ali ahmed kurd Archive

Justice or revenge? – by Realistic Voice: After four years of day and night struggle, honorable Chief Justice and his puppets (clapping hands) have succeeded to hunt the elected Government. At this very inappropriate time when the whole world is focusing on the issues of NATO

Azaad adliya ka virsa: آزاد عدلیہ کا ورثہ پاکستان کی تاریخ کے سب سے بڑے عدالتی بحران کا آغاز اس وقت ہوا تھاجب سابق چیف آف آرمی سٹاف جنرل پرویز مشرف نے وردی میں چیف جسٹس آف پاکستان کو اپنے کیمپ آفس میں

Ali Ahmed Kurd’s opinion on judiciary vs parliament: ملکوںاور تہذیبوں کی تاریخ انسانوں کی تاریخ ہوتی ہے۔ مگر پاکستان کی تاریخ قائداعظم سے لے کر اب جمہوری بحرانوں کی تاریخ ہے۔ جنرل ایوب خان سے جنرل یحیی سے جنرل ضیا الحق اورجنرل مشرف تک، بحرانوں کی بڑی

Aitzaz and Kurd to tighten ISI-backed Chief Justice’s screws: Good going, PPP!: Recently we had suggested that instead of a suicidal confrontation with army, the elected government should tighten the ISI-backed judges’ screws via the parliament and intermediaries (e.g. leaders of the ISI-backed lawyers movement Aitzaz Ahsan, Ali Ahmed Kurd etc).

Leading lawyers demand Justice Khawaja Sharif’s resignation: The conflict between lawyers and judges continues. After the violent agitations in Lahore, no solution has been come up with to reconcile the disputed matters. In recent development more than 1300 lower court judges across Punjab have submitted resignations

Leaders of lawyers’ movement oppose the strike call by Qazi Mohammad Anwar: Aitzaz Ahsan termed the decision for a strike premature, warning that it would divide the lawyers’ community. He said the decision had been taken in spite of PM Gilani’s assurance that the NRO judgment would be implemented.

Ali Ahmed Kurd’s description of the likes of Iftikhar Chaudhry & Khawaja Sharif: Analysis by Abdul Nishapuri – from another thread: In Hamid Mir’s talkshow, Capital Talk, on 22 December 2009, Ali Ahmad Kurd expressed three key reservations about the current Supreme Court and the Chief Justice of Pakistan: 1. CJP and

Judiciary in Pakistan: A movement wasted: A movement wasted By Kunwar Idris Sunday, 04 Oct, 2009 (Dawn) Mysteriously silent is Aitzaz Ahsan, who led processions from one end of the country to the other swaying the lawyers with the

Restored judiciary brought no change: Kurd: Restored judiciary brought no change: Kurd Saturday, September 26, 2009By By Sohail Khan ISLAMABAD: Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) President Ali Ahmad Kurd on Friday said that the restored judiciary had brought no changes in the institution that ultimately

Kurd sees no change after restoration of deposed judges: Kurd sees no change after restoration of deposed judges ISLAMABAD: Nothing has changed since the restoration of the deposed judiciary, Supreme Court Bar Association President Ali Ahmad Kurd said on Monday. Addressing a ceremony held at the Supreme Court

Aitzaz Ahsan explains his decisions: Association with the PPP; the pace of the Lawyers’ Movement; the Long March Dharna, and the war in FATA…: Aitzaz Ahsan explains his decisions in his email to Samad Khurram: Association with the PPP; the pace of the Lawyers’ Movement; The Long March Dharna, and the war in FATA… Dated: September 18th 2008. To: Samad Khurram, Harvard. My

A tumultuous year – by Aitzaz Ahsan: Saturday, November 01, 2008 I waited for the results of the Kurd election with some trepidation. The government and the judges had put in their most fervent efforts against him. And it would not only be a mandate for

Ali Ahmed Kurd, the SCBA elections, some perspectives… by Abbas Ather and other analysts: The Vote Count In the 2007 SCBA elections, the candidate opposing Aitzaz Ashan secured only 175 votes. In the 2008

What kind of reservations Asif Zardari might have about Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry…: What kind of reservations Asif Zardari might have about Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry…. Here is a perspective by Abbas Ather