Denial Archive

عبداللہ ابن سبا سے بلیک واٹر تک : طالبان دہشت گردی اور تیسرے ہاتھ کی تاریخی حقیقت – از خرم زکی: ادارتی نوٹ : بردار خرم زکی نے اپنی تحریر میں ایک اہم نکتے کی جانب تاریخی حوالوں سے توجہ دلائی ہے – خارجی تکفیریوں نے تاریخ اسلامی کو مسخ کر کے ہمیشہ اپنے بڑوں کی غلطیوں کو ایک فرضی

طالبان خود کش حملوں کی ذمہ داری قبول کرتے، قاضی حسین صاحب پھر بھی نہ مانتے – از خورشید ندیم: Khurshid Nadeem notes that despite the fact that Taliban (TTP) produly claimed terrorist activities, Qazi Hussain Ahmed used to say that he still did not believe Taliban were behind terrorism. Now Maulana Sami-ul-Haq is in a similar state of

LUBP Denial Archive: Why are some Pakistanis in a state of denial about Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba?: Welcome to the LUBP Denial Archive. Here we have have compiled some of the most useful resources which will shed light on the psyche and though process of supporters and apologists of jihadi and sectarian violence committed by the

Imran Khan, Urban Middleclass Morality and its Contradictions – by Raza Habib Raja: With thanks : Pak Tea House This article is critical of Imran Khan’s political orientation and tries to introspect middleclass liking for him. It admits Imran’s virtues as a cricketer and philanthropist but argues that his politics is the

The denial of the lambs – by Anas Abbas: Cross Post : Accounterterror blog By Anas Abbas This Essay is in response to an article “The liberal lynch mob” written by Mahreen Aziz Khan published recently in The Express Tribune. It will not only focus on this article itself

Excuses, excuses: A guide to fend off ‘lies’ about Pakistan – by Nadeem F. Paracha: Excuses, excuses By Nadeem F. Paracha Source: Dawn, 11 Jul, 2010 Here’s a brief knee-jerk guide to fend off ‘lies’ about Pakistani society becoming intolerant, delusional and paranoid. It was prepared and inspired by hours of TV-watching and passionate

“Blackwater responsible for the Data Darbar attack”: We don’t need rabid mullahs or pseudo-liberal poodles of the ISI to propagate wild conspiracy theory in Pakistan, Chief Justice of the Lahore Hight Court is more than enough. According to the Chief Taliban Protector in Punjab, Justice Khwaja

Negotiate with Taliban? – by Anas Muhammad: In a recent press conference Mian Nawaz Sharif – the head of the largest opposition Party Pakistan Muslim League-N (PMLN) – claimed that terrorism in Pakistan is a result of government’s foreign policies. Sharif made the commen ts two

“No Muslim can do this” – by Dr Khawaja Muhammad Awais Khalil: Attack on Data Darbar is a continuation of the same events in which Pakistanies are under attack by the few ‘Faithfuls’. Its not an event in isolation and its not a solitary attack on Braylvies. Its essentially the same

Punjab: the new FATA — by Ali K Chishti: Source :Dailytimes COMMENT: Punjab: the new FATA —Ali K Chishti Sectarian jihadis, who are now transformed into ‘Punjabi Taliban’ through evolution, are concentrated in the economically backward and feudally dominated agrarian areas of Punjab A recent survey puts the

Neo-Islam in Pakistan: we need to confront it with full force – by Dr Muhammad Awais Khalil: Thanks to General Zia for the forced islamization of Pakistan, pouring bags full of US dollars and Saudi riyals and mushroom growth of madrassas of a particular ideology [wahabism and deobandism] which has created a generation who has a

Why is PML-N Government in Punjab ignoring CID report on terror groups?: In today’s Dawn, it has been reported that Government of Punjab is ignoring reports of Crime Investigation Department (CID) to take actions against banned sectarian and Jihadi organizations which have found their way into Punjab. This forum and other

Terrorists attack Lahore’s Jinnah Hospital: It must be CIA, Mossad, RAW, Black Water, Khad, anyone but our dear Taliban: At least twelve people have been killed and 10 injured as suspected militants launched a brazen attack on Jinnah Hospital in Lahore late Monday night. Terrorists entered hospital premises in camouflage of police uniform. Five of the dead are

Pakistan, terrorism and our combined failure – by Ardeshir Cowasjee: Our combined failure A common reaction to the almost universal conclusion that one of Pakistan’s main exports is terrorism — bolstered by the latest would-be hero of Times Square who fortunately failed — is that the larger majority of

Beyond state of denial: How blind hatred of United States is undermining our own interests: Raza Habib Raja has contributed this piece to LUBP which was previously published at Chowk. Here is Mr Raja’s brief introduction in his own words: I am an economist by education and a banker by profession. I have enormous

JI still in a state of denial: Monday’s suicide bombing in Peshawar’s Qissa Khwani bazaar was an outrageous suicide attack that left some two dozen people dead and many more injured. The victims were mostly Jamaat-i-Islami supporters attending a rally. It is still not certain whether

We shall overrun: The young, urban, middle-class Pakistani’s manifesto – by Nadeem Paracha and Abbas Baloch: Related article: The Civil Society Bulletin – by Abbas Baloch As always, NFP at his best (Aliarqam) We shall overrun! Source: Dawn Blog 1. Asif Ali Zardari is the devil incarnate. 2. The Pakistan Army is the saviour. 3.

