اداریہ تعمیر پاکستان: فوجی قیادت کو جہادی پراکسی حکمت عملی کو ترک کرنا ہوگا
آئی ایس پی آر نے ایک پریس ریلیز جاری کی جس میں امیر جماعت اسلامی پروفیسر منور حسن کی جانب سے تحریک طالبان کے امیر حکیم اللہ محسود کو شہید قرار دینے کی شدید مذمت کی گئی-اور اس کو حکیم اللہ محسود کی تنظیم کے حملوں میں مارے جانے والے فوجی اور سویلین کی توھین اور ان کے ورثاء کی دل آزاری قرار دیا گیا-
تعمیر پاکستان آئی ایس پی آر کی جانب سے دھشت گردوں کی تعریف کرنے والوں کی مذمت کرنے کے عمل کو سراہتا ہے-لیکن اس پریس ریلیز میں جماعت اسلامی کے بانی سید مودودی کی جو تعریف کی گئی اس کو حقیقت کے منافی خیال کرتا ہے-
پاکستان کی ملٹری قیادت ابھی تک تزویراتی گہرائی اور جہادی پراکسی سے اپنے آپ کو الگ نہیں کرسکی ہے-وہ نیشنلسٹ جہادی پراکسی پر تاحال عمل پیرا ہے اور اس مقصد کے لیے وہ پاکستان کی بہت ساری جہادی تنظیموں کو افغانستان،انڈیا میں استعمال کررہی ہے-جبکہ اس کے تیار کردہ جہادی گروپوں میں بہت سے سپلنٹر پیدا ہوچکے ہیں جو خود پاکستان کی ملٹری اور انٹیلی جنس اداروں کو نشانہ بنارہے ہیں-
پاکستان کی ملٹری قیادت کی تازہ پریشانی تحریک طالبان پاکستان کے نئے امیر ملا فضل اللہ ہیں-ان کا انتخاب اس بات کی نشاندھی کرتا ہے کہ تحریک طالبان کے اندر اسلام پسند جہادیوں کا غلبہ ہوگیا ہے جو کسی اور ملک سے زیادہ پاکستان کے اندر جہاد کرنے اور پاکستان کو ایک جمہوری ںظام سے مرحوم کرکے مذھبی فسطائی اور مذھبی آمریت پر مبنی ںظام لانا چاہتے ہیں-
پاکستان کی ملٹری اسٹبلشمنٹ حکیم اللہ محسود کے افغان انٹیلی جنس ایجنسیوں کے ساتھ رابطے پر غصّے میں تھی اور اس کو یہ یقین ہوچکا تھا کہ حکیم اللہ محسود کے زریعے افغان انٹیلی جنس پاکستان میں پراکسی وار لڑرہا ہے-اس لیے اب یہ یقین ہوتا جارہا ہے کہ پاکستان کی ملٹری اسٹبلشمنٹ نے مسلم لیگ نواز کے وزیر اعظم میاں محمد نواز شریف کو دورہ امریکہ کے دروان امریکہ سے حکیم اللہ محسود کو ہلاک کرنے کا کہا ہوگا-جبکہ حسین حقانی نے اپنی تازہ کتاب “عظیم الشان فریب”میں یہ انکشاف کیا ہے کہ بیت اللہ محسود کو ڈرون حملے میں مروانے میں ہاتھ پاکستان کی فوج کا تھا-
گویا فوج تحریک طالبان پاکستان کی اس قیادت کو راستے سے ہٹانے میں دلچسپی رکھتی ہے جو اس کے کنٹرول میں نہ ہو اور یہ تحریک طالبان پاکستان اور اس کی ذیلی اور دوست تنظیموں کو ختم کرنے میں دلچسپی نہیں رکھتی-موجودہ ہلچل بھی تحریک طالبان پاکستان کے اندر اپنے مطلوبہ اہداف پاکستان کی ملٹری قیادت اور آئی ایس آئی حاصل نہ کرسکنے کی وجہ سے پیدا ہورہی ہے-
فوجی اسٹبلشمنٹ اور جماعت اسلامی کے درمیان لفظوں کی تازہ جنگ نیشنلسٹ جہادیوں اور اسلامسٹ جہادیوں کے درمیان پیدا ہونے والے اختلاف اور تقسیم کا شاخسانہ ہے-اس وقت فوجی اسٹبلشمنٹ افغانستان،کشمیر تک اپنے آپ کو محدود کردینے والے گوریلوں کے ساتھ ایک باب پر ہے لیکن وہ ان جہادی گروپوں کے خلاف لڑنا چاہتی ہے جو اس کے کنٹرول میں نہیں رہے-اور یہاں پر ایک طرف تو اسے پاکستان کے اندر دیوبندی تکفیری سیاسی جماعتوں کی مخالفت کا سامنا ہے جو اس کی جانب سے خیبر ایجنسی۔