National Anthem Archive

Asif Sinan’s unique interpretation of national anthem: Asif Sinan’s unique interpretation of Pakistan’s National Anthem. Performed in purely eastern classical style but on a modern instrument, this version of the anthem is haunting, melodic and reinforces our feeling of love and patriotism for this beautiful country

Jagan Nath Azad did not write Pakistan’s first national anthem – by Dr Safdar Mehmood: On 14 April 2010, LUBP posted an article titled “Pakistan’s first ‘tarana’, by Jagannath Azad” cross-posted from Beena Sarwar’s blog. Other blogs too including All Things Pakistan have written on this topic. In today’s Jang (6 June 2010), Dr

Pakistan’s first ‘tarana’ by Jagan Nath Azad: Related post: Jagan Nath Azad did not write Pakistan’s first national anthem – by Dr Safdar Mehmood Cross Posted from Beena Sarwar’s Blog Complete version of the tarana by the Lahore-based poet Jagan Nath Azad, who was asked by