Jinnah made a mistake and I am ashamed of being Pakistani! – by Mehwash Badar

I google ‘Pakistan’ on the news and everything that is reported is about death, destruction, squabbling politicians, ailing children, extremists blowing up things and a struggling economy.
Editor’s note: LUBP is sad to note that Mawash’s twitter account is inactive and there are threats being posted everywhere on social media. Whether you agree or disagree with Mawash you must respect her right to have her opinion. There are good scholarly reasons to justify her thinking. It is not necessary for everyone to think the same way, have the same views or wear the same clothes. We are cross posting here before it is taken down for blasphemy.
I think there is merit to her opinion. What is done is done cannot be undone, but we can do objective analysis. Truth is the Muslims who felt threatened as a minority are still in India and get persecuted. If Quaid-e-Azam had to make it should have made it to Dehli and included UP and CP and contiguous all the way to Dacca along with independent state of HaiderAbad. Hyderabad could be a large country on its own.
This is wrong history that Pakistan was dream come true. What Quaid-e-Azam really wanted was Pakistan Zones. He accepted all the traditional threat frontier on the North. Traditionally threats always came to India through Afghanistan, all the invaders came through Khyber. On top of that created another new threat from the South or India. This is why Pakistan has been spending one third of her GDP on defense and breeding Taliban Madrassas on along every border outpost with India.
There is no open thinking or discussion. This is exactly the problem with Pakistan. If we have to get Kashmir the only way is not more Deobandi Taliban. Maybe you spend a little bit less on defense and more on human development. If we had spend the world average of three percent on defense rather than the thirty three percent that we do spend, only since 1999 nuclear blasts, everyone in Pakistan would have twice the money they have now. 1999 is chosen here because it is reasonable to assume that since we have the bomb, we can feel a little bit more secure.
Another benefit of having two times income would be that the Kashmiris may want to join us. Throwing more Deobandi Taliban (sworn to kill Shia and Sufi Sunni) at them will not do the trick. Watching the Shia and Sunni brelvi Genocide in Pakistan does not encourage the more moderate Shia and Sunni of Kashmir to rush to Pakistan either.
LUBP had published this critical note on Pakistan history a couple of years ago. This note provides a more critical and dispassionate look at our country’s history than the rose tinted view of hypernationalists and the selective work of liberal elites
Anyone who has ever travelled abroad will tell you that no matter where you go, no matter how developed the country it is that you’re travelling to – if you’re a British national or a Caucasian American, the doors become friendlier. The security becomes less pressurising. Visa queues are shorter. Procedures are simpler.
If you’re a brown Pakistani man (or even woman) who is travelling to another country – that’s a whole other story. You’re working in the Middle East, chances are your salary is just a little bit above the basic working wage – or anything that will get you a bed-space with seven other human beings. Respect is minimal. You’re not supposed to ruffle any feathers. Or demand for rights. Your children are thousands of miles away studying (because you can’t afford education for them here), your wife probably has another job to help make ends meet and your job squeezes every drop of your blood into a tiny container that helps build the skyscrapers and that little container is thrown away quicker than you can say ‘burj’, as soon as your company decides to say bye bye.
Pretty much the equivalent of… well, I don’t know. What is that the equivalent of? What analogy do I draw to represent the utter misery that is being a Pakistani in this super-power dominated world?
As if the current state of the country, what with its years of dictatorship and lack of infrastructure, hasn’t driven us insane enough, there is the added bonus of inviting religious extremists and letting them destroy everything we hold near and dear. Sure, apologists will reason it saying “this is not true Islam” and whatnot. But my question is when – seriously – when do we set aside the debate of what is true Islam and what isn’t?
Let the clerics and the religious scholars sit in their mosques and minibars – oh I meant minbars. But once and for all, eliminate and annihilate the savage, beastly, cowardly, immoral men who buy the bodies of fragile, poverty-stricken, desperate men, strap them with explosives and send them into markets with innocent women and children. Finish these abhorrent elements in the society that attempt to throw us back to the Stone Age.
