ISI mobilizes fake civil society to defend Pakistani generals

Save General Ashfaq Pervaiz Kyani and General Shuja Pasha rally organized by ISI near the Parliament in Islamabad.
Related posts: General Pasha in Pakistan’s parliament: Jahan panah tusi great ho, tohfa qabul karo!
Questions for General Pasha (Part I)
To the honourable generals of Pakistan army – by Rashid Aurakzai
Nawaz Sharif’s commendable stance on Pakistani generals’ Abbottabad debacle
The Abbottabad Debacle is a major embarrassment for Pakistani generals, ISI and their right wing and (fake) liberal proxies. The ‘discovery’ of OBL in the heart of Pakistan army’s garrison town has once again highlighted the collusion between Pakistani generals and jihadi organizations including but not limited to Al Qaeda and Taliban. It also exposed that the army and its spy organization ISI are the real owners of Pakistan, and the civil population and their elected representatives have no or very little say in national policy making.
The world wants to know who helped to harbor Osama bin Laden. International media is claiming a large percentage of terrorist activities all around the world are sponsored by Pakistan’s premier intelligence agency ISI. Afghanistan government repeatedly said that Mullah Omar is on pakistani soil. India for its part says that the Mumbai attack planners are also here. Some in the US Congress threaten to suspend $1.5 billion in annual aid to Pakistan. However, military officials in Pakistan are angry that US operated on Pakistani soil without their permission.
The world wants to understand how Osama bin Laden, the FBI’s most-wanted man, was able to hide in a Pakistani garrison town without the country’s security and intelligence apparatus knowing his whereabouts.
While Pakistan’s security and intelligence establishment’s chiefs claim they didn’t know that Osama bin Laden was lurking around the house at the end of a narrow dirt road just north of Islamabad, a stone throw away from key military installations, they really feel humiliated, embarrassed and chagrined.
The willingness of the Pakistani security establishment to go after terrorists has long been questioned. The ISI have long been playing the ‘Double Game’ and helping the various terrorist networks mainly Taliban, a gang of brainwashed extremists that has killed thousand of Pakistani citizens. It has been seeing a strategic value in tolerating — and sometimes supporting and sheltering — militant groups that it hopes may help it in the future against India or serve as a hedge against potential instability in Afghanistan.
As one saying goes here: “Every country has an army, Pakistan’s army has a country.”
Pakistan’s 600,000-strong army has financial muscle flexed across industries from oil and gas to cereals and real estate — it even set up its own airline. Its Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) spy agency is so pervasive it is described as a “state within a state”.
After the Abbottabad Debacle, ISI has activated its civil society proxies in various cities to revive the tarnished image of Pak army and its premier spy agency ISI. Pakistan’s ISI is the architect and orchestrator of all the narratives currently disseminated their spin doctors on the media.
The campaign to save General Ashfaq Pervaiz Kyani and General Shuja Pasha serves to increase pressure on PPP led civilian government to hesitantly support the Jihad Enterprise of Pakistan army.
Yesterday (Wednesday) we saw a rally where participants voiced their support for the Army and the ISI. The citizens of the federal capital under the auspices of Pakistan Citizens Forum took out a rally from National Press Club to the Parliament House to “condemn the propaganda” against the Pakistan Army and national institutions after the Abbottabad operation.

Pakistani folk dancers perform at a gathering in support of army and intelligence agency ISI in Islamabad.
ISI assets begin their act to ensure “supremacy” of their masters. Pakistani media outlets are currently busy in defending the image of the army and intelligence services, by spinning the news, diverting the debate from real issue, and coining the “conspiracy theory” that the Zardari government was responsible for the May 2 assault for having let U.S. forces inside Pakistan. The media spin doctors of the ISI are suggesting as if the army is a group of humble soldiers following the directives of their civilian leadership. Now it’s obvious that the right wing media is attacking and defaming civilian government on behalf of security establishment. For more proof please read today’s “Jang editorial page” which is full of pro-army and Taliban apologist articles.
