Raymond Davis case: Incitement to hatred with Talat Hussain

Two ultra-religious fascists Imran Khan and Talat Hussain, Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf is demanding public execution of Raymond Davis
Related article: Raymond Davis case: How Pakistan’s right-wing media resulted in Shumaila’s death
If you were to turn on your television at this very moment and browse through the channels for barely a minute, what would you see? You would see only one story, that is Raymond Devis case. This is what you would see in almost all talk shows and you would also observe that our anchors act like judges.
The Raymond Davis case has exaggerated into a full political entrainment drama; observers are noticing that right wing media is politicizing this issue to its fullest extent. No doubt, the media is messed up, as it only reports the negativity and cheap conspiracy theories, so in lieu of remaining a judicial issue concerning only the foreign office and relevant government authorities, it has entered the domain of public discourse and shabby political sensation.
The newly liberalized Pakistani media is very much expert in inciting violence and hatred and providing fuel to right-wing politics as well as religious extremism. We have been continuously stating that the commercially oriented media is not doing the right job or reporting responsibly, incitement to violence and exaggeration of the news is constantly done by some in this field just to gain advantages over their competitors.
As the blasphemy issue has almost died down, now Raymond Davis is the perfect issue for religious and right-wing lobby and their pseudo-liberal helpers to gain political mileage.
Since right-wing political parties always advance on the emotionalism rather than political logic and the popular media know this, the media is doing its conventional job.
The right-wing anchors only need an issue to exploit and the Raymond case has given them some spicy material. Every screeching anchor is using this incident to inflame passions, to ignite the emotions of people by misrepresenting and twisting facts.
It is a sad fact of Pakistani democracy that within days of the formation of civilian elected government led by the Pakistan Peoples Party, a section of media initiated a smear operation and propaganda against the PPP and its government, and used every issue since to topple and destabilize the democratic system.
There are right-wing anchors and political and religious parties which are demanding hanging of Raymond Davis even before a fair trial or judgment. Every one does have the freedom of expression but one shouldn’t try to create undo pressure on judicial as well as executive system that may deprive someone of his right and cost his life as Pakistan constitution gives every one the right of fair trial. And by the way it is not the news media’s job, that’s a job best left to the independent judiciary!
In a recent TV talk-show “News Night (in fact Comedy Circus) with Talat Hussain”, Mr. Talat Hussain described Shumaila Kanwal as modern Juliat, heroin ‘qom ki ghariat mand beti’. By passing this comments he has also demonstrated support for suicide and encouraged suicidal thoughts. He even ignored the reality that the suicide is forbidden in all religions including Islam.
Line after line, Talat Hussain incited hatred against the present government and the US. The only purpose behind was to boost his talk-show’s rating and his personal salary. Unfortunately, such sort of right wing media squashes any hope for the citizens of Pakistan. The good developments, the optimism, peaceful thoughts are all buried and the media owners and anchors are to blame for this. What media and it’s anchors are suggesting is to commit suicide, if you don’t get justice? In my reckoning, it is against the law and religion to provoke or help someone commit suicide.
However, it is not guaranteed that such sort of rhetorical hatred and inflammatory commentary will ensure further commercial success for the talkshows or boost their rating. However, for sure, it can create more hatred and violence in Pakistani society.
The timing of the campaign also points to the involvement of dark forces. See PMLN’s new position and confrontational politics.
The media and its howling and yelling anchors must set their commercial interests, rating ambitions and raging sentiments aside and converge at a point where national interest and citizens rights are not put at stake. Rightly now, the way media is dealing with all these sensitive issues, it would not be wrong to say that media has become irresponsible and violent.
