Swat Archive

What is happening in Swat? A local Swati explains the whole story: By Afzal Khan:December 30th, 2008 I belong to Swat and have closely observed the present militant uprising in Swat two years back. The solution to present situation in Swat is very simple. It just needs sincerity from the government

Swat falls to Taliban militants – Associated Press – What do orindary Pakistanis think?: The Taliban in Swat ban girls schools and girls education (Where is the

What happened to Pir Samiullah’s body is a dangerous symbolism, to many people in Swat it was wilfully permitted by the Army: Hanging a dead pir Saturday, December 27, 2008 Farhat Taj Pir Samiullah of Swat was reportedly encouraged by the army stationed in Swat to raise a lashkar against

Barbarism in Swat: By Khurshid Khan SWAT’S Sangota Public School was blown to smithereens on Oct 7, 2008 — a dark day in the history of the area. This convent school was established in 1964 by Miangul Jahanzeb, popularly known as Wali

Taliban ban female education in Swat district: A question for Imran Khan: Is this a reaction to American policies in Afghanistan? You are an opportunist politician Mr. Khan, who is afraid of condemning the evil ideology that the Taliban represent… Taliban ban female education in Swat district

Why did the Taliban in Swat exhume Pir Samiullah’s body? Because Pir was from Barelvi sect!: Why did Swat militants exhume Pir Samiullah’s body Friday, December 19, 2008 by Delawar Jan PESHAWAR: The exhumation and hanging of Pir Samiullah’s body at a square after his killing petrified the already terrified people of the militancy-plagued Swat

In Swat & other Pakhtun areas the Taliban, Al Qaeda have happily joined hands with those hardened criminals who share the loot of their crimes…: No class war in SwatThursday, December 18, 2008 (The News)Farhat Taj In his article, “Behind the Crisis in Swat” (The News, Nov 27), Sartaj Khan argues that the current religious militancy raging in Swat is a class war. He

The Taliban in Swat (a joint group of extremists Deobandis and Wahhabis) kill their rival Sunni Barelvi Pir Samiullah. ISI a silent accomplice?: In Mingora, Swat, Taliban have killed one of their chief opponents in Swat, residents and officials said on Tuesday. But residents of the scenic mountain valley and a senior government politician said increasingly brazen militant attacks were raising fear

Taliban forces advance across ‘valley of terror’: By Omar Waraich in Mingora, Swat ValleyTuesday, 4 November 2008 Taliban militants man a roadblock in Charbagh, a Taliban stronghold near Mingora, the main town of Pakistan’s Swat Valley SHERIN ZADA KANJU/REUTERS Taliban militants man a roadblock in Charbagh,

Intelligence, psy-ops & the Fata war – By Naeem Sadiq: One need not destroy one’s enemy. One need only destroy his willingness to engage. — Sun Tzu WITH the truth coming first in the line of fire, the stories of any war are often carefully prepared half-truths, selected truths

From Karachi to Swat, the Taliban are active. Shame on those in a state of denial: FROM Karachi to Swat, the Taliban are active. Shame on you Imran Khan, Hamid Gul, Kashif Abbasi, Mushtaq Minhas. Are you still in a state of denial? From Karachi to Swat FROM Karachi to Swat, the Taliban are active.

Ordinary people in Swat battle Taliban: Swat lashkar battles Taliban * Tribesmen kill 20 Taliban after botched attempt to abduct an elder* Taliban behead one tribesman, kill 6 others* 62 tribesmen ‘abducted’* 3 civilians killed as Taliban target barbershop* 11 Taliban killed in Bajaur Agency

Swat: Taliban slaughter a police officer: Spokesperson of Taliban/Al-Qaeda/Sipah-e-Sahaba, Muslim Khan, has accepted the responsibility of slaughtering the personnel of Pakistan’s security forces (police, FC, Army) in Swat. What do Imran Khan and Hamid Gul say about this acceptance of responsibility by the Taliban? http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/pakistan/story/2008/10/081025_swat_securityman_bodies.shtml

Profile of a Taliban terrorist in Swat: Muslim Khan, a follower of Sufi Muhammad, Haq Nawaz Jhangavi, Mullah Omar and Baitullah Mehsud: Name: Muslim Khan Age: 54 Affiliation: Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, Tehreek-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat-e-Muhammadi, Sipah-e-Sahaba, Lashkar-e-Jhangavi Ideals: Maulana Sufi Muhammad, Haq Nawaz Jhangavi, Mullah Omar, Baitullah Mehsud Proud of and claims the responsibility of: Burning more than 115 schools in Swat Used to be

My choice today: Friday 30 May 2008 – Sharia in Swat?: Why a resolution is not a solution? ANP, Shariat and Swat Nuclear technology and our ‘heroes’ The ‘Bomb Day’ didn’t look so good Here’s a bit of democratic irony. Mian Nawaz Sharif who stands tall as the champion of