Butchery Archive

ISI is supporting "Good Taliban", leaving innocent people to Taliban’s "mercy": The following reports by BBC Urdu and Rediff suggest that the ISI is still active in its support of “Good

Poland cancels visit of Pakistan senators. Polish officials charged that elements within the Pakistani government shared blame for the killing.: Daily Express… Poland cancels visit of Pak senators * Offers $290,000 bounty for killers of Polish hostage WARSAW/ISLAMABAD: Poland’s Senate on Tuesday called off a visit by Pakistani senators after their country’s

Jihadi and Jasoosi cocktail in Pakistan – By Hasan Mujtaba; Also comments on the movie "The Convoy of Death": An interesting piece on Mullah Military Alliance (ISI-Jihadi Alliance) in Pakistan. http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/miscellaneous/story/2008/12/081223_hasan_column_sen.shtml جہادی جمع جاسوسی کاک ٹیل حسن مجتبیٰ بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، نیویارک بھٹو حکومت نے آئي ایس آئی والوں کو سراغرسانی کے طریقے سکھانے کے

Swat: Taliban slaughter a police officer: Spokesperson of Taliban/Al-Qaeda/Sipah-e-Sahaba, Muslim Khan, has accepted the responsibility of slaughtering the personnel of Pakistan’s security forces (police, FC, Army) in Swat. What do Imran Khan and Hamid Gul say about this acceptance of responsibility by the Taliban? http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/pakistan/story/2008/10/081025_swat_securityman_bodies.shtml

A snapshot of Taliban’s brutalities in Pakistan – BBC Blog by Arif Shamim: In his latest blog on BBC Urdu dot com, Arif Shamim shows and comments on the real picture of Taliban. Will the supporters of Taliban (Imran Khan, Hamid Gul, Mushtaq Minhas etc) still remain in the state of denial?

Taliban are funded by Islam’s and Pakistan’s enemies; their supporters in Pakistani media & politics are agents of Pakistan’s enemies. By Abbas Ather: By Abbas Ather Read this column; Taliban drink alcohol; they take money and weapons from Pakistan’s enemies to conduct suicide operations against innocent Pakistani and foreign citizens in Pakistan. This group does not represent Islam. Pakistan’s war against Taliban

Imran Khan, Hamid Mir, Ansar Abbasi, and other supporters of Taliban, read this column…: Imran Khan says: Terrorist activities in Pakistan are a reaction to the USA and Pakistan’s military action in FATA. Really? What about those people whose dear and nears ones were killed or injured in suicide bombings in Islamabad, Wah