Top deobandi clerics on Saudi payroll meet with wanted Al Qaeda and banned organizations

Fazlul Khalil (Al Queda) and Lidhanvi (Sipah Sahaba ASWJ-LEJ) with Munnaver Hassan of Jamaat e Islami
Munnaver Hassan head of the Jamaat e Islami is hobnobbing with wanted Al Qaeda and head of banned terrorist organization Sipah e Sahaba. Recently Munnaver Hassan declared the most wanted criminal in Pakistani history Hakimullah Mehsud a ‘shaheed’ or soldier of God.
Related posts:
Who are Takfiri Deobandis? – by Fahd Khan
In praise of Hazrat Yazid ibn Muawiya
Darul Uloom Deoband’s fatwa in support of Hazrat Yazid – by Abdur Rahim Kandhalvi
Mufti Taqi Usmani has sold Pakistani Deobandis to Nasibis and Takfiris
Rafi Usmani is together with his brother Taqi Usmani are arguably the most influential Deobandi clerics in Pakistan. Both brothers have been employees and consultants to major Saudi banks.Wikkileaks, the Guardian and other credible news organizations have proven beyond a shadow of doubt that Saudi Arabia funds terror networks in Pakistan.
Rafi and Taq Usmani’s banking connections and endearment to terrorist make them the ideal money brokers for terrorism.
Yazidi and Yazidiat…Murdabad….