Monthly Archive:: September 2008

Zardari, Sarah Palin, pro-Taliban journalists and the disinformation cell by the democracy haters – By Abbas Ather: Abbas Ather

Is it America’s war our our war? The colour between black and white: Ayaz Amir:

Is it America’s war our our war? The colour between black and white: Ayaz Amir:

Tehreek-e-Taliban, a gang of anti-Pakistan criminals and mercenaries – Muhammad Amir Khakwani: (Muhammad Amir Khakwani, Express)

Militants in the tribal areas of the NWFP have established firm networking (with jihadi groups) in southern Punjab: An unknown terrorist outfit calling itself Fidayeen-e Islam has telephoned the Dubai-based Al Arabiya TV office in Islamabad to claim responsibility for the attack on the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad on Saturday. The phone call was made from within

So, let us pull out of the war on terror. What is the alternative?: Digesting the Marriott blast Some facts about the Marriott Hotel blast are coming out gradually as the scene of destruction is carefully examined and videos from the security cameras are scrutinised. More and more people are put off by

Significance of the Marriott bombing – By Khalid Aziz: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 by Khalid Aziz The writer is a former chief secretary of NWFP and heads the Regional Institute of Policy Research The suicide attack on the Marriott has brought into question Pakistan’s participation in the war

Liar, Taliban supporter, Ansar Abbasi must be tried in an anti-terrorism court because of his lies in the Marriott Hotel Attack Report – Mumtaz Gilani: MNA threatens to sue journalist Tuesday, September 23, 2008 ISLAMABAD: Mumtaz Alam Gillani, member national assembly (PPP) on Monday strongly contradicted a news item appearing in a section of the press on September 21 that he was witness to

Ansar Abbasi, Hamid Mir – Read this editorial in your own paper, Daily News.: Pakistan’s 9/11 Monday, September 22, 2008 The Marriottt in Islamabad is no more. This is a reality that many are still finding it hard to come to terms with. The hotel, where wedding guests assembled, where friends chatted, where

Terrorism apologists – Read this editorial in Daily Dawn: Defeating terrorism THE carnage at Islamabad’s Marriott Hotel has shocked Pakistan and has been rightly condemned. The target may have been ‘western’ but the timing — soon after iftar — ensured that the majority of victims were Pakistani. In

Admit it: this is Pakistan’s war: Twelve hours after the blasting of the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad, the flames had still not been doused. The medium-sized Shehzore truck, packed with 600 kg of RDX explosives, drove up to the hotel barrier and exploded, setting the

Defeating terrorism: The carnage at Islamabad’s Marriott Hotel: Sunday, 21 Sep, The carnage at Islamabad’s Marriott Hotel has shocked Pakistan and has been rightly condemned. The target may have been ‘western’ but the timing — soon after iftar — ensured that the majority of victims were Pakistani.

Doublecross: Musharraf and Pakistan Army’s ambiguous stance toward Al-Qaeda and Taliban-: According to the US-based Pew Research Centre’s Global Attitudes Project, the number of Muslims globally supporting suicide attacks and Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden has fallen sharply in the past six years. But the think tank still has

Islamabad Marriott Attack: Parliament was the target: Sunday, September 21, 2008 By Muhammad Ahmad Noorani (The News) ISLAMABAD: The Marriott attack was actually aimed at parliament where the entire civil and military leadership of the country had gathered, in violation of the security codes, but it

Pro-Taliban journalist Ansar Abbasi with his usual venom again…: Notorious pro-Taliban journalist of the Jang Group (The News), Ansar Abbasi “reveals” that the terrorist attack on Islamabad Marriot was “in fact” targeted on US Marines, who were on a secret mission and had shifted a truckload of steel

Democracy haters / enemies of Pakistan want to create a split between PPP and Pakistan Army: The PPP and the Army The ruling PPP and the Pakistan Army seem to be in sync even as the Americans seem to be speaking with many tongues over policy in the war against terrorism. Prime Minister Yousaf Raza

Islamabad Marriott Hotel bomb blast 20 September – Appeal: Show No Mercy to Terrorists and Their Supporters: Islamabad Marriott Hotel bomb blast 20 September Appeal: Show No Mercy to Terrorists and Their Supporters To: The President of Pakistan The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Chief of Army Staff Chief Justice of Pakistan In the light of the

Breaking News: Marriott Hotel Bomb Blast in Islamabad 20 September 2008: ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (CNN) — A car bomb detonated Saturday night in the heart of Islamabad, killing at least 20 people and wounding at least another 20, police said.Flames and smoke pour out of a window of the Marriot Hotel

Punjab’s undesirable politics of defection (i.e. Lota Politics): Despite advice from all sane quarters, Punjab is in the grip of a power tussle. A firm arrangement is making transition to an uncertain one that is going to be haunted by court cases and general acrimony. The PMLN

Pakistan army, have you ever won a war? – by Nazir Naji: کوئی جیتی ہوئی جنگ جھولی میں ہے؟ … نذیر ناجی جمہوریت سے محرومی کی سب سے بڑی سزا یہ ملتی ہے کہ معاشرے نظم و ترتیب سے محروم ہو جاتے ہیں۔ کسی کی حیثیت اور وقعت کا پیمانہ باقی

Reform ISI? Not like this: The US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs, Mr Richard Boucher, said Tuesday that Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI) needed to be reformed. He did not point to any specific flaw in the conduct of