ISI’s agents in various political parties, Imran Khan, Ch Nisar Ali Khan and new born ‘Judas’ Shah Mehmood Qureshi have joined the chorus of those demanding resignations from President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani, while completely ignoring the chiefs of army staff and the ISI.
Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) is serving its masters in its traditional style, by conducting a so called countrywide referendum over the Abbottabad operation. Just like other ghairatmand political parties, MQM is raising questions over national security and sovereigntywhile ignoring most important question that who was harbouring Osama in Pakistan?
Furthermore, there is a fake fight going on between Pakistan Muslim league N chief Mian Nawaz Sharif (MNS) and Pakistani establishment. Currently the media is projecting MNS as a real opponent of the establishment and a real democrat. The establishment is once again using him to put pressure on PPP. This game will help and serve to improve MNS’ democratic credentials, find low level scapegoats, revive COAS and ISI chief’s images and will put PPP led government under control. Watch Hamid Mir’s Capital Talk: Nawaz Sharif aur Pak Fauj aamne saamne?
Not only right wing journalists and anchors, but better camouflaged liberal proxies too are quite active in coining new conspiracy theories to save their bosses.
Geo/Jang Group’s group adviser political affairs, Mr Najam Sethi in his late night talk show on 11 May, after Mian Nawaz Sharif’s press conference, generously extended his support to Sharif’s stance. No critical words of caution. It seems that both are stressing this point over and over, that Osama Debacle is a intelligence failure and institutional weakness, and that no single individual is responsible for this episode, and somehow punishing any head or individual is not something the nation has wanted or asked for.
Connecting the dots will offer the opportunity to understand the whole episode from Mian Nawaz Sharif’s press conference to Hamid Mir’s Capital Talk to Nama Sethi’s Aaps ki Baat.
ISI’s proxies in business industry are also very active in defending their real masters. The Hashoo Group’s chairman Mr. Sadruddin Hashwani said that Pak Army and ISI are the finest in the world. Hashwani also said the Pakistani nation could live without US aid, but not without strong and honest leadership.
ISI is also using it’s proxies in the Judiciary to put pressure on the PPP to meet its demands. For example, the Lahore High Court on Thursday ordered President Asif Ali Zardari to stop political activities in Presidency. See, for example, Another great decision by SLOP.

Pakistan's biggest political party. Most organized and disciplined. For sure, best in the world. It has proxies in all segments of life.
Pakistanis hold placards as they march during a rally in favour of Pakistan’s army and Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) in Karachi on May 14, 2011. The chief of ISI offered to resign in parliament following the US raid by US commandos who shot dead Osama bin Laden, sources said. AFP PHOTO/RIZWAN TABASSUM (Photo credit should read RIZWAN TABASSUM/AFP/Getty Images)

Pakistani demonstrators hold placards in support of army and intelligence agency ISI in Islamabad on May 12, 2011, after the crisis over Osama bin Laden. About 300 supporters of Pakistan's main opposition leader on May 12, rallied against the government and America in the town where Osama bin Laden was shot dead by US Navy Seals. AFP PHOTO/Farooq NAEEM (Photo credit should read FAROOQ NAEEM/AFP/Getty Images)
The call General Kayani cannot make
By Nitin Pai
Imagine that General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani wakes up one fine morning and decides that the Talibanisation of his country now risked destroying the military establishment that nurtured it since 1947. The militant groups that the army had used to attack India and Afghanistan on the cheap were not only creating trouble for Pakistan around the world, but had wrecked Pakistani society and its economy. General Kayani can tolerate all that, but reckons he will soon have to choose be-tween cutting them down to size or joining their bandwagon, perhaps as their “amir-ul-momineen.” Imagine that he chooses the former option, if only to con-tinue enjoying the “al-Faida” that has come the Pakistani army’s way since 9/11.
“Get Pasha on the line,” he barks at his orderly. Lieutenant-General Ahmad Shuja Pasha, chief of the Agency That Should Not Be Named, picks up the phone from his well-appointed office in the unmarked building near Islamabad’s Aabpara market.