Watch these videos to understand how the power of media is being used by anchors in an irresponsible manner:
Here’s an excellent article by Sana Bucha:
خودکشی سے بہتر زندگی ہے!…لیکن … ثناء بچہ
میری ایک دوست کی نوکرانی نے چند روز قبل خودکشی کرنے کی کوشش کی۔ میری دوست نے اسے اپنی آٹھویں فلور کی گیلری سے پکڑ لیا اور ایک طرح سے اس کی جان بچائی۔ بعد ازاں یہ معلوم ہوا ہے کہ وہ اپنی ذاتی پریشانیوں کی وجہ سے یہ قدم اٹھانا چاہتی تھی۔ میری دوست نے جب یہ بات مجھ سے کہی تو میں اس سے گلہ کیا کہ اس نے مجھے پہلے کیوں نہ بتایا۔ اس کا جواب مجھے لاجواب کر گیا۔ اس نے کہاتم ٹی وی والے ہو میں تو ڈر رہی تھی کہ اگر میں اپنی ماسی کو بچانے میں ناکام ہوجاتی اور میری ماسی مر جاتی تو نیوز چینلز میرے ساتھ کیا کرتے؟ کوئی مجھے ظالم کہتا، کوئی اسے مظلوم قرار دیتا، اور پھر سچائی نیوز رپورٹس اور تجزیوں میں کہیں گم ہوجاتی۔اس بات نے مجھے سوچنے پر مجبور کردیا کہ مسیحا کا کردارادا کرتے کرتے میڈیا حدوں سے تجاوز تو نہیں کررہا؟ پاکستان میں ہر دوسرے روز ایسا کوئی نہ کوئی معاملہ زیر بحث ضرور آجاتا ہے جس سے ہمارے ملک کے کم از کم کسی ایک طبقے کوفائدہ پہنچتا ہے اور کسی دوسرے کو تقویت ! اب امریکی شہری ریمنڈ ڈیوس کا معا ملہ ہی لے لیجے۔ ڈیوس لاہور کے مزنگ چوک پر دو نوجوانوں کو قتل کرکے فرار ہونا چاہتاتھا کہ ہجوم اور پولیس نے اس کے قدم روک دیئے۔ بس یہیں سے شروع ہوگیا ہماراپسندیدہ سچ ! ڈیوس امریکی ہے، ٹھیک۔ امریکا زور آور ہے، یہ بھی ٹھیک۔ امریکا دنیا میں من مانی کرتا ہے، یہ بھی ٹھیک۔ ریمنڈ ڈیوس کی شکل میں امریکیوں کاْمکروہ چہرہ ْ سامنے آگیا ہے، غلط! امریکا مفاد پرست،، موقع پرست اور سفاک ہے،، اس سچ کو جاننے کے لیے ڈیوس کے ہاتھوں دو نوجوانوں کی ہلاکت ضروری نہیں تھی۔پاکستان میں ڈرون حملے ہوں،، یا بلیک واٹر کی موجودگی امریکیوں کی نیت کے بارے میں کسی کو کبھی شک نہیں رہا۔ اس واقعہ نے جہاں میڈیا کوہائیپر کیا وہیں قانون تحفظ ناموس رسالت پر پہلے سے سرگرم مذہبی گروپس کو سیاست چمکانے کاایک موقع اور فراہم کردیا۔۔ اور اس بات سے قطع نظر کہ یہ معاملہ اب عدالت میں ہے میڈیاکے کچھ لوگوں نے ایک نیا محاذ کھول دیا۔ایک سینئر اینکر پرسن نے جہاں یہ انکشاف کیا کہ ْ ڈیوس سفارت کار کے روپ میں جاسوس ہے، بلیک واٹر کا کارندہ ہے ۔ وہیں ایک حضرت نے یہ فتویٰ جاری کردیا کہ ڈیوس ایک خفیہ مشن پر تھا اور آئی ایس آئی سے ناکام میٹنگ کے بعد انہی کے لوگوں کے نشانے پر تھا۔کسی نے ڈیوس کو سزائے موت سنائی، تو کسی نے ڈیوس کی آڑمیں عافیہ کی رہائی کا خواب دکھایا۔ ایک اینکر پرسن نے تو کمال ہی کردیا۔حضرت نے لائیو شو میں مقتول کے والدین سے خون بہا کے عوض ڈاکٹر عافیہ کی واپسی کا سودا بھی پکاکرلیا۔ایک اور اینکر پرسن اور کالم نگار نے مستقبل کا ایسانقشہ کھینچا کہ ڈیوس کو امریکا کے سپرد کر کے ہی دم لیا۔ اور ساتھ ہی ڈیوس کی قسمت کا فیصلہ کرنے والے ججز کو مقتولین کے ورثا کی بددعاؤں کے لیے بھی تیارکردیا۔ کچھ نے تو اپنی بھولی بسری کچھ سچی کچھ جھوٹی انویسٹی گیٹیو جرنلزم کی تحریروں کا حوالہ دیا۔ ْ ہم نے کہا تھا نا کہ زی اور بلیک واٹر پاکستان میں دندناتے پھر رہے ہیں ْ۔ مل گیا ثبوت !
