Canadian Muslims Archive

Canada Terror plot and the doctrine of armed Jihad – by Tarek Fatah and Salma Siddiqui: “Jihad is as much a primary duty as are daily prayers or fasting. One who avoids it is a sinner. His every claim to being a Muslim is doubtful. He is plainly a hypocrite who fails in the test

Threat over Ground Zero mosque-By Brian Lilley: She spoke out against the Ground Zero mosque, now a Canadian Muslim woman says she is being threatened. Raheel Raza, a founding member of the Muslim Canadian Congress, calls the idea of a mosque within 300 metres of Ground

Aqsa Pervez : Who will speak for the Daughter of Pakistan?: The report by Natasha Fatah of the CBC is an eye opener for Canadians, Pakistanis and for everyone in general. It highlights the deleterous effects of excessive poliitcal correctness to the point where few, if any, are questioning the