“Pasha, shut them all down, and this is an order.” General Kayani doesn’t stop for pleasantries or preamble, fearing that the ever-reasonable Pasha will find ways to dissuade him.
“Sir, yes sir! And what then, sir?” Pasha asks. Kayani has known Pasha long enough to know this was not a rhetorical question.
How will the Pakistani government — which can’t even collect taxes, electric-ity and water bills from anyone who refuses to pay them — demobilise hundreds of thousands of functionally illiterate, violent, combat-hardened and thoroughly radi-calised young men? The civilian political leadership, bureaucracy and police sim-ply do not have the capacity, competence and power to put anyone other than low-ranking jihadi leaders under arrest, that too temporarily. The only institution that has the prerequisites necessary to take on the jihadi groups is the Pakistan army.
Those on the margins are likely to explore alternatives to martyrdom, but the hard core of the jihadi firmament won’t give in without a bloody fight.
Forty-year-old Brigadier Adnan, tasked to dismantle and neutralise a jihadi hub in South Punjab, tugs at his beard. He has deep misgivings about the mission he has been charged with, even as he gathers his officers for the operational brief-ing. As he explains how they will take out the militant headquarters and such, he sees that most of his subordinates have puzzled looks on their faces. Finally, the brigade-major, an energetic 25-year old infantryman, speaks up. “Sir, why are we targeting these boys?”
“Because, uh, they are putting Pakistan in danger.”
“How sir? They are only fighting against the Amrika, the Israel and the India. They are only doing what we should. They are doing it because our Crore Com-manders have decided that al-Faida is more important than the real mission. And sir, you do know that our men watch television.”
Brigadier Adnan gives his beard another tug. This was not going to be easy.
2000 militants surrendered in one week, and it fell to Colonel Bashir to deal with them. They had been lodged in a hurriedly erected camp outside the village for identification, debriefing and triage. If his job was not difficult enough, the bloody Americans wanted to poke their noses into his business. Their spies were everywhere. Yet he knew his problem was the easy one – the really wicked prob-lem would begin when these boys went home to their towns and villages and fig-ured out there was nothing for them to do there. Some would find ad hoc employ-ment with the local feudal landlord, who could use their special talents. Most, however, would do — what? Other than working the farm for the landlord, there was little to keep them occupied, much less employed.
Colonel Bashir was not even thinking about their minds. Would minds, once radicalised, ever shrink back to their original state?
Now you know why General Kayani will never give such an order in real life. The Pakistani state and its society simply does not have what it takes to dismantle, demobilise and de-radicalise the hundreds of thousands of militants that operate in that country.
In a 2007 study on militant recruitment in Pakistan, C Christine Fair, now as-sistant professor at Georgetown University’s Center for Peace and Security Studies notes: “Limited evidence suggests that both public school and madrasah students tend to support jihad, tanzeems, and war with India, and are more intolerant toward Pakistan’s minorities and women. Thus, if Ethan Bueno de Mesquita’s model is correct, creating educational and employment opportunities may not put an end to militancy because tanzeems can recruit from lower-quality groups. In the long term, however, interventions of this kind may diminish the quality of terror pro-duced, rendering tanzeems a mere nuisance rather than a menace to regional secu-rity. This would be a positive development.”
That would be a positive development, yes, but, as she points out in the very next sentence, “(the) problem with school reform and employment generation ef-forts is not only that they may be beyond Islamabad’s capability and resolve but also that there may be no feasible scope for U.S. or international efforts to per-suade Islamabad to make meaningful reforms on its own.”
That’s the bad news. The worse news is that this is going to get a whole lot worse, as the population grows, the education system continues to radicalise minds, the media reinforces prejudices and the military establishment exploits geo-political opportunities to stay on the same dangerous course.
In the face of this grim reality, the antics of the motley bunch of slick political operators that pass off as the Pakistani government are tragicomic. Politicians like Yusuf Raza Gilani and Shah Mahmood Qureshi mask their impotence by outrageous grandstanding intended to score points with the military-jihadi com-plex.
