Monthly Archive:: November 2008

Intelligence, psy-ops & the Fata war – By Naeem Sadiq: One need not destroy one’s enemy. One need only destroy his willingness to engage. — Sun Tzu WITH the truth coming first in the line of fire, the stories of any war are often carefully prepared half-truths, selected truths

Cannibalising the PMLQ: Just as the nation was trying to concentrate its mind on the financial crisis and the Balochistan earthquake, party politics has descended to its murkiest, with “forward bloc” rumours springing thick and fast in Islamabad and Lahore. In a

Why is there no chance of Iftikhar Chaudhry’s restoration. Abbas Ather: A tragic truth: Qazi Hussain Ahmed, Imran Khan etc have politicized the Chief Justice issues. No chance of Iftikhar’s Chaudhry’s restoration. By Abbas Ather

Why is there little chance of Iftikhar Chaudhry’s restoration – by Abbas Ather: A tragic truth: Qazi Hussain Ahmed, Imran Khan etc have politicized the Chief Justice issues. No chance of Iftikhar’s Chaudhry’s restoration. By Abbas Ather

Pakistan: The FSc versus A-Level Debate: This site has moved to, click this link if you are not redirected

The FSc versus A-Level Debate in Pakistan: A-level students admission in medical colleges Only 53 students get admission in medical colleges Lahore, Oct 08: The number of A-level students who may get admission in medical college this year is expected to be too small as compared

Pakistan needs good bureaucrats like this one….: The Jhang modelSaturday, November 01, 2008 The extraordinary feats achieved by a mid-level government official, who served for some years as the DCO Jhang, have not received sufficient notice. The innovative bureaucrat, who has now rather tragically quit government

A tumultuous year – by Aitzaz Ahsan: Saturday, November 01, 2008 I waited for the results of the Kurd election with some trepidation. The government and the judges had put in their most fervent efforts against him. And it would not only be a mandate for

Jirga to nowhere – by Rahimullah Yusufzai: Saturday, November 01, 2008 It was obvious from the beginning that the Pak-Afghan Joint Peace Jirga, which held its inaugural session with much fanfare in August 2007 in Kabul and its much-delayed sequel recently in Islamabad on October 27-28,