Dehshat Nigar Archive

Pakistani Taliban Union of Journalists (PTUJ) – by Abdul Nishapuri: Association’s name: Pakistani Taliban Union of Journalists (PTUJ) Aliases: Friends of Taliban, Mullah Media Alliance, Dehshat

Two opposite perspectives on drone attacks and Baitullah Mehsud: Irfan Siddiqui (a pro-Taliban journalist) and Latif Chaudhry (a pro-democracy journalist) offer two opposite perspecitves on the US drone attacks on the Taliban/Al Qaeda hideouts. These two articles are followed by an analysis by Saleem Safi

Baitullah Mehsud’s death, Rehman Malik and pro-Taliban journalists….: Question: Why is the pro-Taliban lobby of Pakistani jouranlists so much critical of Pakistan’s Interior Minister Rehman Malik? Why are Ansar Abbasi, Shahid Masood, Irfan Siddiqi, Orya Mqbool Jan and other pro-Taliban journlaists (Dehshat Nigar) very sad for the

Beware the machinations of the establishment, Prime Minister Gilani.: What the devil…? By Kamran Shafi Tuesday, 28 Jul, 2009 (Dawn) As for Mr Gilani, whose heart seems to be in the right place, one day he says ‘enough is enough’ as if he were about to look President

Zardari says: "Journalists are biggest terrorists." We say: "Indeed, we must name and shame pro-Taliban yellow journalists…": While Zardari did not call journalists as terrorists (as confirmed by Farhatullah Babar and Sherry Rehman), he must name and shame certain yellow journalists who support Taliban

What is the USA? (Ansar Abbasi = Dalair Singh must read this column by Nazir Naji): Ansar Abbasi (Dalair Singh) and all other pseduo-intellectuals, media faces of Taliban, champions of yellow journalism, and drawing room politicians, who would like Pakistan to confront the USA and the

Intellectual terrorists (Dehshat Nigar) – This column criticises the supporters of Taliban & Sipah-e-Sahaba e.g. Ansar Abbasi, Mushtaq Minhas etc: Dehshat Gard and Dehshat Nigar By Asadullah Ghalib (Express) Perhaps, this column is also a criticism on Aftab Iqbal for his unwarranted anti-India

War on terror is Pakistan’s own war —Ijaz Hussain: Is this our war? —Ijaz Hussain The mere ownership of the war by the government is not enough to fight it effectively. It is imperative that the people own it too Ever since Pakistan joined the US-led war on

Rauf Klasra exposes the Taliban loving journalists in Pakistan…: Ansar Abbasi, Kashif Abbasi, Hamid Mir, and other Taliban lovers will be the first ones to migrate to the USA and the UK if Taliban takeover Islamabad

The PPP haters and their blinkers – by Dr Babar Awan: Ansar Abbasi, Irfan Siddiqi, other PPP haters and their ‘Khopay’ (blinkers) – Disinformation cell against democracy in Pakistan – By Dr. Babar Awan

Admit it: this is Pakistan’s war: Twelve hours after the blasting of the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad, the flames had still not been doused. The medium-sized Shehzore truck, packed with 600 kg of RDX explosives, drove up to the hotel barrier and exploded, setting the