Seven Blasts in Lahore: New agenda of Punjabi Taliban and PML-N – by H.A. Khan
A Pakistani woman mourns a death of her family member in a suicide bombing in Lahore Photo: AP
Wake up my people, Wake up my people, They are the extremist elements; they want to put their flag in my country. Time has come to fight with them and not to bow in front of them.
The words above are from Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto’s speech in Rawalpindi on 27Decemeber 2007 which was the last speech of her life. She was assassinated in a suicide attack minutes after this speech.
Benazir Bhutto always had warned us about the extremists elements and General Zia ul haq’s remnants who will always want to impose their extremist agenda on the masses of Pakistan. Today as I am watching the news of 7 blasts in Lahore, it is possible to identify the extremist agenda now being imposed particularly in Punjab province under the PML-N government.
What we are experiencing today is a direct consequences of what we had been worried about when we saw pictures of the provincial law minister Rana Sanaullah with the banned Sipah-e-Sihaba in order to secure a few votes in the by election of Jhang.
Now the agenda is getting much clearer that it’s the historical reconciliation of two of General Zia ul Haq’s most disgusting children, i.e., the extremists and their loyal masters in the shape of PML -N. Now the rules are set and after today’s unfortunate 7 blasts it is clear that Nawaz Sharif wants to get blessed with the eternal status of Ameer ul Momineen with the help of the extremist elements to impose a fascist and extremist agenda on us.
The khadim-e-aala of Punjab Shahbaz Sharif uttered some meaningless words stating that it is unfortunate that these 7 blasts took place even after security. However, he did not have the courage to say that we will take strict action against these elements as PML-N itself is their staunch supporter.
It is evident now that as our Army wants to secure some strategic depth in Afghanistan, same is the dream of PML-N to treat Punjab province as its strategic depth by becoming Ameer ul Momineen and thus giving free hand to extremist elements to impose their fascist agenda.
Time has come not to live in fools’ paradise. I am hopeful that people of Punjab in particular and of Pakistan in general will never allow PML-N to impose its fascist agenda on them, as Benazir Bhutto said in the last speech of her life that:
Whatever happens, I trust my people. They want to live free in their country with rays of hopes and dreams of love.
Dawn Editorial:
Is Lahore now a front line in the war against militancy? Yet another devastating strike against a security target yesterday would appear to suggest so.
But with so little known for certain in this murkiest of wars against the most shadowy of enemies, it is exceedingly difficult to say with any certainty what lies in store for the Punjab capital — or indeed other towns and cities across the country — in the months ahead.
Here’s what the balance of evidence suggests, notwithstanding the almost pathological, knee-jerk denialism of many politicians and officials: the militants, most likely the TTP, are striking back against the state where they can to avenge the losses they have suffered in the tribal areas, both from Pakistani military operations and American drone strikes. But it isn’t clear whether these are the last dregs of militancy or whether the militants are adapting and evolving into a terrorist threat hiding among urban populations.
What is clear, though, is that the state is nowhere near prepared enough to take on the threat in the cities. The orgy of violence that has engulfed the country since roughly the time of the Lal Masjid operation in 2007 has now gone on for almost three years. The state has done some things right — the very fact that secretive intelligence groups have been targeted by the militants suggests they are seen as a threat — but it has done so at a pace that is too slow and with results that are certainly inadequate. The biggest problem appears to be a matter of mindset: approaching the militancy problem in Punjab as a narrow counter-terrorism issue rather than a wider counter-insurgency. What this means is the focus is entirely on tracking and killing or capturing the enemy attacking the state. Everything else is secondary or incidental. In reality, however, there is a thriving infrastructure of jihad and extremism in the province that the ‘bad’ militants can tap into and exploit when they need to.
