Bhagat Singh Archive

بھگت سنگھ کو زندہ رکھیں – انعام رانا: گو ایک عرصے سے میں نے اپنی سوشل لائف کو حقیقی سے زیادہ آن لائن کر رکھا ہے اور اپنی گپھا میں بیٹھا فیس بک کی راہ سلوک کی منزلیں طے کرتا ہوں، مگر کبھی کبھی طوعاً و کرہاً

The unsung heroes Bhaghat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev – by Waseem Altaf: (Bhagat Singh along with comrades Rajguru and Sukhdev were hanged on 23rd March 1931). Looking at our history books, we find numerous characters, glorified as national heroes, however when closely examined we discover that they were nothing but opportunists

Shaheed Bhagat Singh’s Last Petition: To: The Punjab Governor Sir, With due respect we beg to bring to your kind notice the following: That we were sentenced to death on 7th October 1930 by a British Court, L.C.C Tribunal, constituted under the Sp. Lahore

Bhagat Singh and his relevance to Pakistan – by Saad Ahmed Javed: Bhagat Singh is considered to be born on September 28, 1907 in Jaranwala Tehsil in the Lyallpur (now Faisalabad), Punjab, British India (now Pakistan). He was born in a family of freedom fighters. His father and uncles were members

Citizens of Lahore name Shadman Chowk after Bhagat Singh – by Afnan Khan: LAHORE: A large number of citizens, including students from various educational institutions gathered, at Shadman Chowk on Tuesday to mark the 79th martyrdom anniversary of Bhagat Singh Shaheed, one of the pioneers of the struggle for an independent subcontinent.