ارے بھائیو،، میرے بزرگو، سانس تو لو اور خدارا پورا سچ تو بیان کرو۔ اور اگر نہیں معلوم تو کسی سے پوچھ لو۔ کیا آپ کے قابل اعتمادْ ذرائع کہیں کھو گئے ہیں ؟اس سارے ہنگامے میں کہیں طمانیت بخش خاموشی تھی تو وہ حکومت کے گھر میں۔ فوری طور پر نہ دفتر خارجہ نے کوئی بیان دیا اور نہ ہی وزارت داخلہ نے۔ رہ گئی امریکی ایمبیسی تو ان کے بیانات اور پریس ریلیز میں تضاد نظرآیا۔ ساتھ میں یہ مطالبہ کہ ڈیوس کو استثنا حاصل ہے، اسے امریکا کے حوالے کیاجائے۔ آخر کار میڈیا کی سنسنی اور قبل از وقت قیاس آرائیوں کو روکنے کے لیے رحمان ملک صاحب میدان میں کودے۔ اور واضح کر دیا کہ ڈیوس سفارتی پاسپورٹ پر پاکستان آیاتھا۔ لیکن بہت دیر کردی مہرباں آتے آتے ! یوں تو ملک صاحب کے تمام ہی بیانات میڈیاپر نمایاں جگہ پاتے ہیں لیکن جانے کیوں یہ ہی بیان کہیں گم ہوگیا۔ویسے تو اس میڈیا وار میں حقائق کی جگہ نہیں لیکن صحافی ہوں ، عادت سے مجبور ہوں۔ ریمنڈ کی سچائی ہم میں سے کوئی نہیں جانتا۔ اتنا جانتے ہیں کہ ریمنڈ کے خلاف اقدام قتل کی دفعہ 302 ،، اور غیر قانونی اسلحہ کی دفعہ 1320 کے تحت مقدمہ درج کرلیا گیا ہے۔دو نوجوان فہیم اور فیضان ڈیوس ہی کی گولیوں کا نشانہ بنے۔ لیکن تفتیش میں سامنے آنے والے کچھ حقائق کے مطابق فیضان ایک جرائم پیشہ شخص تھا جس کے خلاف ایک نہیں، دو نہیں چار ایف آئی آرز درج ہیں۔ اور اس روز بھی وہ کچہری گیا تھا۔ لیکن فیضان کے جرائم پیشہ ہونے کا مطلب یہ ہر گز نہیں کہ کوئی اسے گولی مار دے۔۔ جان کی حرمت کسی بھی جرم کے ارتکاب سے کم نہیں ہوتی، نہ ہونی چاہیے۔ کسی کو مجرم یا بے قصور ٹھہرانے کا کام عدالتوں کا ہے۔ لیکن جب یہ فیصلے سڑکوں پر پھیلے مشتعل ہجوم کرنے لگیں یا ان سے متاثرکوئی سر پھرا تو پھر معاشرے کو انارکی کی جانب بڑھنے سے کوئی نہیں روک سکتا۔ ڈرون حملوں سے مرنے والے بے گناہ لوگ ہوں یا کراچی میں بے نام گولیوں کا شکار افراد۔ایکسٹرا جوڈیشل کلنگ کو غلط ہی کہا جائے گا۔جس ملک میں لبرلز کو فاشسٹ قرار دیا جائے، جہاں رائٹ ونگ سے مرعوب ہو کر بیانات تبدیل ہوتے ہوں وہاں ایک امریکی قاتل کا معاملہ ویسے ہی پیچیدہ ہو جاتا ہے۔ رہی سہی کسر ہمارے میڈیا کے چند لوگ پوری کردیتے ہیں۔ اگر انٹرنیشنل قوانین کی بات کی جائے تو،، ویانا کنونشن کے آرٹیکل 37 کے تحت سفارتی اہلکاروں کو کرمنل امیونٹی بھی حاصل ہوتی ہے۔ اور اگر ایسا ہے تو پھرہماری عدالتیں ریمنڈ ڈیوس کو سزا دینے کی مجاز نہیں۔ لیکن اگر ریمنڈ کے نام کے ساتھ ساتھ اس کا پاسپورٹ اورویزا بھی جعلی ہے تو پھر استثنا تو چھوڑیے اس کی خلاصی بھی مشکل ہوجائے گی۔