A recent article in the New York Times reported on the World Health Organisation (WHO) declaration of the polio emergency in Pakistan.
Last year, a polio worker was killed in Peshawar, as well as another who was shot dead in Khyber Agency. Several were kidnapped in Bara. In January this year, gunmen killed three health workers taking part in a polio vaccination drive in Karachi. Not Kabul. Not Sierra Leone. Not Riyadh. Karachi. My heart boils and burns as more devastating news and reports flood the channels. The New York Times article further stated that according to a report, the highest refusal rates for polio vaccination were recorded in wealthy neighbourhoods of Karachi because they had “little faith in public health care”. In North Waziristan, the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) have forbidden vaccinations since years. Pakistan thus has 59 polio cases to report, the most of any in the world.
Being a mother, it scares me. It keeps me awake at night. It reminds me that even if I run far far away from the borders of my own land, its demons will continue to haunt me and my future generations. I Google ‘Pakistan’ on the news and everything that is reported is about death, destruction, squabbling politicians, ailing children, extremists blowing up things and a struggling economy.
I raise my eyes to our neighbouring country and see what could have happened if we were still a United India. Maybe we would have been polio free too. We would have been a unified part of a process of being the world’s next big force to reckon with. Of being a part of the next blazing economy.
I find myself deeply wishing that Jinnah hadn’t made this mistake – that he had thought about the future of Pakistan. He didn’t think of the obscurantist mindset that he had propelled forward, the countless millions that died at the hand of this vague agenda that fails to unite us as a nation. I look at the years of struggles that Pakistan faces, the fall of Dhaka, the provincial wars, the stark separatist mindsets and I wonder what Mr Jinnah was thinking when he decided to leave the Indian National Congress (INC).
We share more with our Indian brothers than our ancestral DNA. Our food, language, clothes, lifestyles are more like them than the Arabs we so badly want to mimic and ape. I stare at the green passport with the same self-loathing as the fat 16-year-old girl with pimples on her face who is told that she cannot get married because she will always be blind, diseased and fat and her elder, stronger, prettier, better-educated sister will snag all the good catches because she ended up with the better caretaker after the divorce of their parents.
I am ashamed of being a Pakistani today. I am ashamed that I belong to a country that kills human rights lawyers and sitting governors, and issues death threats to university professors. I am ashamed that we believe in spaghetti monster theories and pie in the sky conspiracies and risk the future of our children. I am ashamed that we have rejected our scientists just because they believe in a different dogma. I am ashamed that we cannot protect our women, we cannot protect our children and we cannot protect our men from the evil that is extremism, fundamentalism and the foolhardy idea that Pakistan is a great nation.
Pakistan is a fledgling, flailing state. And those 59 children, whose legs can never work anymore, the family of Raza Rumi’s driver, those who shed tears for Salman Taseer, for Perveen Rehman, for Rashid Rehman, for Dr Murtaza Haider and his 12-year-old son – every single person who went out to have a normal day and never made it home alive – are all paying the price of the empathy, respect and awe YOU show cowards like Mumtaz Qadri.
So, to every single person who defends their patriotism blindly and their religion with a bullet, I hope you know exactly whose side you are on. I hope you sleep well at night knowing that you are on the side of the murderers.
Jinnah made Pakistan, Deobandi being already politically active became a terrorist force from a pressure group in 60 years while rest waited and did not play any role. Now we pay for our laziness.
My reply to my dear sister for her blog: Jinnah made a mistake and I am ashamed of being Pakistani!
Well, I told Mahwish on twitter as well, for which she blocked me, that
1) Her article was one-sided, a truly pessimistic masterpiece.
