Pakistan’s commercial (Ashrafi) liberals condole over the death of globally designated terrorist Malik Ishaq Deobandi
Pakistan’s commercial, elitist or Ashrafi liberals condole over the death of globally designated terrorist Malik Ishaq Deobandi. They might have felt better if US Navy seals had done the job like they did with Osama bin Laden.
Many of Pakistan’s commercial liberals (friends of Deobandi hate cleric Tahir Ahsrafi) are deeply distressed that Malik Ishaq – leader of an ISIS-affiliated Deobandi terrorist group ASWJ was eliminated yesterday. As is often the case, some of them took to social media while others vented on private media channels and local blogs.
To understand the depth of sorrow felt by commercial liberals on the death of Malik Ishaq, even ASWJ-LeJ did not protest their own vice president’s death as much as Ashrafi liberals did!
ASWJ unlikely to protest Ishaq’s killing – DAWN
This is Pakistan’s Sufyani liberal Queen, Meena BarBar, obliquely expressing her grief over Malik Ishaq getting whacked:
As per Beena, Malik Ishaq Deobandi was killed “extra judicially” – clearly an outrage! After all, Malik Ishaq is the only one who has the right to judicial process and therefore by default, his 100+ victims have no such rights.
Neither do the tens of thousands of Sunni, Shia, Christian and Ahmadi victims who have been killed by Malik Ishaq’s ASWJ-LeJ. What Meena leaves out is that Malik Ishaq joked around with the judicial process for nearly two decades. During this time, the sympathetic courts dragged their feet in cases against Malik Ishaq; thereby allowing ASWJ-LeJ to eliminate and coerce the eye witnesses and suppress all the evidence. After two decades, the Supreme Court overturned even the standing convictions against Malik Ishaq, stood up to applaud his genocidal confessions and fed him tea and biscuits from their own expense accounts. Meena and her commercial liberals had been great supportors of these PCO courts and had marched in favour of the same PCO judges.
When former DG ISI and COAS, Gen Kyoon Nahi, flush with funds from Pakistani-Saudi-Turkish trillionaire Amir ul Tajireen Haq Nawaz Sharif ordered commercial liberals like Meena to march for PCO Judge Iftikhar Chaudhary, they promptly obeyed. That was the story of the Liar’s Movement.
After Meena’s grief tweet over Malik Ishaq’s death, some uppity people had the temerity to challenge her defense and condolences for Malik Ishaq. She responded with
For Meena, any critical feedback against her or her minions is unacceptable. On the other hand, her minions abusing the icons, of a faith community facing genocide, is totally cool!
Jabra Sansar is another budding commercial liberal bred in the test tubes of Meena’s school of omissions, the Sethi school of obfuscations and Sherry Fashionista school of selective outrage and celebrity activism. He was parroting the same sympathy for Malik Ishaq as his mentor Meena.
Jabra is still early in his career and needs your NGO funding to travel to the United States and mislead audiences on the issues facing Pakistan.
Interestingly, Orya Maqbool Jan is on the same page as Pakistan’s commercial/Ashrafi liberals! He agrees with the Meenas and Jabras on the “extra judicialness” of Malik Ishaq’s death. Source
Farig Kamal in his interview to Bourgeoisie-elitest-Khoka-with-awami-pretensions was really upset that the Pakistani State had eliminated a dangerous terrorist. He barely, if at all, touched upon the role of Malik Ishaq’s mass murder against Shias – because really, like other Deobandi-leaning commercial liberals, he is least bothered with unfashionable topics like Shia Genocide. No, Farig Kamal was doing his best to come up with the contradictory argument that the State finally summoning the will to eliminate a genocidal hatemongering globally-designated terrorist is actually the sign that the State has become weaker!
Another contradictory claim by Farig Kamal was that the Deobandi terrorists of ASWJ-LeJ were not towing the ISIS/ISIL line – another nonsensical guess that is contradicted by the facts. Just recently, an ISIS-affiliated Deobandi terror cell of ASWJ-LeJ has been busted in Karachi for the Safoora Goth Massacre as well as other massacres of Shias, Sunnis, academics and activists – including Sabeen Mahmud. This cell was comprised of highly educated Deobandi terrorists who even worked on translating and distributing the hate speeches of Haq Nawaz Jhangvi – founder of ASWJ-LeJ during General Zia ul Haq’s time when it was known as Sipah e Sahaba. This cell even left ISIS pamphlets along with other evidence at and near the scene of the crime!
He also played around with the typical semantics that the Deobandis are “anti establishment” while the Salafis are more “pro establishment”. For the record, Farig Jamal’s recent struggle is to prove that Sunni (Barelvi) and Shias are equal if not more dangerous terrorists – even if they are the largest victims of terrorism in Pakistan. He has tried valiantly to grossly exaggerate the role of the Sunni Barelvis in extremism while also subtly blaming Sunni Barelvis for Deobandi crimes – such as the kidnapping of Shahbaz Taseer.