It is a good idea for India to engage the various players in Pakistan to manage — to the extent that it can be managed — the fallout of the turmoil across its north-western borders; so, too, to engage all of Pakistan’s external sponsors. Even so, neither India nor the rest of the world can escape the consequences of Pakistan’s transformation. Driven as much by strategy as by sentiment, Prime Minister Man-mohan Singh is genuinely committed to leaving a legacy of good relations with Pakistan. Don’t you feel sorry for him?
Nitin Pai is founder & fellow for geopolitics at the Takshashila Institution and editor of Pragati – The Indian National Interest Review, a publication on strategic affairs, public policy and governance. He blogs at The Acorn and is active on Twitter too.
Ary munafiqoon kal issi civil society ka naam use kar k Pervez Musharraf k khilaaf khabrain lagatay thay aaj is k khilaaf kion ?
I agree with this article. In my opiniion ISI needs to be dismantled. The real traitors are the Army who have supported terrorists who have killed Pakistanis on behalf of Plot loving army genrals may they all go to hell
Teen Jeem in Action
Supreme commander: Petition seeks to empower army chief
Published: May 15, 2011
‘Lack of power prevented army chief from taking prompt action on May 2’.
A writ petition has been moved in the Lahore High Court seeking to transfer the title and powers of the supreme commander of the armed forces of Pakistan from the president to the army chief.
Tehreek-i-Inqilab Pakistan chairman Advocate Rana Ilmuddin Ghazi filed the petition, contending that the army had been unable to take prompt action to stop the American operation in Abbottabad on May 2 because the power to take such a decision rested with President Asif Zardari and not Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.
The federation, the president and the ministries of foreign affairs, defence and interior are named as respondents in the petition.
Ghazi said that there could not be foolproof security at Pakistan’s borders until all powers were consolidated in the office of the chief of army staff. Such consolidation would enable the army to take prompt action when required to respond to any attack on the territorial borders of Pakistan.
The petitioner argued that Field Marshal Ayub Khan in 1965 was supreme commander of the armed forces when India and Pakistan went to war, and so he was able to take a timely decision “to launch a counterattack and frustrate the evil designs of the enemy”.
He said today President Zardari was the supreme commander of the armed forces and the army was not fully authorised to take decisions about the defence of the country.
Ghazi said any delay in decision making by the president could harm the defence of the border. If there were any attack on the border by the US or India, any blame for failure to take timely action would fall on the army instead of the president, he said, which was unfair.
He asked to the court to accept the petition for regular hearing and pass directions to the federation and president of Pakistan to transfer the powers of the supreme commander of the armed forces to the chief of army staff immediately in the greater national interest.
Shame on Sharmila Farooqui!
Sharmila seeks support for Army
KARACHI: Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Women Wing Sindh Information Secretary Sharmila Farooqui on Saturday asked the nation to support Pakistan’s Army, intelligence agencies and other defence institutions in view of prevailing situation to keep their morale high because the integrity and security of the country and its people lie in these institutions.
“Some vested interests are trying to defame our armed forces and intelligence agencies in a bid to gain their nefarious designs but the nation and political forces of the country will not let them to do so. The people of the country know very well that our defense institutions are capable to meet any eventuality and save the country and the nation,” she said in a statement.
Farooqui said that Pakistan’s Army and other top defence institutions were fully capable to protect its national interests and make efforts for peace at international level. Pakistan is a peace-loving country and it wants peace in every part of the world, she said.
She said that President Asif Ali Zardari was taking all coalition partners on board to resolve national as well as international issues amicably, and he was also taking opposition parties into confidence in this regard. The PPP government wanted to take along all political, social, religious and democratic forces to restore peace and strengthen democracy in the country.
Farooqui said the government was pursuing the politics of reconciliation and was striving hard to bolster the democratic culture in the country.
