Aftab Iqbal Archive

The Israeli massacre of Gaza and Nawaz Sharif’s plans for deer hunting and yoga in Cholistan – Aftab Iqbal: Cholistan desert is a favorite hunting ground for deer hunting. Does Mian Nawaz Sharif, the leader of the Islamic forces in Pakistan, care for the plight of the people in Gaza? What would have been the munafiqeen’s (Imran Khan,

Shaheen Sehbai given enough rope to hang himself and the Jang Group…: Aftab Iqbal’s column in Nawaiwaqt 29 December 2008 exposing Shaheen Sehbai’s request to President Zardari to become an ambassador. Because of Sehbai’s anti-Pakistan record, he

Zardari’s contingent to Saudi Arabia and the USA – Aftab Iqbal: Zardari haters must read this column.

Aftab Iqbal’s slap on the face of anti-PPP journalists. Good News Pakistan. Well done Zardari. Hamid Mir Reports from China.: Aftab Iqbal’s slap on the face of pro-Taliban journalists (e.g. Ansar Abbasi and Kashif Abbasi). Good News Pakistan. Well done, Zardari. Good news from China, A success of Zardari’s diplomacy – By Hamid Mir

Who is behind the attacks on WAPDA offices? Who is manufacturing violent demonstrations against the democratic government?: Who is behind the attacks on WAPDA offices? Who is manufacturing violent demonstrations against the Federal Government in the guise of protests against load-shedding and electricity bills? Beware of the unholy nexus of Jamaat-e-Islami and ISI. Shahbaz Sharif must

Nzaria-e-Pakistan (The Ideology of Pakistan) and the Mullah-Military alliance in Pakistan… Nazir Naji: In this op-ed in Jang, Nazir Naji explain how the so-called ideology of Pakistan (Nazaria-e-Pakistan) was manufactured by the unholy nexus of Mullahs (Jamaat-e-Islami, Dr. Israr Ahmed, Dr. Safdar Mehmood) and Military (General Sher Ali, General Yahaya Khan, other

Intellectual terrorists (Dehshat Nigar) – This column criticises the supporters of Taliban & Sipah-e-Sahaba e.g. Ansar Abbasi, Mushtaq Minhas etc: Dehshat Gard and Dehshat Nigar By Asadullah Ghalib (Express) Perhaps, this column is also a criticism on Aftab Iqbal for his unwarranted anti-India

An advice to Zardari haters: Try voodoo magic – By Aftab Iqbal: Related article: Dr Shahid Masood and Ilm-e-Najoom

Was Jinnah a Secularist? – by Amir Mir: Perhaps the most contentious issue in Pakistan since its very inception in 1947 is the nature of the state. Should Pakistan be a sharia based Islamic state or should she be a Modern democratic secular state? The