For the record, Deobandis also control close to 85% of all mosques and madrasses in Pakistan and constitute more than 90% of terrorists in Pakistan and receive close to 100% of most Gulf financing to foster extremism. But Farig Jamal, like his other Ashrafi/commercial liberals is least bothered with actual facts and inconvenient fundamentals such as maths.
The most damaging thing to the Sufyani “liberal” agenda in Pakistan was not just the death of Malik Ishaq; it was also the exposure of their favourite whiskey Mullah, the anti-Ahmadi, anti-Shia, anti-Sunni and anti-Christian “progressive” Tahir Ashrafi.
Tahir Ashrafi and Malik Ishaq are the Bonny and Clyde of Deobandi terrorism. Just a more uglier, weightier, malignant and vicious version of Bonny and Clyde. If you are thinking Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid – think Bar-Yazeed Cassidy and the Sufyani Kid.
Tahir Ashrafi is the man responsible for striking a deal with the former COAS, General Kiyani to release Malik Ishaq. Its not a secret and Carlotta Gall’s book even details this deal on page 114. Everyone knows how Tahir Ashrafi incited the murder of Pakistan’s minority minister, Shahbaz Bhatti.
However, Tahir Ashrafi is also the favourite Mullah of Pakistan’s Deobandi-atheist, commercial liberals along with their spineless Uncle Tom Shia sellout flunkies. Just as Meena-Barbar lobby got into motion to protect the sanctity of other abusive, slanderous commercial liberals, Burbaad Karr-Do and his colleagues on DAWN news flung into action to protect the honour of hatemongering “progressive” Tahir Ashrafi.
بار بار ایک ہی سوال کیا جا رہا ہے کہ جب ملک اسحق کی ضمانت ہوئی تو جیل کے باہر میں کیوں تھا۔ تو سنو! ہمارا کام امن ، محبت ، رواداری کی بات کرنا ہے ۔ ہم نے اس وقت امن کی بات کی جب لاہور جیسے شہر میں ہمارے ستر سے زائد علماء اکابر کو نشانہ بنایا گیا۔ ملی یکجہتی کونسل کا بانی ممبر ہوں حکومت کی درخواست پر ملک اسحق کے پاس جیل گیا تھا کہ 14 سال بعد جیل سے باہر آ رہے ہو اپنی جدوجہد کو امن کی طرف لے جاو جس کے نتیجہ میں ملک اسحق نے لکھ کر دیا کہ وہ پاکستان کے قانون کے مطابق جدوجہد کرے گا۔ لیکن ایک سوال میرا بھی ہے کہ جب میں غلام رضا نقوی سے تین بار جیل میں ملا تو اس وقت یہ فتنہ پھیلانے والا ٹولہ کیوں خاموش تھا میں تو روز سب مذاہب اور مسالک کے قائدین کو ملتا ہوں۔ پاکستان میں محمد عربی صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم کا نظام ہماری منزل ہے اور امن کے بغیر یہ منزل حاصل نہیں ہو سکتی لہذا امن کے یے ہم سب سے ملتے ہیں اور ملتے رہیں گے کسی کو اس پر درد ہوتا ہے تو ہوتا رہے۔
Posted by Tahir Mahmood Ashrafi on Thursday, July 30, 2015
Very calmly, they let him get away with the most flimsiest of excuses and outright lies. As per Tahir Ashrafi, he holds Malik Ishaq in the same light as Ghulam Raza Naqvi. Unfortunately, claim is not substantiated with his vicious anti-Shia jibes and his death wishes for Ghulam Raza Naqvi and Hizbullah leader Hasan Nasrallah.
Tahir Ashrafi is allowed to get away with another half-truth that it was the Courts that actually freed Malik Ishaq. He is allowed to conveniently gloss over and omit his own role in negotiating the release of Malik Ishaq a few months before the court went over the formalities of releasing a self-confessed mass murderer.
The most glaring omission and lie that Burbaad Karr-Do and his colleague allow Tahir Ashrafi is the canard about Malik Ishaq talking about peace – something that is refuted by DAWN itself!
I suppose Malik Ishaq’s boast of mass murdering Shias and intentions (that were followed through) to murder more Shias is really not a matter of bother – or worst, Shia Genocide = Peace for Tahir Ashrafi and his promotors like Burbaad Karr-Do.

In his unchallenged interview, Zarrar Khuhro and his other spineless colleagues colleagues allow Tahir Ashrafi to get away with another lie with the claim of Malik Ishaq eschewing violence!!
Just a year ago, Burbaad Karr-Do made the laughable analogy of LUBP with Nazis, at that time he was desperately doing his best to deflect from Carlotta Gall’s investigative book, “The Wrong Enemy” No one takes these jokers like Burbaad seriously because like other LUBP bashers, they never actually reference anything (like our website link) to justify their silly accusations.