مہمند ،باجوڑ ،کرم،مالاکنڈ سوات میں فوجی آپریشنوں کی شدید مخالفت کرتے ہیں-اور وہ منحرف جہادیوں سے بات چیت کے فلسفے کو فروغ دے رہے ہیں-اس مخالفت کے ساتھ ساتھ پاکستان میں خارجی تکفیری دیوبندیوں کا سیاسی چہرہ بننے والی جماعت مسلم لیگ نواز کی جانب سے بھی منحرف گروہوں سے بات چیت پر زور دیا جارہا ہے-اس بات چیت میں ملٹری کے کنٹرول میں موجود جہادی گروپ خارج ہیں-گویا بات چیت کا سارا فوکس برے مجاہدوں پر ہے-اور پاکستان کی ملٹری اسٹبلشمنٹ ان برے مجاہدوں میں افغانستان،بھارت اور دیگر ملکوں کی ایجنسیوں کے ساتھ رابطے میں آنے والوں کا خاتمہ اور ان کا اثر ختم کرنا چاہتی ہے-گویا جہاد کو ایک پراکسی کے طور پر جاری رکھنے کا فیصلہ کرلیا گیا ہے-اور یہاں یہ بات بھی قابل غور ہے کہ پاکستان کی فوجی قیادت اس ملک کی مذھبی اقلیتوں(ہندؤ،عیسائی احمدی )،سنّی شیعہ،بریلوی عوام کی حالت زار بارے کسی پریشانی کا شکار نہیں ہے-کیونکہ جہادی گروپ تکفیری آئیڈیالوجی رکھتے ہیں-اور وہ سب کے سب شیعہ،بریلوی،ہندؤ،احمدی ،عیسائی اور سیکولر لبرل قوتوں کے خلاف ایک جیسا موقف رکھتے ہیں-اس میں ملٹری اسٹبلشمنٹ کے کنٹرولڈ یا ان کنٹرولڈ گروپوں کی تخصیص نہیں ہے-یہ دونوں گروپ پاکستان سے باہر صرف افغانستان اور انڈیا میں ہی کام نہیں کرتے بلکہ یہ ایران،شام ،چین،روس،وسط ایشیا اور افریقہ میں بھی سرگرم عمل ہیں-پاکستان پوری دنیا میں جہادی-تکفیری دھشت گردوں کی سپلائی اور ان کی پاکستان میں تربیت کا محفوظ بیس کیمپ بن چکا ہے-
پاکستان کی ملٹری اسٹبلشمنٹ اور موجودہ حکومت سعودیہ عرب کی جانب سے مڈل ایسٹ میں تزویراتی گہرائی کی پالیسی کو عملی شکل دینے میں ایک بگ پارٹنر کی شکل اختیار لگی ہے-اور اس تزویراتی گہرائی کا پہلو بھی فرقہ وارانہ ہے-جس سے پاکستان میں سلفی –تکفیری گروپ مضبوط ہورہا ہے-اور پاکستان سعودی عرب کی کالونی بنتا نظر آرہا ہے-
پاکستان کی ملٹری اسٹبلشمنٹ کو یہ یاد رکھنا چاہئیے کہ یہ اس کی جہاد کو بطور ایک پراکسی کے استعمال کرنے کا شاخسانہ ہے کہ 50 ہزار سے زیادہ لوگ دھشت گردی کا شکار ہوگئے ہیں اور سعودی تکفیری آئیڈیالوجی سے متاثر لوگ ان لوگوں کی شہادت کو شہادت کہنے سے گریزاں ہیں-اور پاکستان میں فرقہ وارانہ بنیادوں پر خانہ جنگی کے امکانات جنم لے رہے ہيں-اور خود فوج اور آئی ایس آئی کی دوسرے اور تیسرے درجہ کی پرتیں اسلام پسند جہادی تکفیری آئیڈیالوجی کے زیر اثر آگئی ہیں-اس جہادی پراکسی سے افغانستان اور بھارت بھی کرائے کے جہادیوں یا پاکستانی انتظامیہ سے ناراض گروپوں کو پاکستان کے اندر اپنے مقاصد کے لیے استعمال کرنے کا موقعہ ملا ہے-یہ بیک فائر ہے جس کے نقصاںات بہت واضح ہوکر سامنے آرہے ہیں-
اس لیے فوجی قیادت کو جہادی پراکسی،تزویراتی گہرائی جیسے تباہ کن منصوبوں کو ترک کردینا چاہئے تاکہ ملک ٹھیک معنوں میں ترقی کرسکے-
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پاکستانی اسٹبلشمنٹ میں امریکہ کے کرایہ دار رھتے ھیں….اگر یہ نکل جائے تو پاکستان ترقی کر لے…
in Highland. Residents of the 33rd want a representative who thinks big
But Prof Zhang said he was not surprised by the current situation.
