Dr Shahid Qureshi Archive

Internet hoax about Asif Zardari’s marriage: Currently a hoax is in circulation about President Asif Ali Zardari’s alleged marriage to a PPP worker in the USA. Apparently the Zardari phobes of Islamist and urban middle class backgrounds are making use of yet another ‘opportunity’ to

Establishment’s investment in Pakistani blogsphere: Moin Ansari and Ahmed Quraishi exposed: Related articles: In rejection of pseudo-liberals of Pakistan – by Sarah Khan Adil Najam, ATP and the closet Taliban in Pakistani blogsphere Adil Najam and his pseudo-liberals’ outpouring of sympathy for Sherry Rehman – by Sarah Khan Another pseudo-liberal

Internet Crime Alert: The IP trail of Dr Shahid Qureshi (aka Earthman International Professor) of The London Post: Update: Watch this man: Part 1 of this post Dr Shahid Qureshi aka International Professor is a dangerous man. He is a secret member of the Hizbut-Tahrir (writers’ cell of the Al-Qaeda), an affiliate of the Sipah-e-Sahaba and Taliban,

Internet Crime Alert: Watch Dr. Shahid Qureshi of The London Post: Update: Part 2 of this post: IP trail of Dr Shahid Qureshi “Dr. Shahid Qureshi” is probably another alias of the notorious cyberspace terrorist who calls himself “Earthman, International Professor”. Syed Adeeb and Moin Ansari are two of of