This is not possible to stop them because there’s God’s money behind it; Saudi Arabia’s money. The very money which muslims all around the world go and spend in Saudi Arabia during Hajj and Omra. Every muslim’s money’s behind it including Shia’a themselves’. If you want to stop it, buoy cot from going to Haj. God is great any ways, he can forgive that. He understands that you are going to do this for good and to stop this blood bath in you country.
This is not possible to stop them because there’s God’s money behind it; Saudi Arabia’s money. The very money which muslims all around the world go and spend in Saudi Arabia during Hajj and Omra. Every muslim’s money’s behind it including Shia’a themselves’. If you want to stop it, buoy cot from going to Haj. God is great any ways, he can forgive that. He understands that you are going to do this for good and to stop this blood bath in you country.
u r write bro govt ko is k khilaf iqaam krna hoga aghr pakistan ko mehfoz bnan hai to
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