Syed Adeeb Archive

Internet Crime Alert: The IP trail of Dr Shahid Qureshi (aka Earthman International Professor) of The London Post: Update: Watch this man: Part 1 of this post Dr Shahid Qureshi aka International Professor is a dangerous man. He is a secret member of the Hizbut-Tahrir (writers’ cell of the Al-Qaeda), an affiliate of the Sipah-e-Sahaba and Taliban,

Critical article on ‘Let us build Pakistan’ – by Syed Adeeb: Syed Adeeb’s (based in Virginia, USA) picture from facebook Source: Journalist Hamid Mir Says PPP Envoy Husain Haqqani Planted Fake Audio- Clip To Defame Him “PPP megalomaniacal propagandist Fauzia Wahab once pointed out that PPP Co-Chairman Asif Ali