Gallup Poll Archive

On opinion survey and President Zardari’s popularity – by Abbas Ather: Here is a critical article by veteran columnist Abbas Ather on the reality of opinion surveys in Pakistan. Source: Express, 20 June 2010

Deconstructing Dr Ijaz Shafi Gilani’s Gallup Pakistan: It is not uncommon to read results of various opinion surveys and polls on political issues and choices in Pakistani (and international) media. What however remains usually hidden is the real motive behind such polls and results. More often

Elections in Quetta and Baltistan, Some Questions for the LHC – by Humza Ikram: In last 48 hours two general elections were held, First one took place in Gilgit -Balistan and the other one took place in Quetta. Although official election resulta are not announced yet, unconfirmed reports suggest that in both places PPP candidates

The majoirty of Pakistanis blame media for political instability in the country.: It seems that the Pakistani nation is, in general, aware of the evil designs (i.e. anti-democracy and pro-Taliban activities) of the Pakistani Taliban Union of Journalists (also known as the Mullah Media Alliance). Perceptions on Media and Political InstabilityGILANI

President Zardari’s popularity ascends: Survey: Zardari emerges as the most popular personality: Survey ISLAMABAD: President Asif Ali Zardari has emerged as the most popular personality on the Pakistani political landscape as 51 percent of the people terming President Asif Ali Zardari as the most

The reality of IRI and other opinion surveys: Vested interests in Pakistani and international politics often publish results of various polls and surveys on political issues and opinions. More often than not, instead of representing genuine pubic opinion, such surveys are designed and their results manipulated in

Reality, deception and hidden agenda of opinion polls in Pakistan: Here are two articles (by Afreen Baig and Abbas Athar) on this topic critiquing the validity as well as the hidden agenda of political surveys and polls published in Pakistani and international media. Foreign Polls and Surveys: Reality, Deception

Gallup poll shows the Pakistan Government enjoys domestic support for a crackdown on home-based extremists; public support for crackdown on terrorists: By Khalid Hasan WASHINGTON: A new Gallup poll in Pakistan has shown that the government enjoys domestic support for a crackdown on home-based extremists, with 60 percent of Pakistanis interviewed in October saying the government should take a tougher