Remittances Archive

Transparency International Pakistan’s mindlessness – targeting remittances: Pakistan is a country that refuses to fail despite of all the efforts of those who can’t see it perform, albeit with hiccups. In last few years, Transparency International Pakistan has become a nuisance in connivance with Jang Group

Change of focus: Shunning the security paradigm for development – by Ali Wahab: Source: The Express Tribune Published: June 6, 2011 The last few weeks have been disappointing as well as hysteric for a majority of Pakistanis. Disappointing because a high value target was found and killed in Pakistan and hysteric

Differentiating between Propaganda and Facts II – Remittances touch USD 6.96 billion, up 20%: If one reads the newspapers, watches the news, listens to our right wing media anchors and follows the proceedings in the courts, it seems that Pakistan is sliding on fast pacing downhill slope. On the other hand, there is

How remittances can aid development – by Ali Wahab: Express Tribune, 1st November 2010 Remittances sent by expatriates have traditionally played a key role in the development of economies back home. India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Indonesia rely heavily on workers’ remittances and so does Pakistan.