Gall’s book highlights the central role played by Tahir Ashrafi (refer to page 114 in the book; excerpt snapshot provided below) in getting Malik Ishaq’s released.
Burbaad Karr-Do and his spineless colleagues belong to the Sethi school of journalism – where you don’t ask any hard questions or follow up responses. Where lies and hate speech go unchallenged!And where the most important facts are brushed under the carpet and where cheap sophistry reigns supreme!
After all, wasn’t it the same Friday Times Blog which allowed Tahir Ashrafi’s other ASWJ-LeJ comrade to get away with the claim that the genocide-inciting slogan “Kafir, Kafir, ……….” is the same thing as “Roti, Kapra aur Makan”!
Even a madrassa student is likely to challenge the Imam more than these jokers like Burbaad Karr-Do; whose subservience to the lies and nonsense being spouted by Tahir Ashrafi is a disgrace to journalism.
If Burbaad Karr-do and Co. were serious journalists, why did not grill Tahir Ashrafi on
1. His central role in getting Malik Ishaq released
2. Ashrafi’s lie that Malik Ishaq was now “peaceful”
3. Ashrafi’s lies on treating Ghulam Raza Naqvi the same when in reality Tahir Ashrafi was ranting and wishing violence on Ghulam Raza Naqvi just today
4. Ashrafi’s central role in inciting the murder of Pakistan’s Christian Federal Minister, Shahbaz Bhatti
5. Ashrafi’s vicious anti-Ahmadi hate speech
6. Ashrafi’s repeated lies about how Hizbullah/Mehdi Army/ etc have killed over 7,000 Deobandi intellectuals, scientists and doctors in Pakistan
7. Ashrafi’s wild allegations in his drunken rampages on live TV
8. Ashrafi’s failed efforts to lie and drag Pakistan into Saudi Arabia’s current aggression against Yemen
Today the world can see Burbaad Karr-do sitting smug and quiet, and allowing another hate mongering Takfiri Deobandi cleric to get away with brazen lies. Now what was that quote about collaborating with Nazis, Zarrar?
comments from facebook
Yoosha Abul Hassan Gokal
Can we please leave Jibran Nasir out of this… ?
You don’t need to agree with all of his views but you cannot disrespect him. I have known him and seen him work. He is as sincere towards the cause as sincere gets. Cut him some slack and let him express his views without lashing out against him and using insulting labels for him.
Like · Reply · 2 · 11 hrs
Ali Rizvi
Yoosha Abul Hassan Gokal, I don’t know what is more offensive – Jibran’s insensitive comments about harping about the extra judicialness of the death of an unrepentant mass murderer or this post. Which post incidentally, does not even use his real name most of the time – except when it is using his direct quotes.
FYI, comparing SMP with LEJ; no mention of ASWJ. Now that is offensive. what about the disrespect to the victims of aswj when some people harp on about “extra judicial” what are they expecting.
again no disrespect intended, but Jibran Nasir is being less than truthful about Malik Ishaq’s conviction record. He was convicted. and then the Supreme court of Iftikhar chaudhary overturned the conviction. Does Jibran really expect us to believe in the judicial system just because be is invested in it as a lawyer! This judiciary has been proven to be partial to sipah sahaba. have you not read the links.
Please, no one is stopping Jibran from expressing his views. Just as no one should stop LUBP from publishing articles critical of these “liberals” you have right to disagree just as others have right to express their reservations with Jibran’s activism.
Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs · Edited
Ali Abbas Taj
“Burbaad Karr-Do and his spineless colleagues belong to the Sethi school of journalism – where you don’t ask any hard questions or follow up responses. Where lies and hate speech go unchallenged!And where the most important facts are brushed under the carpet and where cheap sophistry reigns supreme!
After all, wasn’t it the same Friday Times Blog which allowed Tahir Ashrafi’s other ASWJ-LeJ comrade to get away with the claim that the genocide-inciting slogan “Kafir, Kafir, ……….” is the same thing as “Roti, Kapra aur Makan”!
Even a madrassa student is likely to challenge the Imam more than these jokers like Burbaad Karr-Do; whose subservience to the lies and nonsense being spouted by Tahir Ashrafi is a disgrace to journalism.”
Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs
Ali Rizvi
Beena Sarwar, Jibran Nasir are now on the same page as Orya Maqbool Jan as far as Malik Ishaq is concerned. Both groups are using the same term “extra judicial” to protest the death of Malik Ishaq!
We were told that liberals and Jamaatis are opposites but increasingly it seems, they are on the same page these days!
