Original Articles Archive

Eid, the moon-sighting dispute in Pakistan and Europe, a self created problem!: Masood Ashar’s column in Jang 7 October 2008

Eid, the moon-sighting dispute in Pakistan and Europe, and the Islamic unity. Why don’t we follow our local observatories/met in each country?: Masood Ashar’s column in Jang 7 October 2008 POLICIES ADOPTED IN BRITAIN BY MUSLIMS IN CELEBRATING ISLAMIC FESTIVALSWhy is there a difference in sighting the moon crescent? Muslim and non Muslim astronomers and Muslim scholars have discussed in detail

Zardari’s polite conversation with Palin and the disinformation cell of narrow-minded Mullahs: Fatwa against Zardari for ‘flirting’ with Palin NDTV CorrespondentMonday, September 29, 2008, (Islamabad) Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari seems to be heading towards fresh trouble as the prayer leader of the Lal Masjid in the heart of Islamabad has

Rauf Klasra exposes the Taliban loving journalists in Pakistan…: Ansar Abbasi, Kashif Abbasi, Hamid Mir, and other Taliban lovers will be the first ones to migrate to the USA and the UK if Taliban takeover Islamabad By Rauf Klasra The pro-terrorist journalists and scholars such as Ansar Abbasi,

Mullah’s Islam is in danger because Zardari calls Sarah Palin ‘gorgeous”: The narrow minded Mullahs and their supporters in media (e.g. Ansar Abbasi, Kashif Abbasi) think that Islam is in danger because Asif Zardari in her meeting with Sarah Palin called her gorgeous. These Bhutto-haters (now reincarnated as Zardari-haters) have

Taliban’s FM Radio “Intolerance 101” – By Tariq Aqil: Tuesday, September 30, 2008by Tariq Aqil The month of September witnessed the brutal and senseless murder of three Ahmedis in Pakistan. This gruesome tragedy happened in the aftermath of a popular TV programme in which Ahmedis were blamed for

19% of Pakistanis have a positive view of Al-Qaeda: BBC Poll: (In our view, most of these terrorist supporters or sympathizers are likely to be voters of right wing (mostly Deobandi) parties in Pakistan, including Jamaat-i-Islami, (defunct) Sipah Sahaba, Pakistan Muslim

Crimes of Fasadis (worngly known as Fasadis) done in the name of Islam…. Abbas Ather: Imran Khan, Hamid Gul, Qazi Hussain Ahmed, Ansar Abbasi, Irfan Siddiqi, Kashif Abbasi, and Hamid Mir say: Terrorist activities against innocent Pakistanis are a reaction against the US policies. Shame on terrorists and their supporters.

War on terror & India’s stake: By Kuldip Nayar THE burning of Islamabad’s Marriott hotel that Indian channels showed at length is still etched in the memory of horrified people. They are worried about Pakistan. Even the hawks do not conceal their anxiety. The intelligentsia’s

Is it America’s war our our war? The colour between black and white: Ayaz Amir: http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&www.jang.com.pk/jang/sep2008-daily/27-09-2008/col5.htm

Tehreek-e-Taliban, a gang of anti-Pakistan criminals and mercenaries – Muhammad Amir Khakwani: (Muhammad Amir Khakwani, Express)

So, let us pull out of the war on terror. What is the alternative?: Digesting the Marriott blast Some facts about the Marriott Hotel blast are coming out gradually as the scene of destruction is carefully examined and videos from the security cameras are scrutinised. More and more people are put off by

Liar, Taliban supporter, Ansar Abbasi must be tried in an anti-terrorism court because of his lies in the Marriott Hotel Attack Report – Mumtaz Gilani: MNA threatens to sue journalist Tuesday, September 23, 2008 ISLAMABAD: Mumtaz Alam Gillani, member national assembly (PPP) on Monday strongly contradicted a news item appearing in a section of the press on September 21 that he was witness to

Doublecross: Musharraf and Pakistan Army’s ambiguous stance toward Al-Qaeda and Taliban-: According to the US-based Pew Research Centre’s Global Attitudes Project, the number of Muslims globally supporting suicide attacks and Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden has fallen sharply in the past six years. But the think tank still has

Pro-Taliban journalist Ansar Abbasi with his usual venom again…: Notorious pro-Taliban journalist of the Jang Group (The News), Ansar Abbasi “reveals” that the terrorist attack on Islamabad Marriot was “in fact” targeted on US Marines, who were on a secret mission and had shifted a truckload of steel

Democracy haters / enemies of Pakistan want to create a split between PPP and Pakistan Army: The PPP and the Army The ruling PPP and the Pakistan Army seem to be in sync even as the Americans seem to be speaking with many tongues over policy in the war against terrorism. Prime Minister Yousaf Raza

Islamabad Marriott Hotel bomb blast 20 September – Appeal: Show No Mercy to Terrorists and Their Supporters: Islamabad Marriott Hotel bomb blast 20 September Appeal: Show No Mercy to Terrorists and Their Supporters To: The President of Pakistan The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Chief of Army Staff Chief Justice of Pakistan In the light of the

Hamid Gul and his jihadi agenda… Abbas Ather: To General Hamid Gul and other Jihad maniacs (jangi junooni) – By Abbas Ather Abbas Ather (16 September)