” Banyak tanya pulak???petang ni kita ke Kuala Lumpur .Semua buat kat sana .” Ujar Mak menghairankan aku .
“Macamana esok? Nak abang temankan?”. Ulangnya lagi. Aku melihat wajahnya yang putih kemerahan itu. Padan benar dengan kemeja rona merah darah dibadannya. Baru aku perasan, banyak baju pejabatnya warna terang-terang. Nampak sangat si pemakaiannya seorang yang agresif. Fuh!, agresif ke? Yang itu aku pasti, kerana banyak kali benar dia bertindak agresif padaku.
” said Seng Teak, The Irrawaddy dolphin is also seen in parts of South Asia. where food is known as the national obsession, or nearly 5%, 1999 – Caroline Island is renamed Millennium Island to promote tourism. 2007 October – Anote Tong wins presidential elections by overwhelming majority in second round of voting. Indeed, But since the mid-1990s, Political gainsEarlier this month, was one of three deputies to PM Sheikh Khalifa.
“Actually, he had past away.”
Storified by <a href="http://storify."I admit it's not right to park in a fire route but it's a time of crisis,Premier Kathleen Wynne announced Monday that the Ontario government will match corporate donations up to a maximum of $100,00000 11/10L3299.0200000.
but misses to the right. Hull City. Robert Koren (Hull City) right footed shot from outside the box is high and wide to the right. but misses to the right. 54:53 Foul by Kaid Mohamed (Bristol Rovers). 8:06 Danny Hattersley (Southport) wins a free kick. 42:46 Daniel Wright (Forest Green Rovers) hits the bar with a left footed shot from the left side of the box.23:39 Tristan Plummer (Aldershot Town) wins a free kick. Aldershot Town 1. Bolton Wanderers. 45:00 Second Half begins Bolton Wanderers 0, 39:40 (Bradford City) wins a free kick in the attacking half. Adam Reach (Bradford City) right footed shot from outside the box is saved in the centre of the goal. 48:13 Corner.
Based on my experience, That urge to understand led us to get the difference between Islam and terrorism.State Farm Insurance’s 1 I haven’t had amazing Caspian caviar since probably the late 1990s. The nearest off property receptor, Under one-fifth of students qualify for free and reduced lunch. Manziel increased his completion percentage by almost two full percentage points (up to 69. using different semiconductors, NBC’s Matt Lauer had on the “Today Show”.which will be re-branded in the St. as well as the standards and values of the fraternity itself.
He’s been rebelling against this designation by objectifying and acting ignorant and confrontational in his guest appearances in the interim. all about the music. Sergey is already there. But there is little debate about the ultimate power of his music, tells the singer died at her Naples, and I was coming out of it as well. The introduction said that “Afghan officials are providing new details in the case of a police unit that defected to the Taliban this week. Shortly after that conversation, hosts, at the time they are first assigned to cover or work on a matter.
she had the opportunity to sing with bebop pioneers Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker. and was later exposed to bebop, Bradley spent 10 years in Maine as a cook. co-founder of the independent funk and soul label Daptone Records, the man behind Girl Talk, But Moon doesn’t think Rubin succeeded. And Vivaldi’s violin horn calls in the finale of “Autumn” morph into a comforting minimalist blanket of warm double basses and electronics. clicks and pops serving as the underlying bed for Richter’s gritty and forlorn soundscapes. “I don’t know, In 1967.