Like · Reply · 2 · 10 hrs
Syed Hyder Ali Zaidi
شکر ہے یوشع صاحب نے بینا سرور کی وکالت نہیں کی۔ لگتا ہے صرف جبران ناصر سے دوستی ہے یوشع بھائی کی۔
Like · Reply · 8 hrs
Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji
Ali Abbas Taj shame on you for publishing this blunt post which is critical of the pearls of wisdom of Jibran Nasir and Orya Maqbool Jan. Malik Ishaq has united the Taliban apologists and commercial liberals yet again – they are now the two layers of a delicious Oreo cookie who have sandwiched the tasty cream that is the legacy of Malik Ishaq!
We will not stand for this criticism against Jibran Nasir and Orya Maqbool just as we will not stand for the disrespect against Caliph Yazeed Bin Muawiya or General Zia ul Haq Shaheed! Yoosha Abul Hassan Gokal Mohammed Askari Chandeux Aay Zee
Of course, the disrespect argument argument does not apply to Syedna Ali and Bibi Fatima and Jibran’s friends are free to disrespect them just as they are free to mock, abuse and slander the icons and practices of faith communities facing genocide at the hands of Judicially-protected folks like Malik Ishaq.
Double standards yaaayyyyyeeeehhh!!!
I agree with Jibran Nasir – that we should have waited for a few thousand more Shias to be killed by Malik Ishaq, Ghulam Rasool etc so that Jibran Nasir’s beloved Pro Taliban Supreme Court judges could have fed Malik Ishaq some more tea and biscuits. After all, whats more important – the pretence and farce of this Judiciary or the lives of a few thousand more Shias.
I stand with Jibran Nasir who is so concerned about how ASWJ-LeJ will make a martyr out of Malik Ishaq – seeing that they have already made martyrs out of Yazeed, Banu Ommayad, Banu Abbas, Saddam Hussain, Zarqawi, Osama Bin Laden, Baitullah Meshud, Lal Masjid etc etc
I agree with Jibran Nasir when he talks about the lack of grace and dignity amongst Shias, Ahmadis, Sunnis and Christians celebrating Malik Ishaq’s death. I request Jibran Nasir to write a post condemning Quentin Tarantino’s “Inglorious Basterds” for the same lack of “grace and dignity” in portraying Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels and their violent deaths.
It is so much better to be intellectually dishonest and maintain double standards with a straight face. It is so much better to ensure that we do not fail in our “grace and dignity” in a society like Al Bakistan where the “grace and dignity” are alive and well in the age of #ShiaGenocide!
from facebook
Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji
When Jibran Nasir and Orya Maqbool Jan both condemn the death of Malik Ishaq using the same script of “extra judicial”
Please help me in supporting the pearls of wisdom of Jibran Nasir and Orya Maqbool Jan. Malik Ishaq has united the Taliban apologists and commercial liberals yet again – they are now the two layers of a delicious Oreo cookie who have sandwiched the tasty cream that is the legacy of Malik Ishaq!
We will not stand for this criticism against Jibran Nasir and Orya Maqbool just as we will not stand for the disrespect against Caliph Yazeed Bin Muawiya or General Zia ul Haq Shaheed!
Of course, the disrespect argument argument does not apply to Syedna Ali and Bibi Fatima and Jibran’s friends are free to disrespect them just as they are free to mock, abuse and slander the icons and practices of faith communities facing genocide at the hands of Judicially-protected folks like Malik Ishaq.
Double standards yaaayyyyyeeeehhh!!!
I agree with Jibran Nasir – that we should have waited for a few thousand more Shias to be killed by Malik Ishaq, Ghulam Rasool etc so that Jibran Nasir’s beloved Pro Taliban Supreme Court judges could have fed Malik Ishaq some more tea and biscuits. After all, whats more important – the pretence and farce of this Judiciary or the lives of a few thousand more Shias.
I stand with Jibran Nasir who is so concerned about how ASWJ-LeJ will make a martyr out of Malik Ishaq – seeing that they have already made martyrs out of Yazeed, Banu Ommayad, Banu Abbas, Saddam Hussain, Zarqawi, Osama Bin Laden, Baitullah Meshud, General Zia ul Haq, Lal Masjid etc etc and by logical extension Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, Himmler.
I agree with Jibran Nasir when he talks about the lack of grace and dignity amongst Shias, Ahmadis, Sunnis and Christians celebrating Malik Ishaq’s death. I request Jibran Nasir to write a post condemning Quentin Tarantino’s “Inglorious Basterds” for the same lack of “grace and dignity” in portraying Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels and their violent deaths.
It is so much better to be intellectually dishonest and maintain double standards with a straight face. It is so much better to ensure that we do not fail in our “grace and dignity” in a society like Al Bakistan where the “grace and dignity” are alive and well in the age of #ShiaGenocide!
(For my Non- Pakistani friends, Malik Ishaq was the Pakistani equivalent of Osama Bin Laden, Abu Musab Zarqawi, Himmler and Goebbels)