لیکن الزام سے سزا تک، اور جھوٹ سے سچ تک جتنا فاصلہ ہے اسے ہمارے ذمہ دار صحافی مایوس نوکرانی کی طرح آٹھویں منزل سے کود کر چند لمحوں میں بھی طے کر سکتے ہیں یا پھر حقائق کی روشنی میں منزل بہ منزل، درجہ بہ درجہ۔
کیوں کہ خودکشی سے بہتر زندگی ہے !!
Talat Hussain is in fact a soobaydar who gets his salary from Dawn TV but his employers are located in Rawalpindi.
Thanks for bringing this to the fore. Seems that in the Raymond Davis affair, our rightwing anchors and pseudo left smug liberals are both spouting the same rubbish!
Both IK & TH are islmaofascists who are working on establishment agenda.
A very timely piece. The likes of Talat Hussain can sell their mothers to placate the ISI and still be proud Muslims.
Maulana Talat Hussain also said’agar media aur awam ka pressure na hota to aaj Raymond America mein kisi pub per beth ker sharaab pi reha hota’ I mean how he knows that Raymond is a drinker?
yesterday I was hearing a program on ARY in which the widow of Faizan, Zehra was pleading her case. She was saying that “mayn aik paisa amreekion say nahee loongi. Agar har Pakistani bhee aik rupay dey to meray paas 17 crore rupay ho jayen gay jo kay meray aur meray honay walay bachay kay liye kaafi hongay”. She also said if she is not given support then “mayn bhee woh karoon gee jo Shumaila nay kiya hay…apnay saath mayn aik aur jaan bhee lay loongi”.
if raymond had murdered bilawal bhutto instead of these people and if asifa bhutto commited suicide instead of shumaila then please jiyalas guide me about raymonds immunity?..
@Mr Truth
Do you really think that Mr Raymond is a insane murderer or Ms Asifa Bhutto is a unsettled girl? it seems you are ignoring Bhutto family’s sacrifices and endurance. I think you’re not even got the point, I think Author is suggesting that it’s not anchors’s job to glorify suicide and spread hopelessness. And it is also sad fact that media and it’s anchors want to solve all issues on streets instead in Parliament and in other legislative institutions.
After the freedom of expression given by Musharraf, most of anchors are suffering from rating phobia to boast popularity of the comedy circus.
By the way what happened to Dr. Shahid Masood?
