Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Archive

Our salute to the martryrs of ANP in the war on terror – by Tanvir Qaiser Shahid: It is not only Taliban but also the so called Ulema (scholars), who have kept quiet on the atrocities of their fellow Mullah brethren, who are responsible

ANP needs support by all Pakistanis; They are fighting our war against Taliban….: TTP threatens to kill more ANP leaders * Baitullah aide claims responsibility for attack on ANP lawmaker Staff Report PESHAWAR: A close aide of Baitullah Mehsud and senior commander of the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) on Thursday claimed responsibility

Taliban killing laughter and music in Pakistan: * Displaced Pashtun comedian feels lucky to be alive, as others falling foul of Taliban morality squad have been killed instantly PESHAWAR: Pashtun comedian Alamzeb Mujahid had bad news for his fans after being freed by suspected Taliban who

Objectifying the Pakhtun: The false fantasy of "Operation Lion Heart"; the Taliban and the dubious role of Pakistan Army….: Objectifying the PakhtunWednesday, December 31, 2008Farhat Taj Some people on the editorial pages of The News have have fantasies in which they objectify the Pakhtun. It is as if the Pakhtuns do not human needs, constraints and concerns but

Unchecked fanaticism in NWFP and the criminal silence of Pakistan’s religious parties: Unchecked fanaticism THAT, at least until the time of writing, there was no loss of life is perhaps the only redeeming feature of the Taliban’s attack on three schools in Peshawar on Monday. There were no casualties because there

The issue of ‘Greater Pakhtunistan’ and trading of allegations between the JUI-F and the ANP – By Hamid Mir: The recent emergence of the issue of ‘Greater Pakhtunistan’ and trading of allegations between the JUI-F and the ANP should be a matter of serious concern for all patriot Pakistanis who would like democracy to succeed in Pakistan. In

Son of the soil, great Pakistani leader Asfandyar Wali Khan, and the supporters of terrorists in Pakistani media e.g. Mushtaq Minhas: While the terrorists of Taliban/Al-Qaeda/Sipah-e-Sahaba are actively involved in acts of terror in various areas in Pakistan, their supporters in politics and media are busy in dirty disinformation campaign against those great sons and daughters of Pakistan who are

Militants in the tribal areas of the NWFP have established firm networking (with jihadi groups) in southern Punjab: An unknown terrorist outfit calling itself Fidayeen-e Islam has telephoned the Dubai-based Al Arabiya TV office in Islamabad to claim responsibility for the attack on the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad on Saturday. The phone call was made from within