Code of Conduct Archive

Why Pakistan’s media needs a code of conduct?: Pakistan’s media landscape has exploded over the last decade. But it is still the most dangerous place on earth to be a journalist and there are now calls for a strict code of conduct to protect the press and

Attacks on journalists and media freedom – by Imtiaz Alam: Media Commission Pakistan held its second conference on 15th October in Islamabad on “attacks on journalists and media freedom”. About 150 editors and leading journalists attended the conference. Following are excerpts from the declaration issued by the conference. The

PPP’s Media Policy and the Code of Conduct – by Ahmad Khan Lodhi: Related article: Do you have a media policy, PPP? – By Sikandar Mehdi Since coming into power, the PPP has undoubtedly done a good job in holding its own in the political arena despite all the baggage from previous

Islami media committee – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: In light of the recent attitude of the media which has been trying to play the role of wakeel-e-shaitaan by bringing the momineen and various other ahl-e-kitab into direct confrontation over various deeni and muashrati masail, there is need

Is Pakistani media glorifying terrorism? -by Alam Rind: In June 2010 Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused journalists of “serving the aims of the terror organizations.” This accusation came after Turkish media had covered terrorist attacks. The episode triggered a debate whether freedom of press and

The hypocritical media – by George Fulton: Source: Express Tribune ( The media, more than most professions, draws charlatans to its ranks. It has always attracted enough bad apples to make industrial quantities of cider, and perhaps no more so than its proprietors. Britain’s press

“Ethical Codes for Media: Yes or No?”: A free, independent and responsible media is a direct reflection of societal traits and thus can act not only as a reality check but as a mentor and redeemer. With its initiative to move towards a Free, Independent and

Full text of the Punjab Assembly’s resolution against yellow journalism. What is wrong with it?: A few months ago, veteran writer and journalist Hamid Akthar wrote an excellent article in The Express highlighting the unholy alliance of the Three Jeem (three Js) i.e., journalists, judges and jurnails (generals) against the people and politicians of

Mir Shakil ur Rahman: A Pakistani media tycoon by occupation and a threat to democracy by profession – by Junaid Qaiser: “The business of a journalist now is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, fall at the feet of Mammon and sell himself for his daily bread. We are tools, vessels of rich men

Another deal – by Faizi Mughal: Mixing politics with judiciary is a murky but profitable business in Pakistan. In the name of rule of law and dispensation of justice, this business is flourishing by leaps and bounds. One important and advantageous aspect of this business

Pakistani media leading to chaos or consensus? – by Junaid Qaiser: Today, democracy and liberal development are interdependent with recognition by media. In an informed democracy, public reasoning based opinion is a vital aide for transparent governance. It is an age of advancement in communication technology where internet, push button

PPP’s commitment and contribution to free press – by Junaid Qaiser: Democracy and free media are co-related; democracy is impossible without a free (unbiased) media, and free media is impossible without democracy. Democracy and free media reinforce each other. Huge credit goes to Pakistan Peoples Party, which is the biggest

Citizen Media Dialogue – by Junaid Qaiser: Citizen Media Dialogue: Media urged to play role in resolving masses problems by Junaid Qaiser Media is the eyes and ears of a sovereign country and needs to be further empowerment in the interests of the citizens. Media is

Code of conduct for Pakistani media: Don’t glorify terrorism: By: Abdul Nishapuri The following code of conduct is proposed in view of irresponsible behavior and projection of terrorists as heroes and propagation of hate speech and incitement to violence in certain segments of Pakistani media. Many of us