Has he gone out of Pakistan?
@Farzana B please now dont try to write all tghe sacrifices of bhutto family…they are not prophets..every one is equal in pakistan whether bilawal or any other pakistani…just give my answer..suppose if bilawal was on the same road and raymond murdered him then tell me did raymond has immunity????
whether islamists or weather enlightened liberals i think both are hypocrites…..
Mr Arshad Sharif was quite good journalist, but he is also running for rating and trying to boost his rating. Mr Anwar Baig rightly said, Mr Arshad don’t be hyper, he also suggested to close the Raymond Davis chapter on media and let the court and foreign office decide this sensitive diplomatic issue.
There is no campaign in main stream Media for Taseer family’s justice, why not media is campaigning for PPP’ shaheeds..
your ideological friends in Jihadi and security outfits killed Z A Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto and thousands of PPP’s worker, remember 18th October, Karsaz Tragedy and they are still enjoying immunity in Pakistan…
I’m not here to respond your hypothetical questions, I’m supporting PPP for democratic evolution in Pakistan and eventually democratic evolution will be beneficial for my and your future generation.
Sham on you Media Owners, Najam Sethi on media and judiciary and Geo’s censorship policy:
نجم سیٹھی کی میڈیا اور عدلیہ کے حوالے سے گفتگو
22-02-11، رات گیارہ بجے
منیب فاروق …. ایک آخری سوال تھا سیٹھی صاحب ، یہ جو سیاسی عدم استحکام کے حوالے سے ہم بات کررہے تھے کہ میڈیا اس وقت کیا کررہا ہے، کتنا رول پلے کررہا ہے، بہتری کی طرف کچھ کررہا ہے یا صورتحال کو مزید بگاڑ رہا ہے؟۔
نجم سیٹھی …. یار یہ تو گھر والی بات کردی تم نے، اب میں کیا کہوں اس پر، دیکھئے! جمہوریت میں میڈیا ایک پوزیٹیو رول ادا کرتا ہے اور ہمارا میڈیا بھی جنرلی پوزیٹیو رول ادا کررہا ہے مگر میڈیا کے اندر ہمیشہ اس قسم کی ٹینڈینسیز بھی ہوتی ہیں کہ وہ غیر ذمہ داری کے ساتھ کارروائی کرتا ہے اور آج کل سچویشن یہ ہے کہ کیونکہ میڈیا اور جوڈیشری بڑے قریب ہو چکے ہیں، جوڈیشری میڈیا کو پروٹیکٹ کررہی ہے اور میڈیا جوڈیشری کو پروٹیکٹ کررہا ہے اور یہ دیکھتے نہیں ہیں کہ ایشو کیا ہے یا کیا نہیں ہے، آنکھیں بند کرکے ایک دوسرے کو سپورٹ کررہے ہیں، بُری بات نہیں ہے اچھی بات ہے مگر ساتھ ساتھ یہ آنکھیں بند کرنے والی بات مناسب نہیں ہے۔ دونوں کو سوچ سمجھ کر چلنا چاہیئے، یہ نا ہو کہ نقصان میڈیا اور جوڈیشری کا ہو جائے، اگر اتنی غیر متوازن کیفیت پیداکردی گئی جوڈیشری نے اور میڈیا نے، دیکھیے! میڈیا میں آپ ہر روز کہانیاں پڑھتے ہیں، اتنی کرپشن اتنا یہ، میں کہتا ہوں جہاں دھواں ہو وہاں اس کا مطلب ہے کچھ آگ تھی یا آگ ہے تو جہاں آگ ہے وہاں دھواں ہے تو دھواں تو ہے اس میں کوئی شک نہیں ہے اور ہر روز کہانیاں آپ سنتے ہیں، مگر میں دیکھتا ہوں جب بھی میں یہ کہانیاں۔
(اس کے بعد نشریات اچانک منقطع کردی گئی، اور وقفہ کے بعد دوبارہ دوسرے موضوع پر بات کی گئی)
Imran Khan is a dictator
A new party emerges Out of PTI
A former leader of Pakistan Threek-e-Insaf (PTI) Rana Usama Shakoor, has shown no confidence on the leadership of Imran Khan and has announced to launch his own party with the name of Awami Threek-e-Insaf.