2) You do not write your angry thoughts, as a journalist, writer, blogger – you portray the true picture (not just the angry-ready-to-burn-the-world-pessimistic’s point of view n leave it there) as clearly as you can – then you write how it should’ve been/can be improved – unfortunately this blog was void of that, it was a pure mixture of Jinnah bashing, pessimism and anger, but had no remedy for the things it portrayed, apart from inventing a time machine & stopping the partition of India?
3) Now that she’s written it, I told her that she can apply for asylum in any country of her choice UK/Australia/Canada/USA and get herself rid of this green passport, which brings her shame and makes her feel inferior to the rest of the world – which, on my part, was a very realistic approach to solving her problem and I didn’t in anyway meant to offend her, as her blog gives one no other choice or option – apart from committing suicide to save one’s-self from the shame of being a Pakistani –
Mahwish, there are 2 types of people in this world, ones who complain & give up and ones who go out there, fight back and get the job done, is apparent that you’ve made your mind up that Pakistan is beyond saving and are from the first group of people. Would really really advise you to not write about Pakistan anymore, for if you do, you might get a lot of international/Indian applause, but won’t be doing any service of any kind to the green passport holders but would be making them feel ashamed even more, these people who still survive with this green passport and try to hold their heads high at international airports, including me, because they know it’s not their fault what people internationally think about them, they still respect Jinnah, Iqbal and everyone who struggled to create Pakistan and the Ideology of these great men because they understand the original ideology of these men and most of these green passport holders, if they had a chance, would change Pakistan for the better, not start bashing the founder for other people’s mistakes and at a time when all of them (green passport holders) are already depressed with the things going on with our beloved homeland.
There is no doubt that the ideology of Pakistan has been stolen from us, by the people who’ve ruled over us since 1948, but calling the original ideology wrong and calling the dream of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Iqbal & Jinnah wrong because of that would itself be wrong. And, then again, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, if you do not think people like you, then it could be down to the fact that they’re wrong, because in modern society you do not judge somebody because of the colour of their skin, or the colour of their passport, for that matter, and if anybody does this to you, then he/she’s got a problem and are not thinking straight. And, if you do not fight back today and show these people their thinking is wrong, be proud of what you are (a Pakistani) and what was originally meant for you; tomorrow you will be complaining about people hating you because of your religion, and you or someone like you would be blaming Prophet Muhammad PBUH for “making the mistake of introducing us to Islam and Tauheed.” – when all in all, this was the biggest favour bestowed upon us!
It’s your choice, now, you can leave this green passport behind or join us to improve the image & living conditions in our homeland and rid her from all that’s wrong and fight back!
Ordinary Pakistan – @ Pakistani_Saint
Well said. I do agree with her that the conditions of Pakistan are not as good, but they are only people of good people neglecting Pakistan. Abandoning it will do no good and will be a cowardly act. It is up to us to make it better and that is the most important thing we need to realize.
The basic crux of your detailed argument is that she should give up her passport if she continues write such critique. In other words, she has no right to be called Pakistani because she doesn’t like the ways things are going in the country. If someone have the courage to say such things, he should be stripped of citizenship. That is not a very sane argument.
Quite the contrary! Her article/blog leaves almost no room for even any chance of improvement or expecting any change in Pakistan. All I am saying is, if she has to be this decisive and pessimistic that she has lost all hope, then she really should denounce this citizenship and cite her article and death threats as a way to claim asylum in some western country n gain their passport, BUT, that wouldn’t necessarily be the right thing to do. She should start thinking positively, not lose hope, do something on her part to make things better (be it self-awareness articles for Pakistanis, since she has such a good talent in writing).
All I am saying is, do NOT lose hope! If you have, then please denounce this citizenship n stop writing for us, do we need any negative writing at this time of peril? No, we need encouragement n hope!!
PS. By making your twitter account inactive, you’re giving all of us a wrong impression, that you’re not a fighter. Fight the haters, read all the valid comments, make your mind and bounce back!
In any case, as the author of this post suggests, you’re entirely entitled to your opinion, it’s your God given right. You expressed it, now face the music and set a good example, that you can let others express their’s on your post, as well.