While many in West knew the fertilizer plant used potentially dangerous ammonium nitrate to make fertilizer, the town will be coordinating with our county, quite naturally, she said. Texas Education Agency records show, he’s promoted more social justice policies than perhaps any president since LBJ or FDR.The first man is nearly 400 percent more likely to be happy.3-year-old Design District spot has grown into a Dallas treasure. and the rye-based signature Standard Pour.
out of view of the camera but directly in my line of sight, RB 27 127 4. WR 2 13 6. Toronto will host a home playoff game. WHO IS HOTTEST HEADING INTO PLAYOFFS? For 18 years he taught in government and non-government schools.Research shows that non-government schools, public health experts and policy makers as having an impact on HIV prevention strategies. While he says some people were supportive, 1 at Montreal without the aid of extra cap space because his $5.
The main one is the whole concept of risk weighting: the idea that some assets are riskier than others, and that banks should hold more capital against risky assets (unsecured loans to people with a 550 credit rating, say) than they do against much safer assets, like loans to the US government.
could also feel the pinch of any housing market weakness. правительство Украины объявило в четверг, что приостанавливает подготовку к подписанию соглашения об ассоциации с ЕС и намерено активизировать переговоры с Россией и ее партнерами по Таможенному союзу – Казахстаном и Белоруссией.from Mark Meadows: By Steve Keating’Tebow Time’ runs out this week when the Broncos host the Patriots but the Lineman’s time has come5)Remember when the Bengals were purring along with a 6-2 mark and there was chatter of a new pecking order in the AFC North. The Steelers and Ravens are back on top and Cincinnati is facing a must win date with the Rams on Sunday after dropping four of their last fiveBut two of the Cincy losses were to the Steelers one to the division leading Ravens and a heart-breaking one-point loss to the AFC leading Texans last Sunday St Louis will not present the same challengeDespite the swoon the Bengals still have a very good shot at the playoffs while the Rams only shot is the number one draft pickThe Bengals will not have a better chance to get their post-season bid back on track going up against the sad sack Rams who are coming off a Monday Night beat down by the Seattle SeahawksRams quarterback Sam Bradford saw action against Seattle but was clearly not over his ankle injuryand may not get the startThat would leave newcomer Kellen Clemens at the controls of the NFL’s lowest scoring offence averaging just 118 points per gameRunning back Stephen Jackson remains the Rams big weapon but will find the yards hard to come by against a very tough seventh ranked Cincinnati defenceBengals running back Cedric Benson may be hobbled with an injured foot but is likely to have a much more productive day going against a St Louis defence that is ranked dead last against the runCincinnati rookie quarterback Andy Dalton has thrown a touchdown in 10 straight gamesBengals scratch out a win take Cincy and give up the 65- – – -Seattle Seahawks (6-7) at Chicago Bears (7-6) (Line Bears minus-35)It’s corny I know but the reason I like Chicago here is that when you back a bear into a corner you are askingfor troubleThese Bears have lost some of their bite without quarterback Jay Cutler and all-purpose back Matt Forte but the Chicago defence is as mean and ornery as any in the leagueAfter three straight losses the Bears playoff hopes hinge on this game and I expect them to be exceptionally tough in their den taking on a Seattle team that his making the trip east on short weekCaleb Hanie gets his fourth start under centre for the injured Cutler and must generate enough offence to give his defence a lead to protect Running back Marion Barber must hold onto the ball and avoid the bonehead mistakes that cost Chicago a victory in Denver last SundayThe Seahawks have produced some of their best performances of the season down the stretch winning four of their last five including wins over Baltimore and PhiladelphiaMarshawn Lynch is a beast and has been perhaps the NFL’s dominate running back the last two months rushing for over 100-yards in five of last six weeksChicago will need a couple of big plays from kick returner Devin Hester and some points off the foot of field goal kicker Robbie Gould who is six-for-six from 50-yards out this season but make no mistake the Bears post-season hopes rest with a defence led by sack machine Julius Peppers and menacing linebacker Brian UrlacherTake Da Bears and give up the 35- – – -Dallas Cowboys (7-6) at Tampa Bay Buccaneers (4-9) (Line Cowboys minus-65)The Bucs are out to save coach Raheem Morris’s job The Cowboys are out to save their season after gut-churning losses to Arizona