ilyas kashmiri Archive

The chicken has come home to roost – by Riyaz Wani: Hero’s welcome Mast Gul and Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan chief the late Qazi Hussain Ahmad at a rally in Rawalpindi after the former escaped the siege in 1995, Photo: AFP For two months through the winter of 1995, the army

Radicals in ranks -by Abdullah Malik: Takes a look at incidents of support for terrorists from within the armed forces and police Despite Gen Zia’s Islamisation, the promotion of piety in the barracks, and the support for puritanical movements that were allowed to organise sermons,

Pakistan’s competing jihadists – by Praveen Swami: First published in The Hindu “My sister, this should explain much,” begins London-raised Dhiren Bharot’s 1999 chronicle of his life as a jihadist: “cross the line,” he urged her. Bharot’s The Army of Madinah lashed out at the jihad