FBR Archive

CJ’s next frontier: Sir who can we turn to if not you?: I try my best not to read The News, as it is an anti government, pro-PML-N, pro-military and pro-CJ newspaper. Whenever I do, there is one reason or the other to write something about it. In The News, of

Pakistan sinking in a sea of debt – by Shaukat Masood Zafar: During the previous couple of years, Pakistan’s economy is constantly falling into the debt trap, consisting of both domestic and foreign loans, causing financial hardship, joblessness, decrease in personal income and high cost of living for a common man,

Sharifs plea against tax evasion notices admitted: Originally Published at THENEWS Saturday, March 27, 2010 By The News Correspondent LAHORE A TWO-member bench of the Supreme Court on Friday admitted for regular hearing the petitions of the Sharif family, challenging notices of the Federal Board of