Gulmina Bilal Archive

Relevant question —Gulmina Bilal Ahmad: There are those who believe that Pakistan was envisioned as an Islamic theocracy. If one subscribes to this view, then we have actually become quite a successful state The art of intellect, I have been told, is not just

The whole, not the part —by Gulmina Bilal Ahmad: Gone are the days when we could afford to be irresponsible. Irresponsibility is a luxury that we do not have any more and the sooner our social and political leadership understands this, the better. For the past week I

Recognising Taliban narratives — by Gulmina Bilal Ahmad: The Taliban are very intelligently shaping the narrative and we are falling in line, so to speak. What is a Punjabi Taliban? Or for that matter a Pakhtun one? It is being turned into an ethnic fight based on

Rehabilitation of the Taliban: Differentiate between the branch and the root — by Gulmina Bilal Ahmad: Roots Branches Young children were kidnapped by the Taliban and then made to serve as suicide bombers. These young men, and in the latter part of the battle young women, became cannon fodder for the Taliban’s heinous designs. They

In Asfandyar Wali Khan’s defence: by Gulmina Bilal Asfandyar Wali Khan has fled the country. Or so people will have you believe. In recent days, friends and family have bombarded me with questions and snide remarks about his whereabouts. Some have found this to