YES Jinnah made mistake because he created Pakistan for you who are ashamed of it, Go get a life author Grow up from this ludicrous thoughts and don’t blame Jinnah it’s you and me who made Pakistan like this!
Mehwish Badar , that was truly a thoughtful piece of writing.
The ideas you put forward and the way you did so reflects sadly the mindset a lot of us have. Reading your article reminds me of a wailing baby. Many of us sit here and do nothing except complain about the sad affairs of state here. The question is:
“What have YOU done to make this place any better than what is is ?”
“How have you contributed in making sure that the little bit of Pakistan around you is a better place?”
You feel so strongly about issues such as terrorism and other problems that the country is confronted by. How much of your allowance do you single out for the NGOs working tirelessly to ensure that one more child enters a school instead of madrassahs?
I would also like to ask you,that as a mother, are you upbringing your children with the same despondence you exhibit, or do you teach them to be active members of the society to make lives better for themselves and others.
About the mistake Jinnah made: I am saddened that a grown and educated person like you fails to perceive the common sense that around in 1947 Jinnah, or an yother person for that matter, had little clue that the succeeding rulers of this country would sell it out for power and other personal gains while its citizens (like you and I) would fail to take stand for themselves while they watched the nation fall apart.
To end with , yes Jinnah did make a mistake. But it was not Pakistan. It was the sacrifice of health, wealth and happiness he made so that people like you and I today can argue over justifying the existence of Pakistan.
Sadly, I am ashamed too. I am ashamed of calling you my fellow Pakistani. Peace.
I respect the authors views, and am merely expressing my own point of view. I believe that everyone has the right to express her/his point of view and no one is right to deny them this right!.
I guess its pretty easy to criticize, and not trying to acknowledge the people who are actually trying to make a positive change by living inside Pakistan.
Obviously the writer has proved everything right with proper and sound logic but the fact remains that blindly criticizing every negative aspect of ones nation and openly criticizing the father of our nation and wishing to be a part of United India is just plain wrong. Perhaps the writer does not have direct relatives who can tell her how terrible life was before ’47 and how terrible life is for the Muslims in India. Sure it is easy to just sit and watch tv channels and visit websites about India and think that we’d be better if we had been over there instead of here, but tell me do you honestly believe that living a life under an alien religion state would make things better? this just gets to show you the mentality of our people, they just need money, good international repute and some “shashkay” and they are ready for selling themselves!
I think the author has no knowledge about Modern Political International Relations. If she had, she would have known that if Pakistan had’nt developed a nuclear weapon, we would have been subject to a much difficult situation today.
Wake Up! We are HERE and this is how things ARE. The sooner we learn to accept the fact that this is our country and only we will be able to change its destiny, nothing good will happen.
the article is full of stereotypes. Honestly, do you actually expect to believe that the entire nation is full of mullahs and orthodox religious people? Oh Wait. I guess im wrong. The entire nation forces its daughters to wear a burqa or not get educated or not get involved in politics. There are no Alcohol clubs here at Pakistan, there is no concept of co-education, there is no concept of liberty? no concept of freedom of speech? no concept of mix cultural-ism even at Islamabad?
Stereotyping an entire nation on the acts of a few is plain wrong. There is so much good in pakistan as well, but plainly choosing to ignore all that and writing everything pessimistically makes me sad. Please present a solution to the problems you’ve stated? Are you a part of some national movement that promises change? What is your role in inspiring change? What are you doing ? You can argue that these are not the solutions meant to be fulfilled by the citizens, but right now, living in pakistan, we’ll have to do a little something extra than our job description.
In response to the middle east jobs crisis, im sure you know why is that? Again that is the problem with the mindset of the people. They think that they’ll get super rich and they really don’t care if they get minimum wage for a tough job. They flee in numbers of hundred therefore damaging the labor economy of the host state. Think of the Afghan Refugees who have damaged our economy, they have disturbed the lowest wage system by working for even more low wages.