Punjab can no longer live in a state of denial – by Ayaz Amir: If FATA represents the cutting edge of terrorism in the name of Islam, Punjab, unfortunately, is the hinterland of this phenomenon. Or, to borrow a phrase from the repertoire of military folly, Punjab is the strategic depth of bigotry

Voters in NA-55 mistakenly gave vote to ‘Lion’ thinking it was Imran Khan? A sneak peek into PTI Forum: Related article: Imran Khan will sweep next elections – by Abdul Nishapuri Here is an overview of unofficial results of NA-55 by-elections announced by the returning officer: 1) 63888 Shakeel Awan (PML-N) 2) 42530 Sheikh Rasheed (AML) 3) 5020

Congratulations, General Kayani, on defeating ‘bad’ Taliban and ‘bad’ politicians at the same time – by Cyril Almeida: Coming full circle Friday, 12 Feb, 2010 OUR boys in uniform have a spring in their step again. Domestically, they have taken on two enemies and appear to be winning: the civilian government has been reduced to parroting the

Blackwater is the new name of Taliban: Blackwater is the new name of Taliban – according to Taliban apologists. Here are two news items without any further comment: Blackwater involved in Karachi catastrophe, says Mufti Usmani Updated at: 2050 PST, Wednesday, December 30, 2009 KARACHI: Noted

Spurting savagery – by Babar Sattar: One form of such denial produced by a misplaced sense of patriotism is the assertion that perpetrators of such depraved attacks cannot be Pakistanis and the increasing spate of terror attacks has to be the handiwork of our foreign

Terrorism vs Talk on the Street – by Bahadar Ali Khan: “Did you hear that?” “What?” “40 people have been murdered today in Rawalpindi at a time when they were offering Jumma prayers, including senior ranking military official and 16 children” “Oh yeah. I Know that” “Who can do such

Blackwater, bloody civilians and our holy cows in uniform: A tale of two stories: While the pro-Taliban and anti-democracy anchors and journalists want the Pakistani nation to believe that the democratic government (President Zardari et al) are responsible for the alleged Blackwater rule in Pakistan, Cyril Almeida offers an alternative, critical perspective highlighting

The ‘It-is-not-us’ syndrome – By Hajrah Mumtaz: A couple of months ago, I wrote a column in praise of certain Pakistani pop stars and bands, arguing that there are a fair number of songs that display political consciousness and a related sense of responsibility. I referred

Blackwater ki talash: Riding on the wave of anti-Americanism, while disguising their love for Taliban and Al Qaeda, agents of Taliban in Pakistani media and politics (commonly known as Friends of Taliban) have been consistently spreading rumours about the presence of Blackwater

Does Pakistan army have the will to confront the Taliban? – by Zohra Yusuf: Day of the Taliban By Zohra Yusuf TO say that the entire nation hangs its head in shame over the flogging of young Chand Bibi in Swat would not only be a cliché. It would be a lie. There

India not the real enemy, militancy is! – by Ayaz Amir: Will hypocrites such as Imran Khan and Qazi Hussain Ahmed listen to this sane voice? …… India not the real enemy; militancy isIslamabad diary Friday, December 26, 2008by Ayaz Amir Militancy and extremism on the march. Three schools in

Ansar Abbasi’s column on the Mumbai terrorist attacks and Ajma Kasab. Abbasi is in the ‘denial’ mode.: Ansar Abbasi’s column on the Mumbai terrorist attacks and Ajma Kasab. Abbasi is in the ‘denial’ mode. Do you know why? Because he is most probably on the payroll of the Taliban. He is a stauch supporter of Mullah

Pakistan: a nation in denial – by Khalid Hasan: A nation in denial —Khalid Hasan Foreign Minister Qureshi says the “charitable” activities of Jama’at-ud Dawa will not be banned. In other words, Pakistan will disregard Security Council sanctions. And Qureshi was supposed to be among the enlightened ones

The media and Mumbai – By Dr Tariq Rahman: THE Mumbai attacks have seen the media, especially the electronic media, in both countries conduct itself in an irresponsible fashion.Hours after the attack began, the Indian media started showing Bollywood-style films about the perpetrators of the carnage allegedly in

From Karachi to Swat, the Taliban are active. Shame on those in a state of denial: FROM Karachi to Swat, the Taliban are active. Shame on you Imran Khan, Hamid Gul, Kashif Abbasi, Mushtaq Minhas. Are you still in a state of denial? From Karachi to Swat FROM Karachi to Swat, the Taliban are active.

Owning the war AND Ayaz Amir’s attitude of denial toward Taliban and terroirsts: Owning the warTuesday, October 21, 2008by Muhammad Saleem This is with reference to Ayaz Amir’s article ‘Our priceless talent for wasting time and money’, published in this newspaper on Oct 17. Being a member of parliament, Mr Amir is