In a press conference he said that Imran Khan talks about justice and democracy in country but on other hand he never dares to hold elections in his own party.
He said that from the last many years PTI chief is electing his favourite people on different designations in the party.
He said that the a convention of Awami Threek-e-Insan will be held next month and party workers will be brought on in this function.
LUBP’s favorite Ms Meher Bukhari(Fasadi Aurat)now inciting violence & promoting hate speech against other communities and nation on Duniya TV, see her show’s latest episode, watch her aggressiveness and negativism, ‘Rasi jal gayi per bal nahin geya’
Even Rahat Fatah Ali Khan criticized media for negative and misreporting
Although I am a strong supporter of Freedom of Press, I think the views stated against it that they are promoting hate and extremism seems true in some cases. Yes, particularly in the case of Raymond Davis.
I was particularly disappointed by Hamid Mir (Geo), Farhan ( ARY ) and Talat Hussain – one of my favourit anchor person ( Dawn News) in their programmes on Raymond Davis.
The sad thing about all this is that this is not doing any good to Pakistan. Rather it is making Pakistan more violent and dangerous.
Hope they will realize and will not be a part of a story which resulted in making Pakistan a weak and unstable state.
There are a couple of statements in this article which require some observations:
“Every one does have the freedom of expression but one shouldn’t try to create undo pressure on judicial as well as executive system that may deprive someone of his right and cost his life as Pakistan constitution gives every one the right of fair trial”
Do you really believe that media rhetoric on Raymond Davis will alter Raymond Davis’ right to “fair trail”?. That is illogical. Judicial process go through certain codes on conduct and there is a substantial amount of paper drill involved… And media cannot alter this legal process….. Media’s job is to criticize…..That is why they are there…You support democracy…Media is essential to democracy…If you expect to put some regulations on “right-wing” media (what ever you mean by that term…), then what difference is there between you and Zia?
“Line after line, Talat Hussain incited hatred against the present government and the US. The only purpose behind was to boost his talk-show’s rating and his personal salary.”
Well, you should know by now that media cannot survive without “ratings and salary”. It works the same way in the entire world…. This is part of democracy….Now that democracy is there…..Why do you complain? You must learn to tolerate this also….
“The media and its howling and yelling anchors must set their commercial interests, rating ambitions and raging sentiments aside and converge at a point where national interest and citizens rights are not put at stake. Rightly now, the way media is dealing with all these sensitive issues, it would not be wrong to say that media has become irresponsible and violent.”
Democracy is about accommodating different interests and stakeholders….Everyone pursues their own interests in democracy…..Political parties do it…Why not media? As far as national interests are concerned…..Realist observation shows that politics on National Interests do not exist anymore….How can you expect the media to follow national interests when all political parties in Pakistan are working for their own interests instead of national interests….National interests do no exist in politics today…..Before they did….Now they don’t….Because if national interests existed then Pakistan would not have been suffering today….Hence, it is illogical to blame media for not pursuing national interests……
As far as violence is concerned…..Consider this….Lets assume that media did not exist……Do you still think that the “mullah bandwagon” would have easily let go of the issue……No they wouldn’t…..They are experts for bringing people in streets…..They would still create problems for the government…..Hence, violence and anger is already inherent in our society……Therefore, the cause is much more related to the misery of common man (unemployment, inflation, poverty etc)…Not the media…..
“The good developments, the optimism, peaceful thoughts are all buried and the media owners and anchors are to blame for this. What media and it’s anchors are suggesting is to commit suicide, if you don’t get justice?”