Blocking out your twitter account is really immature!. I think you need to face the criticism and defend your point of view. Otherwise not only me but millions of other people will think of it as a publicity stunt
Hi there. I was just going through the article and its comments (I guessed it was an explosive one at that)
While i cannot say much about your other points as i have no actual experience in pakistan, I would like to assure you that India is not a muslim slaughterhouse. I would not go out as far to say that there is no open discrimination between hindus and muslims (i think there’s something about muslims finding it hard to rent houses – but that also applies to bachelors irrespective of religion, and in certain cases – non vegetarians irrespective of religion). You have muslims here who own shops, muslims who deliver food, run restaraunts, be team leaders at IT companies, anything they want to be.
How terrible life is for muslims in india? Could be terrible. India is not a perfect country, we have slums and backward villages, and people live harsh lives there. But by and large, you can live as a muslim here in peace, and die here in peace, and the same goes for the children. But in some places you’re screwed, irrespective of religion. Because life isn’t really nice and easy for anyone.
Muslims do lead a different life here – atleast from a hindu perspective. They have their own thing going on, but it’s not like we wait outside their doors sharpening our swords muttering slokas, people have their own jobs to do man.
Sometimes there are riots, and they’re terrible events. These things happen. It’s in the past. Might happen again too, can’t really give a guarantee on this. But really, it’s not as frequent as you think. It’s not as bad as you think – and it definitely is better than you think it is for them here, maybe.
Yes Jinnah made a mistake, indeed a big mistake – that mistake was sacrifice of his life and health which he could have had, only if he left the idea of Pakistan alone, to dream of a country which could eventually become a Proud nation. It was a mistake because that dream never materialized and we never became a Nation, since we have people like you in this country, who can sit in their home and write such blogs (while our country men die everyday in an endless mess that we have created) without any regard for so many Pakistanis who are trying to do their best to improve this mess.
I think I have another idea for you, why don’t you go and talk to a Soldiers father who lost his son in the recent war against terror and ask him if it was mistake and why he let his son die for this mistake. Go and talk to Edhi Sahab who has done more than anyone else in this country, to help common Pakistanis and ask him why he is doing that for a bunch of people who don’t care about it and think that it is a mistake. Go and talk to that teacher in Islamabad who is trying to teach kids in an open ground without any self interest and ask him to stop doing that, since all of this is mistake anyway so why bother? and let me know what they say and how big a mistake they think Pakistan is? Please write another blog then.
On you leaving twitter I think freedom of expression comes with a responsibility that it should be both ways, when you talk to us, you should be able to listen to what we have to say as well. So, please come back on twitter. No one can harm you on twitter.
Finally, when I think about it I am sure Jinnah did not wish for the country Pakistan is today, but more importantly he surely did not wish for a Pakistani like you in it.
What other country can live with that kind of burden, that whenever things are not looking good, people start questioning its very existence? Maybe, this mindset is precisely the reason the things are that bad in the first place. What a shame that this debate becomes a part of mainstream journalism in a so called “jingoistic” nation.
No other country in the history of the modern world has achieved its place in the sun and overcome its problems without dedicated nationalistic mindset. What this woman betrays here is what has been precisely the deficit in Pakistan: an educated elite that feels for the country, feels its subjugation and humiliation and is ready to stand up and fight up. Wittingly or unwittingly they can only serve as tools of those whose agenda is to prove her thesis right, namely, that Pakistan is a mistake.
Question,beta,is not that Pakistan should not have been created. it is !how Muslims as a community would have fared in India after the Britishers left. thank god, Pakistan was made, for whatever it’s worth, you and I are first class citizens. for those who disagree I urge them to go to India, not as tourist, but with the intentions of settling. you will have your answer. what we have made of Pakistan is our own doing, stop blaming the dead and gone!