Farooqui also hailed the President for visiting Russia as a goodwill gesture and said that the visit would open new avenues of socio-economic development. pr
Military seeks public support at critical juncture of history
South Asian News Agency (SANA) ⋅ May 14, 2011 ⋅
ISLAMABAD (SANA): The military leadership on Friday gave comprehensive briefing to the members of the parliament in an in-camera session about different aspects of Abbottabad operation, emphasizing the need for complete support of the nation to the armed forces at this critical juncture.
Director-General Military Operations, Deputy Air Chief and Director-General ISI briefed the parliament which was followed by question-answer session.
In an interview, Minister for Information and Broadcasting Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan said in his opening remarks, Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani reassured the nation that national solidarity and sovereignty would never be compromised at any cost.
He pointed out that there was dire need for the entire nation to extend fullest possible support to the armed forces and all those security agencies that are engaged in war on terror.
Omar Waraich: ‘Stout support’ to the military shows where true power lies
If any Pakistanis had hoped their civilian leaders were going to seize this moment to recalibrate their relationship with their overweening military, they were to be sorely disappointed.
In the lead up to Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani’s speech to parliament, many Pakistanis had been calling for “heads to roll”
Suggestions of complicity aside, this was universally acknowledged as an embarrassing intelligence failure.
But far from asking probing questions of Pakistan’s powerful Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Mr Gilani offered the agency stout support.
It is “disingenuous” for anyone to cast blame on either the army or the ISI, Mr Gilani said. There was no way that they could be “in cahoots with al-Qa’ida,” he said.
Suggestions of official complicity, at least at the top levels of the military leadership, have relaxed after United States National Security Adviser Tom Donilon said at the weekend that there was no evidence to support that claim.
But Mr Gilani was in no mood to ask why Pakistan’s powerful security establishment had failed to locate Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad over the past five years, a source of deepening shame. Instead, he stood up to the military establishment’s critics, purveying a fiction in the process.
The media were responsible for creating an impression of a divide between the civilian government and the military, Mr Gilani said.
For that moment, he was able to dispel memories of having to cave in to pressure from his generals on dispatching the ISI chief to Mumbai after the attacks there or reinstating the chief justice on the advice of the army chief.
The focus instead was on addressing the army’s injured pride. Beyond the embarrassment of the discovery of Bin Laden is the galling feeling that Pakistan became the first nuclear-armed ally to be invaded by the US.
There would be an inquiry into the matter, the Prime Minister insisted. Yet it would be handled by the military internally, he said. The army chief would also be asked questions at a special session on Sunday, he added. But – proving again where power truly lies in Pakistan – the army chief, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, issued a press release making clear that it was his idea.
Pro-Army rally in capital raises many eyebrows
Usman Manzoor
Thursday, May 12, 2011
ISLAMABAD: Wednesday’s Musharraf-styled demonstration by government schoolchildren and employees of the Capital Development Authority (CDA) in support of the Pakistan Army, has raised many eyebrows and the question of who was behind this campaign. The rally paid tributes to the COAS and ISI.
Three days ago, an ad was published in almost all the leading national dailies, defending the institutions of national security but the quarter page colour ad, which cost millions, had basic mistakes like that when on September 11, 2001 about 3,000 people were killed in USA during the government of Democratic Party, neither the people of USA nor the Republican Party asked for the resignations of US president or CIA chief.
The correct position is this that there was the government of Republican Party in USA and not of Democratic Party at the time of the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon on September 11, 2001 by some al-Qaeda activists.
The important thing in the Wednesday’s rally, which started from the Press Club, Islamabad, and ended at the D-Chowk, was that it started when PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif was about to announce his party’s version over the Abbottabad operation and it ended when Nawaz Sharif ended his press conference.
The participants of the rally were schoolchildren, who did not know for what purpose they were brought to the Press Club and CDA’s labourers, who ought not to refuse any call given by their leader Ch Yaseen, who was leading the rally.
