IJT Archive

Time to ban Jamaat-e-Islami, Pakistan – by Mahpara Qalandar: Jamaat-e-Isami: World’s most dangerous fascist entity There is hardly an Islamofascist party or group which is not an offshoot of the Jamaat-e-Islami. Think about Haifz saeed of LeT. All his life he has been a Jamaat activist and planner.

Islami Jamiat-e-Talba terrorists attacked B.Z.U Multan to halt Seraikistan movement -by Muhammad Asif Lashari: Peoples Student Federation(PSF) is working in Bahauddin Zakriya university Multan from many years. It is working for rights of students as well as for Bhutto’s philosophy. PSF is strong in this university and is spreading Bhutto’s philosophy. But we are being