What precisely has the state done about shutting down that infrastructure of hate? Clearly, with a sub-optimal state and an inefficient administration, there was simply no way violence could have been driven to zero, or near to zero, in the face of a threat from a determined foe. But it is certainly possible that violence could have been much lower if the state had acted forcefully against the gamut of groups and individuals preaching hate and violence and in many cases covertly, or even overtly, supporting the militants attacking the state. It’s time the state began to dismantle that infrastructure of jihad.
Extremism is a disease, an emotional disorder and viral in nature hence quite contagious. It targets the brown matter in the human mind where the hormones of raw, immature beliefs are usually nurtured in many people, if they have the requisite quantity of that matter available. Research shows that it is the quantity of the brown matter itself which can influence the cause of virus spread. Bigger the healthy brown matter lesser the chance of being sick, lesser the brown matter higher the chance of being sick. The virus has the capacity to mutate & multiply in seconds and contaminates other ‘capable’ (any brain with a capacity to provide safe heaven to such viruses) human brown matters easily and can control or transform a healthy mind into an android, deaf or dumb, bearing that particular belief ailment capability of the original carrier patient. Containment is hard and a tedious procedure but considered ultimate essential. This disorder creates isolated belief symptoms instead of orthodox healthy collectivism in a healthy society thus form small ailing clusters and groups of individuals having the same disease.
This disease is highly contagious, compulsive and repulsive in nature, spreads through one thought wave and resists the opposing belief thoughts with force of mental, oral and physical impetus. The situation does not end here, this disorder keeps on creating and developing specific BELIEF AILMENTS throughout the society and keeps on creating social in-discipline, vile community formations and can be identified from their obvious un-orthodox physical appearances, acts and gestures. Almost all of them cause substantial threat for the healthy human beings of the society, hence should be quarantined.
This disease propagates easily in such mediums, where there is a lack of particular information or literary knowledge or common sense, deprived social lives or virus can be injected slowly and gradually from childhood in any healthy but raw human brain. Some well planned dramatic effects instigating some sort of trauma may also cause this virus to activate for a short while but can be controlled if positive health measures are taken immediately, individually or collectively by other healthy beings. Ignoring the first aid will cause wide spread epidemic.
Important point of research is, that the belief ailment could be of any type and virus of extremism is found in every factor of human emotional instinct like religion, politics, personal interests of any sort, language, cast, region, country, color, shape, size, etc. Any healthy brown matter has the ability to develop the characteristics of this disease any time when he/she perceives an attack on all above factors relating to him/her.
This is a viral disease and is considered as the most dangerous amongst the family of known viruses, so far discovered. Since its discovery, it is considered as incurable, till now, but its spread can be contained to some extent. As stated above, latest research and study shows, the virus is inborn within a human mind and have the ability to be activated by individual impulse in any time of the life due to any belief oriented traumatic incident or interest. Main known causes of its activation are noted while a threat to belief is perceived by the particular human being or beings. As soon as the brain conceives an attack, the virus activates and causes massive hormone secretion. This secretion starts sudden delusional effects sometimes causing visions in conscious state, increased breathing, increased heart beat, anxiety, high blood pressure, sweating, anger, temporary blindness, deafness, person getting offended on others opinions and comments, rigid attitude toward other’s belief and aggression of host. Every patient want others to look through his eyes, feel what he is feeling and think as he is thinking, all the time.
These sudden biological and chemical changes make the patient violent. At this stage, the patient is highly susceptible of risking his or the lives and properties of others as well. These symptoms could be both, acute or chronic, in nature.
The history of this disease goes back to the origin of mankind. In the early ages, since there were less ‘carriers’, the witch doctors of those times use to cure the disease by isolating the effected human being, putting him on exile or beat a hell out of him or finally end up burning him alive to kill the virus to contain further spread. Some people were duly buried alive, stoned, hanged and crucified. Reported history shows that none of the procedure was considered successful and the spread remained consistent, sometimes crosses the threshold of perceivable measures. Millions of casualties occurred in the past due to the deadly spread of this common disease.
