Drug money & trade Archive

Pakistan’s drug problem – by Faisal Usman UET, Lahore.: Pakistan is ranked 146th out of 177 countries according to 2013 Human Development Index Report by United Nations with nearly half of the population living below poverty levels. In addition to the geographical factor, socio-demographic, psychological and economic factors

Now Mullah and Mullen are attuned – by Ali Arqam and Dr. Khan: In Afghan War, when the capitalist world, the salafist Arabs, the communist Chinese and the opportunist Pakistani Generals along with their puppet warriors and clergies were in a war with the USSR and the Communist Afghan regime on Afghan

Financing Jihad via Petrodollars – by Farooq Sulehria: According to several estimates, Islamic organisations, many of which are linked to armed groups, can draw from a pool of money ranging from $5 billion to $16 billion, the Saudi government alone donates $10 billion via the ministry of

‘RAW’ Totay: The supporters of Sipah-e-Sahaba & Taliban remember Lal Masjid and shed crocodile tears: In this op-ed, Asadullah Ghalib spanks “RAW Totay” (conspiracy theorists such as Javed Chaudhry, Hamid Mir, Kashif Abbasi, Ansar Abbasi, Orya Maqbool Jan, Irfan Siddiqi): The conspiracy theory parrots. Shame on the supporters of extremist of Lal Masjid, Sipah-e-Sahaba

The Taliban terrorists in Pakistan are being funded by drug trade in Afghanistan – Who are the sponsors? CIA, NATO and the Karzai Government: Getting Afghanistan together President Asif Ali Zardari is supposed to have told the visiting US Assistant Secretary of State, Mr Richard Boucher, that the growing production of drugs in Afghanistan was having ill effects in Pakistan since the terrorists

The war on terror and the war on drugs (What is Nato doing in Afghanistan? Ensuring that the Taliban get due share in the drug business.: The war on drugs By Jerome Starkey NATO and the US are ramping up the war on drugs in Afghanistan. American ground forces are set to help guard poppy eradication teams for the first time later this year, while

The drug trade is funding the Taliban’s terrorist activities in Afghanistan and Pakistan: Are NATO forces invovled in this business?: Afghanistan’s narco menace SO closely linked are the problems of insurgency and drug trafficking in Afghanistan that it is no surprise that Nato has extended its mandate to crush the narcotics trade in the country. But the success of

PML(N) keen on protecting terrorists through a dubious stance on war on terror; The Pakistani Taliban are supported by the Afghan drug mafia: No consensus in sight on terror war policy: Joint session to resume on Monday By Ahmed Hassan (Dawn Report) ISLAMABAD, Oct 9: If the government aims at creating a national consensus on its strategy in the “war on terror”