Kalabagh Dam Archive

Filling in the Dots: Why PILDAT is reviving Kalabagh debate – by Aziz Narejo: Kalabagh Dam is a very bad idea indeed. If ONLY for the reason that 3 out of 4 federating units of this blessed country have rejected it. I am familiar enough with the Mardan-Nowshera-Charsadda area well enough to know that when

Siyaah Pattiyaan – by Ammar Kazmi: Ammar Kazmi is a good writer and always writes issue based articles…

Between Kalabagh and a hard place – by Shehrbano Taseer: The politicization of the August 2010 floods in Pakistan leaves a bad taste in one’s mouth. More disturbing than seeing the witch-hunt carried out by hysterical journalists has been watching some politicians capitalize on the crisis to score cheap

Relief work and politics – by Dr Hasan-Askari Rizvi: Pakistan has been experiencing devastating floods for the last three weeks. In a week’s time the water will start falling into the Arabian Sea, which will be the beginning of the end of the floods. However, the devastation and

Open Letter to Prime Minister of Pakistan on Kalabagh Dam – by Marvi Memon: Published on Marvi Memon’s website In the present budget session we have been witness to very unfortunate exchange of allegations on KBD. None of the speeches have been able to respond to the Technical Committee and Parliamentary Committee report

My choice: 3 June 2008 – Why is Kalabagh Dam so controversial?: Kalabagh dam A lot of people are not even aware why the Kalabagh dam is so controversial. According to international water distribution law, the tail-ender has a legal and natural right on river and that is why no mega

My choice today: Wed 28 May 2008: PPP and PML-N governments: Time for action 28 May- Nawaz Sharif and Bhutto Goodbye, Kalabagh Dam! The Federal Water and Power Minister, Raja Pervez Ashraf, has finally said what most governments in the past were unwilling to utter. On Monday