Wasim Akram’s engagement to 30-year-old Australian Shaniera Thompson has created quite a buzz in the media. Akram’s first wife, Huma, died in 2009 and Akram says he never thought he would get married again but is feeling “lucky and

Pakistan’s societal conundrum: The dismal elusion of requisite inter-faith accord – by Hissan H. Haqqani: Mankind’s past dictates that schismatic fears coupled with communal violence are two of the main reasons for dissolution of societies. Our history is rife with examples of nations dilapidated because of lack in understanding and appreciation of each others

Roses, not violence: Norwegian Muslims respond to anti-Islam film “Innocence of Muslims”: A youth organization of Norwegian Muslims, Stand4Hussain, handed out flowers to the people in Oslo (Norway) with cards attached to them containing an introduction to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This was in response to the anti-Islam

Non-Muslims’ homage to Imam Hussain ibn e Ali (a.s.) – by Ali Salman Alvi: . Karbala spreads a universal message of non-violent resistance and supreme sacrifice to the cause and in today’s climate of violence, extremism and tyranny; it is more pertinent than ever. For the very same reason prominent leaders, statesmen, scholars,

Christians protest holy Quran’s desecration, also feel under threat after recent killings & attacks: Minority members of the provincial assembly (MPA) from both the treasury and the opposition benches on Friday protested against the Holy Quran’s desecration by US Pastor Terry Jones and labeled him a terrorist. Christians have asked the Church of

International Minorities Conference III: International Minorities Alliance demands Pakistan to be run according to the vision of its founder. International Minorities’ Conference 2011 was organized by International Minorities Alliance on “Equal Citizenship, Equal Rights” at Avari Hotel, Lahore, Pakistan on Jan 23, 2011.

A review of Christian-Muslim conflict and a modest proposal to counter it: If outside experts could help disentangle religion from the other issues, the argument goes, that could help neutralise religion’s capacity to mobilise and inflame, in the hope of leading to a de-escalation of the crisis. Is this idealistic? Maybe………

Mosque at Ground Zero: Saudi wins America loses- by Imtiaz Baloch: The New York City Landmarks Commission unanimously allowed for the demolition of the Italianate building of 1857, near where the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers stood, and paves the way for the construction of the Cordoba House, a Mosque