Monthly Archive:: March 2014

Fatal reverie: A tribute to Allama Taqi Hadi Naqvi shaheed – by Abbas Nasir: IN a day and age when men of God making regular TV appearances almost always arrive at the studios in their personal vehicles, often expensive 4x4s, accompanied by dozens of flunkies, many among them armed, the murder of Allama

پشتون قوم پرست شیعہ پشتونوں کے لئے بھی آواز اٹھایں: اسیران سانحہء 13 مُحرم کوھاٹ امام بارگاہ۔ سید مُحرم علی شاہ۔سید غضنفر علی شاہ۔سید حیدر علی شاہ۔اگر آپ ذرا غور سے اس تصویر کو دیکھیں گے تو یقینا آپ کو ان کی آنکھوں میں ضرور کوئی گلہ اور پیغام

A candid conversation with two Pashtun nationalists on Deobandi terrorism: Recently I had a candid conversation with two Pashtun nationalist friends, both of them supporters of Bacha Khan and ANP, on the issue of the Salafi-inspired Deobandi terrorism in Pakistan and also its export to Syria under the auspices

Dear Express Tribune: Shall we surrender Pakistan for a little security?: Editor’s note: Only yesterday we published a piece from A Z, praising Malick for his resolve to stand up to the beasts, that are Taliban. And then today we come across this item in one of the most respected names