It is good to be optimist but a realist at the same time……However, I would ask you here…..Do you see any “good developments”? If the answer is yes…Then prepare for some shower of tomatoes……Media will be glad to report positive things….If they exist…how can you expect positive media when good news is only limited towards occasional rains and eating pakoras……
Where Is Pakistan’s Media Leading Us?
From religious militancy and sectarianism to poverty and corruption, common Pakistanis are confronted with serious challenges to their survival. They are confused about the present, and seriously concerned about the future of the country they will pass on to coming generations.
On the political scene, right-wing religious and political leaders are holding demonstrations where they deliver fiery speeches on contentious issues like Palestine and Kashmir — usually with a thinly veiled call to arms. All the while, these people adopt a deafening silence when thousands of civilians are killed in terrorist incidents and military operations.
One recent report paints a grave picture of the last decade: Taliban militants hit 54 Pakistani places of worship of various faiths, killing 1,165 worshippers and injuring about 2,900 in the past 10 years.
Sadly, if some civil society groups or human rights activists dare to break the silence and hold gatherings to condemn the atrocities of state and nonstate actors, they are threatened with dire consequences. Some of my friends, members of the Peace Movement in Peshawar, confided to me that the security establishment doesn’t encourage them to raise their voices when military offensives in the tribal region spare important militant commanders and destroy the lives and properties of the local communities.
Often, Pakistan’s mainstream media follow the same line. Thanks to the emergence of more than 30 news and current affairs TV channels, there is always a TV anchor ready to offer panacea for all the evils of the society according to their own religious and political affiliations. Their analysis most often culminates with anti-Americanism and threats to the country’s security from neighboring India, while ignoring the fact the real threat posed to the country’s future is internal.
The furor over the arrest of Afia Saddiqui, an American-educated Pakistani citizen convicted in a U.S. court of assault with intent to murder her U.S. interrogators in Afghanistan, and the religious frenzy on the issue of calls for reforms to Pakistan’s blasphemy law and the consequent murder of Governor Salman Taseer, are two glaring examples of instances where the Pakistani media failed to bring an objective and realistic picture of the evolving situation to its bewildered audience.
The recent murder of two Pakistani citizens at the hands of Raymond Davis, a member of the U.S. Consulate in Lahore, blessed the TV anchors and self-proclaimed analysts with a new opportunity not to wait for the court decisions, but to solve it on their TV programs. Demonstrations broke out, and on January 31, while thousands of Egyptians protested against the excesses of Hosni Mubarak regime, thousands of Pakistanis gathered and chanted anti-American slogans in Lahore, demanding the hanging of the American official. Both are Muslim countries, but one can feel the different approaches toward resolving their respective national problems.
Freedom of expression is a fundamental right, but in the context of the emerging situation in Pakistan, one wonders if all the issues can be addressed on the streets and what role the country’s judiciary and elected parliament are left with to uphold the law of the land.
The media not only heightens religious and sectarian tensions. It also plays the role of catalyst, dividing the Pakistani nation along ethnic and linguistic lines.
Just last week, TV channels gave live coverage to a minor activity of a Karachi-based ethnic party but ignored the provincial legislature that discusses vital issues in the region along the volatile Pakistani-Afghan border region.
It’s time for the media and mullahs to look at whether they are really doing any service to Pakistan by closing their eyes to the genuine socio-political and economic issues of the people and continue with an agenda that yields nothing except more conflict and confusion.
— Shaheen Buneri
You have made me laugh a lot as well as made anchors and media owners case more weak by saying that that media cannot survive without “ratings and salary”. So you are saying that citizens and people interest is not their first priority and they focus more on rating and salary. Than why media is giving lectures and ‘bhashan’ on morality?
