Viewpoint Archive

The fall of Dhaka: a personal narrative – by Hassan N. Gardezi: December 16, 1971 was a gray and chilly winter day in Canada. We had just turned of the TV after watching the ritual of Gen. (Tiger) Niazi surrendering East Pakistan to an Indian commander displayed on the evening news

Viewpoint Interview: Undemocratic change will not be progressive: Farooq Tariq: Presently the spokesperson of Labour Party Pakistan, Farooq Tariq has long history of struggle against class-based society and fundamentalism. From opposing Ayub Khan’s military dictatorship to struggle for workers and peasants’ rights, he has stood against military dictators and

Viewpoint Interview with Wajahat Masood: Mullah-military nexus has subverted public opinion: Al-Qaeda, Taliban, jihadis, sectarian groups, and so-called parliamentary Islamic groups have a global agenda and as such are natural allies. Pakistan’s religious/missionary parties and the Taliban constitute “an archipelago of evil”, says Wajahat Massod. Presently working as Editor Coordination

Pakistan not a safe heaven for Anti Taliban – by Farhat taj: The doctrine of strategic depth means Pakistan is not a safe haven for Pakhtuns opposing Taliban or Talibanization either with arms or musical instruments. The ordeal of the late Kamal Mahsud, a well-known singer from Waziristan, and his family is

Viewpoint Interview with Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa: Military’s predation is an institutional feature’, Ayesha Siddiqa. A dissident’s job is always fraught with dangers. In case of Pakistan, the risks involved in criticizing all-powerful Khakis and their proxy Taliban hardly need an elucidation. Still, dissident voices keep

Poets and Hawks: On Pak India War Hysteria by Farooq Sulehria: Once again Pak India peace dialogue is underway, this time between the foreign ministers. Too much is posted and published on the various aspects of Paki India relations, basic issues, Kashmir conflicts, the newly hyped water conflict etc etc.