Rubina Saigol Archive

State and ethnic conflict in Pakistan – by Dr Rubina Saigol: State and ethnic conflict Monday, September 28, 2009 Dr Rubina SaigolThe writer is an independent researcher specialising in social development In a highly centralised and authoritarian state, the rights of the federating units tend to be undermined. The issue

Rubina Saigol: Some myths vs facts about fundamentalism in Pakistan: Myths vs facts about fundamentalism Part I Saturday, February 21, 2009 by Rubina Saigol Religious fundamentalist movements of all shades and hues have gripped large parts of the world and have posed a threat to the prevalent political, economic

In defence of a secular state: Thursday, December 18, 2008Dr Rubina Saigol The mere mention of the word ‘secular’ immediately creates anxiety in the minds of many and defensive reactions are induced from the self-proclaimed defenders of Pakistan’s ideology and foundational theories. The knee-jerk reaction