You asked ‘do you really believe that media rhetoric on Raymond Davis will alter Raymond Davis’ right to “fair trail”?.’ We are just objecting media hysterical role coz it will further increase extremism in society and we are saying let the court decide and media should avoid spreading speculation and stop misleading people. Let the court decide, why media is behaving irresponsibly?
You said’ Democracy is about accommodating different interests and stakeholders….Everyone pursues their own interests in democracy…..Political parties do it…Why not media? ‘right
it’s also media’s job to develop consensus on different issues but in Pakistan media is creating chaos in society. Due to media talk show democracy we could not develop consensus on various issues. Media is just creating hype in society.
Political stockholders at least develop consensus on 18 and 19th amendment, NFC award, but media owners could not develop consensus on media code of conduct.
There are lots of development here my friends, ranging from democratic evolution to fiscal devolution. it’s media’s duty to tell people. After inclusion of this article Pakistan has joined the club of 50 plus countries whose constitution guarantee right to information. It is unfortunate that people and even media enjoy the fruits of democracy and do not admit that.
So media and it’s anchors are lying for ‘rating and salary’ good confession.
Pakistan’s media has been gripped by lurid stories portraying him as a dangerous provocateur.
One front-page story accused him of working with Taliban bombers to sow chaos; other accounts have suggested he is addicted to chewing tobacco, howls during prayers, enjoys jail visits from women and spends hours playing Ludo to fend off depression. US officials insist Mr Davis is a bona-fide diplomat, so immune from prosecution. Conditions are so dangerous at the jail, they say, that dogs test his food, his guards have been disarmed and he is at constant risk of assassination.
Cyril Almeida, a columnist with Dawn.com. Admit that media is lying.
Mera sawal yae hae keye media aur yae Badmash anchors apni salary aur rating kae liye awam ko gumrah kiyon ker rehe hein aur awam ko tension wali news dae ker nafsiyati or blood pressure ka patient kyon bana rehe hein?
“Jhot bol ker Geo”
@ PPP Worker….
Chalein hum yeh abhi man letay hain key media waley gumrah kar rahey hain….Laikin aap mujhe yeh batayey kay kia aap key paas koi relax kar daney wali news hai? Jab barozgari, mahengai aur karzay sar pay char rahey hon to banda tension mein nahin aye to kya kare ga? Bhangrey daley ga? Awaam pehle se hi blood pressure ki mareez ban chuki hai maashi halaat ki wajaa say….Jo log TV nahin dekhtay..Unki bhi mat mari hui hai…
Aap kis dunya mein reh rahe hai?
Consequences of the Raymond Davis incident for Pakistan
Why was this “diplomat” carrying a loaded gun? Travelling alone in a unmarked car? What technical advice was he giving which required a gun?
Were the two men on the motorbike working for the ISI?
Why is the Pakistani foreign office not making a clear statement?
Is the Pakistani nation ready to stand on it’s own feet and disregard American pressure? Can Pakistan survive economically without US aid?
PML-N working to increase its own power or for the good of the country?
@ Farzana ….
– Politicians also give Bhashans and lectures on morality…..That does not make them angels…..Hence, if media does it….It does make them “good”….
– Like I said before….Media can do anything it wants…But it won’t change Davis opportunity for fair trial…Legal drill cannot be altered by media….
– It isn’t the media’s job to develop consensus….It is the job of the parliament…You yourself admitted that the 18 amend and NFC was a result of consensus by parliament…Hence…Blame the parliament….
– “Creating hype” means more TRPS (Target Rating Point)..Which creates more viewers…More viewers >More sponsors and then more money….It is media’s job…They cannot survive without it…
– Media will never “create codes of conduct”….It will not go itself…It is the job of the leadership and parliament to create media regulatory agencies…They exist in all mature democracies….Once again….Blame parliament….
– “Creating Chaos” is not the result of media’s activities. It is the result of current unstable political and economic setup. Private media was absent from 1947 till 2000. But still….we have seen chaos in those times. Hence, your argument gets demolished there…