Democracy Archive

Robocop meets Baitullah Mehsud. success will be achieved in Afghanistan if that country is managed as a tribal & traditional state – By Khalid Aziz.: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 During the past week or so, militants have carried out serious attacks in Peshawar and nearby Jamrud in Khyber agency. It included the unfortunate murder of development worker Stephen Vance, the kidnapping of an Iranian

The issue of ‘Greater Pakhtunistan’ and trading of allegations between the JUI-F and the ANP – By Hamid Mir: The recent emergence of the issue of ‘Greater Pakhtunistan’ and trading of allegations between the JUI-F and the ANP should be a matter of serious concern for all patriot Pakistanis who would like democracy to succeed in Pakistan. In

Mullah Military Alliance conspiring to bring the Bangladesh model of democracy to Pakistan: Mullah Military Alliance (Imran Khan, Qazi Hussain Ahmad, JUI, and ISI) are conspiring to bring the Bangladesh model of democracy in Pakistan – By Abbas Ather Nawaz Sharif and Zardari and their

How much democratic is the USA? From slavery to Obama – by Wusatullah Khan: How much democratic is the USA? امریکہ کتنا جمہوری ہے ! وسعت اللہ خان بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، اسلام آباد نینسی پلوسی امریکہ میں ایوان نمائندگان کی پہلی سپیکر ہیں دوسری عالمی جنگ کے بعد سے

How does an ordinary Pakistani citizen feel about democracy, terrorism, Taliban and Pakistan? A glimpse: PROTEST IN LONDON I am not supporting this protest mainly led by Imran Khan. Pakistan has an elected government in the fairest election ever in the history of Pakistan with a massive turnout against all the odds and the

New Pak effort against terrorism encouraging: US, Canadian dailies: WASHINGTON: A US and a Canadian daily found Pakistan’s new efforts against terrorism ‘encouraging’ and said US should respond accordingly. An editorial in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin noted that the anti-Taliban lashkars are poorly armed with aging rifles, while Taliban

Who is behind the attacks on WAPDA offices? Who is manufacturing violent demonstrations against the democratic government?: Who is behind the attacks on WAPDA offices? Who is manufacturing violent demonstrations against the Federal Government in the guise of protests against load-shedding and electricity bills? Beware of the unholy nexus of Jamaat-e-Islami and ISI. Shahbaz Sharif must

An advice to Zardari haters: Try voodoo magic – By Aftab Iqbal: Related article: Dr Shahid Masood and Ilm-e-Najoom

Bhuttoism – By Dr. Farid A. Malik: By DR FARID A. MALIK September 12, 2008 Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (ZAB) emerged on the political horizon as a member of the Iskander Mirza cabinet. Since then there was no looking back. He was young and charismatic. After the

Reshuffle in the army – they have political overtones, especially when the ISI — some foreign powers’ bugbear — gets a new chief: BARRING changes at the very top, normal transfers and promotions in armies do not make news in democratic countries. In Pakistan, given its history, reshuffles in the army command make news because they have political overtones, especially when the

Friends of Democratic Pakistan – Well done, Zardari.: MAKE no mistake about it — this is Pakistan’s hour of economic reckoning. We need every friend we have ever had and every dollar we can possibly get. It seems then that the Friends of Pakistan forum, which will

The PPP haters and their blinkers – by Dr Babar Awan: Ansar Abbasi, Irfan Siddiqi, other PPP haters and their ‘Khopay’ (blinkers) – Disinformation cell against democracy in Pakistan – By Dr. Babar Awan

Pakistan opts out of isolationism, Zardari’s address at the UN: President Asif Ali Zardari’s address at the General Assembly of the United Nations on Thursday has to be rated as a good speech that fairly expressed Pakistan’s point of view on the problem of terrorism while avoiding the kind

Democracy haters / enemies of Pakistan want to create a split between PPP and Pakistan Army: The PPP and the Army The ruling PPP and the Pakistan Army seem to be in sync even as the Americans seem to be speaking with many tongues over policy in the war against terrorism. Prime Minister Yousaf Raza

Reform ISI? Not like this: The US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs, Mr Richard Boucher, said Tuesday that Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI) needed to be reformed. He did not point to any specific flaw in the conduct of

Bangladesh: familiar trajectory?: Begum Khaleda Zia of the Bangladesh National Party (BNP) has been freed and become the party’s permanent chief. She was in jail for a year on corruption charges, which are still in place. Her son Tariq Rehman is known

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto slaps General Zia and Ziaists from his grave – by Hasan Nisar: …. Tariq Ali’s interview on General Zia and Bhutto (BBC Urdu) Part 1: Part 2: Source: Tariq Ali is speaking about his play, The Leopard and the Fox commissioned initially by the BBC. The play dealt with the

Election of Asif Zardari as President – by Khurshid Nadeem: Asif Zardari: aik tareekh saaz intikhaab

Bloody mess and the supporters of the fauji laundry – Munnoo Bhai: Munno bhai writes on the campaign of the Mullah Media Alliance against the political class and their insistence that NRO must be dry-cleaned in the ‘fauji laundry’.

A great victory, a perilous task – Tanvir Ahmad Khan: Tanvir Ahmad Khan The questions of provincial autonomy, relations between the presidency and parliament, the right balance between the powers of the president and the prime minister and the fullest possible rehabilitation of the judiciary will have to be

The politics of values – by Adrian A Husain: By Adrian A Husain POWER can at times appear shamanistic. It is able to steal into hearts, subtly persuade and, with devastating logic, finally prevail. The political adroitness of Asif Ali Zardari, the new president-elect of the country, has

A non-defence of Zardari – by Dr Meekal Aziz Ahmed: Editor’s note: I am cross-posting below an excellent article by Dr Meekal Aziz (published in The News) in which he states that the usual Zardari-bashing is getting rather tiresome and boring. We “need to move on” to build a tolerant,

Cheers To democracy – by Laila Sohail: With the election over, a clear mandate being given, and the parliament in place, Pakistan finally gets its much awaited taste of democracy. “The people of Pakistan have given their mandate…..” this s the most used line by those