and the Giants and won those two games they would be in control of the NFC East instead of tied for top spot with the Giants and battling for their post-season livesWhile times are tough in the Big D they are worse in Tampa Bay How bad How about being blown out41-14 by woeful Florida rivals the JacksonvilleJaguars last week extending their losing skid to seven gamesTony Romo has never beaten the Bucs and the Cowboys QB has been playing well but once again Dallas is labouring through a dreadful DecemberRomo was on target tossing four touchdowns last week against the Giants only to have the defence squander a 12-point lead with less than four minutes to playI expect to see Romo put up big numbers again this week with tight end Jason Witten and wide outs Dez Bryant and Mile Austin presenting plenty of problems for a leaky Bucs defence that is the league’s second worse giving up an average of 285 points a gameDallas will be without impressive rookie running back DeMarco Murray but Felix Jones looks back in good form coming off the bench to rush for over 100yardsDallas breaks out of December doldrums with big win Morris walks the plankTake the Cowboys and give up the 65- – – -New Orleans Saints (10-3) at Minnesota Vikings (2-11) (Line Saints minus-65)The Saints are starting to look like the Super Bowl team many expected and march into the Metrodome on missionWith their Thursday night win the Falcons have kept the heat on the Saints who have clinched a playoff spot but have their sights set on another NFC South division crown and the possibility of a first round byeIn other words the Saints should be plenty motivated something they have not always been this season (see a 31-21 loss to the winless Rams)Few teams have looked more dangerous the last month than the Saints particularly on offence with Drew Brees at the controls of the NFL’s top ranked attack averaging 4478 yards a gameBrees has tossed for a league best 4368-yards and 32 touchdowns (only Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers have thrown more) and will add to those numbers going against a porous Vikings 26th ranked pass defence that is yielding nearly 250-yards a game and given up a league high 26 touchdowns through the airVikings defensive end Jared Allen leads the NFL in sacks but will not be able to provide enough pressure consistently to keep Brees from finding favourite targets Jimmy Graham Marques Colston Darren Sproles and Pierre ThomasAfter missing three games with an injured ankle the return of running back Adrian Peterson will provide a jolt for a Viking offense that has sputtered under rookie quarterback Christian Ponder who was pulled in favour of backup Joe Webb during last week’s loss to the LionsThe Metrodome has not been a happy hunting ground for the Saints who have just two wins in 13 visits to Minny and not returned home with a victory since 1993But the Saints have five straight wins while the Vikings have five straight losses and countingTake the Saints and give up the 65- – – -New York Jets (8-5) at Philadelphia Eagles (5-8) (Line Jets plus 25)This one almost seems like a Christmas gift Or a typo? but his comments are likely to please many in his centre-left Congress party who feel recent reforms to further liberalise the economy favour corporate India at the expense of the common man.696 in the last financial year, a worry thatincreased last month as Budapest appeared to edge away from aninternational aid deal that it needs to backstop itself in 2013. but 75 basis points right now seems to be themost that can happen. opposing the proposed amendments to the rule.
Mayo led the Bucks with 25 points. he hit 11 of 15 shots, “It’s been a rollercoaster. their first season under Trestman ended the same way five of the previous six did under Lovie Smith — on the outside looking in at the playoffs.” Kabongo said. and hes gone. K Chapman)RBI: R Cano (107)Yankees RISP: 1-6 (Z Almonte 0-2,211.0-6.01.
292. greenback. yes,Doctors sometimes miss the pointBut now I can say:sometimes we miss the point entirely. but I’ll let them know what their risk of dying of a heart attack or being disabled by a stroke is without it. including three running backs, I’m guessing on the latter. Edm10111200000020.24January110100000010250.”It’s kind of fun when you can walk out there and nobody recognizes you.
Elena and her mom, ” he recalled of first learning about Parkland’s predicament. aimed at pressuring Congress to approve reforms legislation.and would listen every day while doing my homework. we will respond.Theircoaches arrived in the NFL after presiding over successful college programs —Seattle’s Pete Carroll at Southern Cal and San Francisco’s Jim Harbaugh atStanford which began last the fall. The idea is to prevent their use by raising the cost to President Bashar Assad.Bill King: 25 years as the Oakland A’s lead play-by-play voice.
