Psychological Warfare (PSYOP) Archive

Counter psychological warfare policy? – by Shiraz Paracha: Reportedly four to five people attacked the residency building in Ziarat, Baluchistan. The number of militants and suicidal bombers is small. Out of nearly 200 million residents of Pakistan suicidal bombers and militants could be no more than a

Pakistan, theatre of U.S energy war–by Shiraz Paracha: As the theatre of the U.S initiated war moves to Pakistan the Pakistani military feels cornered and its commanders are looking for internal unity and reaching out to new and old foreign friends. Interestingly, perhaps for the first time,

Trust: Military’s biggest challenge—by Shiraz Paracha: The incompetency and dual standards of the some in the Pakistan Armed Forces have shattered the myth of the military might and its manufactured moral superiority. A disaster after disaster has put the military and it’s Chief General Ashfaq Pervez

The BBC World Service: A mouthpiece of the British establishment – By Shiraz Paracha: On 24 September 2010, the BBC World Service television broadcast an interview with the US President Barack Hussein Obama in which the U.S. leader trashed the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for his comments at the UN General Assembly the