Misaq-e-Pakistan Archive

Meesaq-e-Pakistan: PML-N’s olive branch to PPP -by Muhammad Akram: Related Article: Arshad Mahmood’s column on Nawaz Sharif’s Meesaq-e-Pakistan and Mubarik Haider’s response Nawaz Sharif now wants a “Meesaq-e-Pakistan” PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif’s proposal for 10 years political accord with the name of Misaq-e-Pakistan is an olive branch to the

Arshad Mahmood’s column on Nawaz Sharif’s Meesaq-e-Pakistan and Mubarik Haider’s response: Mubarik Haider’s Response: I wish to appreciate the conciliatory stance taken by Mr. Waseem Altaf. Even worthier is his emphasis on evidential logic and on the need for intellectually honest discourse. Let me add another emphasis: correction of concepts

Nawaz Sharif’s Misaq-e-Pakistan – by Imtiaz Alam: Mian Nawaz Sharif has been baffling both his fans and critics with his conduct as an opposition leader, which is quite untypical of a popular Pakistani leader aspiring to be at the top again. While acquiring such a political