When contacted, CDA’s Labour Leader Ch Yaseen said that no one had asked him to stage this rally and he arranged it on his own. He confirmed that the participants of the rally were schoolchildren and CDA’s employees. He added that the ‘civil society’ was also present in the rally.
“This is not the time to demoralise the Pakistan Army,” Yaseen held. He mentioned that it was the time to counter the propaganda being hurled by India and CIA. However, he could not tell this correspondent about the said propaganda.
He said that there was no distance between Pak Army and Pakistani nation. “The main aim of our rally was to boost the morale of the Army and to condemn the Abbottabad operation as it was against the sovereignty of Pakistan,” said Yaseen, adding: “We have full confidence in our intelligence agencies and Army.”
When asked who was to blame for the Abbottabad operation, Yaseen replied that Pak Army would brief parliament in an in-camera session. When asked how he would know about the briefing as it would be an in-camera session and nothing would be made public, he said it was true but ‘we must help our Army’. He said that 90 percent of the people in Pakistan say that there was no Osama in Abbottabad. When asked that Pakistan Army had confirmed the presence of OBL in Abbottabad, Yaseen could only smile.
He also mentioned that the nation was concerned over the intelligence failure but there were intelligence failures on 9/11 and in Mumbai as well. When asked that if terrorism attacks are the only intelligence failures, then Pakistan suffers a terrorism attack every second day, Yaseen had no answer.
The News (Jang group / Geo) in support of the ISI:
Six reasons why ISI did not support Osama bin laden
Saturday, May 14, 2011
KARACHI: Generally speaking, Americans become cocky when they accomplish something. The same can be said about the Osama episode. It is shameful to point fingers at the ISI and accuse it of hiding the al-Qaeda fugitive. One may consider the following reasons why the ISI could not have hidden the al-Qaeda chief.
First, the international fallout. It is totally beyond comprehension that the ISI officials could have hidden and supported Osama without taking into account its serious implications and international ramifications. They are the leading third world intelligence agency, fighting the war on terror and certainly not dim-witted.
Second, why the ISI would keep the trophy i.e. Osama bin Laden when it has already handed over senior al-Qaeda members to the US, especially when the al-Qaeda had no strategic value in the war against terror.
Third, considering the severe implications why would the agency hide him in a military city? After all, weren’t all the major al-Qaeda catches made from Pakistani cities, including Karachi, Rawalpindi, Mardan, etc? So, there is little surprise that Osama was caught from a Pakistani city.
Fourth, if the ISI was hiding Osama, why would it provide lead to the US in this regard? President Obama himself admitted so. Fifth, it is generally a good idea to live where few people would come looking for you. And that is what Osama did by selecting a site in Abbottabad near Kakul where no Pakistani could have suspected him of hiding. Why then blame the ISI?
Sixth, had the ISI been protecting the al-Qaeda chief, it would have maintained surveillance around the house. And that surveillance would have discovered US reconnoitering around the place. That did not happen. It is incredulous to believe that while the ISI allegedly kept Osama hidden, the agency did not put him under some sort of guard. — Waqar Ahmed
An LUBP author defending Pakistan army
Well done PPP – by Ahsan Abbas Shah:
Yes ISI should be dissolved & military establishment of kiani should be cut in size.Rather than defending us they are our worst enemies.
I just loved the last two pictures. So organized and disciplined. I wanted to share a personal experience of the ISI:
All embassies of the world have intelligence people stationed by their parent organziations, however, their source is always held a tight secret, so much so that none other than the ambassador knows about it. On the contrary, Pakistani intelligence people are able to disclose themselves, not on their own but through the perks they have. Assume that an ISI man is 3rd secretary or a trade attache. The embassy allows vehicles for the Ambassador up till the 1st secretary. Our intelligence guy who may be 3rd or 4th in importance will be having an official vehicle, but people above him wont. That is how they blow their top. How this is personal? My uncle was an Ambassador of Pakistan in an Arab country and their I saw this. 🙂 Military intelligence
It is disgusting to see such reactions of Pakistani People against the Army. If I was there I would have also joined this Rally, of my own free will
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