In the subcontinent, this disease was first discovered around couple of centuries back in densely populated areas of undivided India. Specific location is yet un-known. The hostile virus got out of the joint science labs of some Muslim and Hindu scientists. Initially it was supposed, that the virus came out due to an accident but later on reports confirmed that it was a deliberate attempt by the scientists of both communities and the scientists used it as a biological weapon. The virus was mutated and supposed to attack the infidel of opposite religion but the virus spread amongst the people of the same religion became common and wide spread disaster was observed following the killing of millions in the subcontinent including many scientists who were involved in the outbreak.
In Pakistan, continuous uninterrupted democratic processes, high basic education base, very pious leaderships till now, religious freedom and enlightened moderation gave birth to various religious cults and clans, political parties, language and regional based parties, etc. It is still suspected that the surviving scientists used the same biological weapon of MUTUAL INTER-COUNTRY DESTRUCTION (MICD) to unleash the deadly virus time after time and is wide spreading now with the help of mass communication medium. This is equally a form of destruction as MAD is itself (Mutually Assured Destruction) but more stupid form.
The experience & history reveals that, the only way for the containment of this disease was/is to quarantine the patient(s) in a separate area under guard or allocate areas for all the effected patients of different disciplines of same disease form. In the past history till now, such patients are quarantined in separate areas called continents, countries, cities, neighborhoods, schools, political parties, etc. This measure allowed the remaining mankind to protect themselves from the harmful effects of the disease carriers themselves. Still now new cities, provinces, regions and even countries are formed and developed to contain the effected patients in that specific area or areas. Such areas are considered restricted for healthy beings and even communication to and from such infected areas is required to be controlled and contained heavily.
The virus activates more when coercive efforts are used to impose a belief contrary to the host’s belief without his consent and resistance is observed.
In the current era, that disease is most common and spreading in the whole world as its basic containment procedures have become useless due to the advancement in science and technology. Carrier physical movement from one place to another can not be restricted with required measures as it may be perceived as against the universal law of liberty and freedom in a global village. Media access to carriers has further provided a fertile base for the propagation of one sided belief effect.
Health risks are at the highest. Internet and media web has created a storming effect in spreading this disease and in this era of information over load, the real cure is lost, somewhere. There are now billions of carriers of any particular belief ailment and every carrier claims to be the most healthy person alive. There is also a huge question on the reliability of information on the cure by somebody or justification of cure or even the credibility of the cure claimant himself. Now the access to cure is much obscured due to abundance of information of all sorts.
No hard and fast rule is required to develop the virus and to use it as weapon of mass destruction hence considering it a biological weapon of the new era. As the virus can easily be tamed, flourished and can widely be used behind enemy lines as the most deadliest weapon known to mankind due to its tendency to self immolate the carrier, group of carriers, carriers belonging to other belief ailments and even healthy beings. This weapon is more effective against mass extermination weapons like nuclear or chemical etc. Simple triggering of emotional order is required to initiate a simple disorder and the violent patient starts to kill, destroy properties and after all kills himself up without leaving evidence or suspect of any weapon existence by the enemy.
STOP or reduce watching TV, stop reading newspapers and political magazines, reduce visiting internet sites and blogs. Avoid writing and imposing your thoughts, don’t showoff and impose religious or political favoritism and beliefs on others and reduce reading other’s article as well to burry the urge of finding points of contradiction to comment. Reading or writing politically or religiously biased articles or urge to comment on biased matters, is basically the food for the virus and helps it to grow and multiply. Yes, you can read and write for showbiz magazines and watch entertainment programs or movies.
Remember, ignorance is, to some extent, bliss, as long as you and people around you are safe and happy by somebody’s writings, beliefs and thoughts. This may give you and others around you, some chance to survive for some time in the worst epidemic ever. This cure or precaution is temporary as all the measures are hard to follow.
“What we are experiencing today is a direct consequences of what we had been worried about when we saw pictures of the provincial law minister Rana Sanaullah and SALMAN TASEER with the banned Sipah-e-Sihaba in order to secure a few votes in the by election of Jhang”