Agreed madam…. There is a very thin line between freedom of speech and anti state sentiments which immature authors like Mehwash can not distinguish. I’m living in one of the most developed and ecnomically sound country where people still disagree with their governments, policies and sometimes feel deprived. But I haven’t seen someone writing against the state or cursing theirself for being the nationals. Never… I ask Mehwash to go to India, work or stay there, she’ll come to know how difficult it is to live a place where the society is already divided in communities and religious denominations.
wow. you’ve said what I’ve felt for a long time. Thank you. If we are to have a decent Pakistan. We must debate.
Shame on you Mehwash.. I wish you were born in India, you must have been living in Dharavi Slum and collecting trash for your livelihood. You are being honored here and you still blame Pakistan and love to be in United India. Let me share information about your India… There are c.a. 25000 girls raped every year, some 350000 people murder every year where no war on terror is being fought, 90000 wives are tortured by husbands and reported, unreported may be in millions… You were bound to delete your blog from Express Tribune because you did not have the moral footings to hold it anymore due to the pressure you were facing from general public on your controversial ‘masterpiece’. Please use your pen for the betterment of the country instead of intigating innocents, defamming forefathers and cursing Pakistan..
Can someone please expel this idiot out of my country?
Wow, i just discovered this blog and this is the first article i read. Am so glad that someone in Pakistan has the courage to say the truth out in the public and kudos to the website publishers for having the courage to post these kinda posts.
I have gone through comments and i’m not surprised at all. We as Pakistanis have this habit of making idols out of mere humans. Jinnah was a man capable of making mistakes; is a thought that many in Pakistan consider blasphemous. (Irony however is that he was a target of “ghairat brigades” of his time, lol)
One of the comment was that the writer should have recommended some solutions as well. Dude! its a short article not a book or a thesis. Someone said, the writer shouldn’t have used words ashamed. OK ! So are we supposed to feel proud of all this? is any of the things that she mentioned is false? Then why not just be realistic and call a spade a spade.
The historical basis of all pro-Jinnah dudes is just Pakistan Studies-esque books, which should be actually termed as one-sided and not this article. This article is about a thought that we all Pakistanis know underneath but are too afraid to admit. Those who do are always taunted or termed as traitor. I have been on the receiving end of it for too many times. So just to be clear, please note that i’m not looking for an asylum anywhere. The thing is that if such an article that openly says that yes Jinnah made blunder, can provoke a thought in someones head that what if it’s true. And then that someone goes and does some independent research, not influenced by Pakistan Studies-esque material, he/she might realize that Jinnah actually made some blunders. Pakistan was his biggest but surely not the only one.
If you guys are interested in knowing more, here are few if you have the courage to do un-baised reasearch (unbiased == no patriotic or religious emotions coming in way of your research)
1) How Jinnah approached Kashmir’s issue ? anyone knows that the issue we today have was made worse by Jinnah himself? What, you don’t believe me and I am a paid agent or a traitor for saying that ? good ….suit yourself but I dare you to do an unbiased research on this issue and Jinnah’s role in it
2) Choosing USA over USSR was another classic mistake. Consider you live in a city of two gangsters, badmaash, ghunda ,(USA and USSR). Now you live in a “mohalla” and one of those “ghunda, badmaash” is your neighbor(USSR). But you make friends with his enemy(the other ghunda, USA) that lives far away from your mohalla. Wow stroke of a genius. Isn’t it ? or you call it a mistake ? Just for a moment think how big that mistake was. If we would have been in the other camp, possibly no afghan war, resulting in no rise of religious extremism in Pakistan, meaning may be no taliban. That we are fighting so hard today to defend our constitution.
Ok i’m getting tired now, this was supposed to be a comment , not an article. But please do try to keep an open mind about things, do your own research without history from our curriculum affecting it. Thanks
Dear Sister,
I feel your anger, apathy, pain, regret and all that it is that you have articulated with your words in this article BUT, I certainly do not share your views. I am a Muslim-pakistani living abroad and consider the entire blueprint of pakistan to be an ideological / intellectual war. And sometimes, it isn’t easy to point out the enemy in plain sight, it can well be hidden within the deepest roots of our perceptions.
