Seven Blasts in Lahore: New agenda of Punjabi Taliban and PML-N – by H.A. Khan

A Pakistani woman mourns a death of her family member in a suicide bombing in Lahore: Suicide bombers kill 39 people in Lahore attack

A Pakistani woman mourns a death of her family member in a suicide bombing in Lahore Photo: AP

Wake up my people, Wake up my people, They are the extremist elements; they want to put their flag in my country. Time has come to fight with them and not to bow in front of them.

The words above are from Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto’s speech in Rawalpindi on 27Decemeber 2007 which was the last speech of her life. She was assassinated in a suicide attack minutes after this speech.

Benazir Bhutto always had warned us about the extremists elements and General Zia ul haq’s remnants who will always want to impose their extremist agenda on the masses of Pakistan. Today as I am watching the news of 7 blasts in Lahore, it is possible to identify the extremist agenda now being imposed particularly in Punjab province under the PML-N government.

What we are experiencing today is a direct consequences of what we had been worried about when we saw pictures of the provincial law minister Rana Sanaullah with the banned Sipah-e-Sihaba in order to secure a few votes in the by election of Jhang.

Now the agenda is getting much clearer that it’s the historical reconciliation of two of General Zia ul Haq’s most disgusting children, i.e., the extremists and their loyal masters in the shape of PML -N.  Now the rules are set and after today’s unfortunate 7 blasts it is clear that Nawaz Sharif wants to get blessed with the eternal status of Ameer ul Momineen with the help of the extremist elements to impose a fascist and extremist agenda on us.

The khadim-e-aala of Punjab Shahbaz Sharif uttered some meaningless words stating that it is unfortunate that these 7 blasts took place even after security. However, he did not have the courage to say that we will take strict action against these elements as PML-N itself is their staunch supporter.

It is evident now that as our Army wants to secure some strategic depth in Afghanistan, same is the dream of PML-N to treat Punjab province as its strategic depth by becoming Ameer ul Momineen and thus giving free hand to extremist elements to impose their fascist agenda.

Time has come not to live in fools’ paradise. I am hopeful that people of Punjab in particular and of Pakistan in general will never allow PML-N to impose its fascist agenda on them, as Benazir Bhutto said in the last speech of her life that:

Whatever happens, I trust my people. They want to live free in their country with rays of hopes and dreams of love.



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  1. Abdul Nishapuri
  2. Khan
  3. Asim Naseer