I sympathize with every point that you have made about where pakistan is today as a country BUT to me, it seems like your idea of a better world resonates with that of the ‘west’. I.E. We can recreate a better society given a better democracy and less religious intervention with the affairs of the state (if that).
My dear sister, I first pray that Allah Azzawajal, protects you and your family and bless you all with the best that you deserve in this world and the next Ameen, But I’m sorry I must also inform you that you’re ignorance about the polio vaccine leaves a vast majority of those around you in danger (May Allah Azzawajal protect us all Ameen). I urge you to carry out an independent research about polio, its inception and learn of the accounts of those who refused this vaccination. Then again, I must say that Allah Azzawajal’s Qadr is Supreme and we must admit and submit to it.
The highlight of the problem for ‘pakistan’ today in a division of identity. I have seen and met many of those who are extremely patriotic towards a country that was “founded to practice Islam Freely” when it comes to watching a cricket match but they will never move an inch when it comes to catching the Isha’ Salah. I ask just one question, how will we show our face to our creator on Judgement Day while we watch a bunch of men dressed as clowns running around after a ball while neglecting the fundamental duty that is incumbent upon us? Why do our children know more aobut Quaid-E-Azam and less about Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhe Wasallam may Allah Azzawajal’s Divine Peace and Blessings be upon him and the Sahabah Radi Allahu Anhum?
My dear sister, I also understand that my own dilemmas cannot suffice as mere answers to your allegations but I hope that we can share similarities between our issues. I view the issue of pakistan as an opportunity among all the chaos to educate our children with the love, care, responsibility, and passion with which we should establish Allah Azzawajal’s Law on the Earth. Even though it may not equate to as much but you may consider teaching a child how to pray ‘establishing the law of Allah Azzawajal’.
In conclusion, what I’m trying to get at, is that there are many reasons for which we can develop a negative outlook towards certain issues and life in general, BUT, that does not give us the right to question and complain about them as we’re supposed to always search for the positive as Muslims. Consider the children of Palestine my Sister, they have lost their country, probably have had their homes bombarded and left with a likely bleak future of what we ‘in these modern times’ consider a well off for our children. We have so much to Thank Allah Azzawajal for, how can we turn a blind eye to that? So let us focus on all the positives and while I understand that the negatives cannot entirely be ignored, find a healthy and positive outlook towards these issues Insha Allah.
I pray that Allah Azzawajal bless you, your family and your children just like I pray that very same Duaa for all my Muslim Brothers and Sisters around the world. I pray that Allah Azzawajal makes it easy for everyone who is finding it difficult Ameen.
Let us not be deviated by the erratic actions of non-state actors.
Let us concentrate our criticism and rejection of the cruelty and crimes committed by state actors viz. using nukes of civilian population of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, torture of prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq, etc.
Mr.Jinnah was right. He was right that hindus and muslims cannot live together as they are sooo different. He divided the country, and made hindus emigrate from pakistan and prosper under a single country. And they are marching ahead while muslims , already divided into three, and maybe more in future, are in shambles.
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Jinnah made a mistake and I am ashamed of being Pakistani! – by Mehwash Badar
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hi, I am an Indian, I have great pakistani friends, and its surprising how much we all think alike and our foods is almost same, kids speak same language. Indians in India are really well, I have great friends there too, they are quite educated, the first woman ips to give a high rank in Delhi was a muslim police officer. What I am trying to tell you is that India is very safe for Muslims, yes we do have differences but that exists in the very children living in the same house, who have same parents, same blood, same religion. That will never change, saying that, still not one Indian Muslim would like to settle in Pakistan, even when given a choice. Let us try to sort out the differences peacefully and I wish India and Pakistan could be one again, it would be fantastic not to have borders.