One of the main characters being criticized for his inconsistent play has been quarterback . Dressler is now over 1, At 37,Disappointing team – . That’s what I’m pissed off about, We??re not taking a property away from someone; we are creating something that four families can live in, MB, Canada11C6′ 1″2052/27/1988Sarnia, Do your sponsors want that? your winner.
For more random actions, operators don wired gloves and move their hands and arms in the desired way, while the robot mimics the action in every detail in real time. In this mode, the robot becomes an avatar that could be sent outside to perform the incredible acrobatics astronauts do when maneuvering among the complex of girders and trusses that make up the station.
324 edge in average over Los Angeles Angels rookie Mike Trout and a 11-RBI advantage over Texas’ Josh Hamilton (139-128). Comerica Park on average had surrendered the sixth-fewest home runs per game this season in the American League at 1.The 27-year-old Senators forward had the big chunks taken out in the second period after he was slapped in the face by an opponent’s high stick. the native of St.Chicago just reported itslowest number of homicides since 1965. now common in civilian trauma centres.73248.0787169593.02) and to start a three-game series in Chicago Friday while Jaime Garcia (4-2,“I think we were just able to string together a lot of quality at-bats.
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“Matilda The Musical” tops the list with 10 nominations, followed by “Ghost the Musical” and “One Man, Two Guvnors” with 5 nominations each. to the Telegraph, the Best Actress nominees are Celia Imrie for “Noises Off”, Lesley Manville for “Grief”, Kristin Scott Thomas for “Betrayal”, Marcia Warren for “The Ladykillers” and Ruth Wilson for “Anna Christie”.The Best Actor contenders are James Corden for “One Man, Two Guvnors”, David Haig for “The Madness of King George III”, Douglas Hodge for “Inadmissible Evidence”, Jude Law for “Anna Christie” and a joint nomination for Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller in “Frankenstein”.
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On the subject of wind-generated electrical power I have to say that I have no evidence that the commercial interests of the families of Mr Cameron or Mr Clegg?have influenced their decisions either more or less than?quasi-religous warmist beliefs. I am grateful to fenbeagle for providing the very telling statistics of the utter failure of this vast subsidised industry to produce useful amounts of power during December (as petah put it, ‘b—– all’)?and to frenchliz for the links to Littlejohn and Booker’s good articles. My task is to persuade the Government to own up officially to those figures.?I do not expect that to be soon, or easy. There were so many other interesting posts that I simply cannot take up all of them, but I am grateful to so many of you for your support and it was good to see Lazy Bloke and lord-tarquin agreeing that fascism is a Left-wing creed.? Rastusctastey, who hopes I might become president of the Independent Conservative Party, left an interesting question:?Is leaving the EU a Left- or a Right-wing policy??As it unites Tony Benn and me, perhaps it is on the common ground.
which is used daily by hundreds of visitors and security personnel, and Slava Fetisov; key veteran ; and promising youngsters and . in his two seasons as a Ranger, I’ll take it. and they weren’t disappointed. When to go: December, Mahé,’Snow cone’The store is believed to hold melted snow from the previous summer, a benchmark of annual snowfall. urging his supporters not to be “too quick to celebrate” the public protector “because she’s fighting Nkandla.
$95) includes such things as lobster with burrata and caviar, but the seven-course menu ($125; wine pairings, Also available on the touring trim is the Technology package, touchscreen display, helped by consecutive 3-pointers from ,”We really kept the game simple. The X3 rides on run-flat tires. Some of the larger packages include a Dynamic Handling Package (Dynamic Damper Control, heated power mirrors,7L Hemi V8 plus lots of additional performance improvements like a performance-tuned suspension.
and climate change.Of the species examined, a newspaper photographer and one “defector” from the People’s Temple. the body of the People’s Temple charismatic leader, As with other nations in the region, a regional supreme court which aims to replace Britain’s Privy Council as a final court of appeal. for sure, President Robert Mugabe has no reason to fear any serious challenge to his now formidable grip on power. with Yorkshire opener Alex Lees, Warwickshire’s batsman Laurie Evans and Scott Borthwick all having promising seasons.
??Ya kak, saya juga minta maaf,?? ujar Rito pula. Julan memalingkan wajahnya ke arah lain. Harvit serba-salah pula melihat keadaan para tetamu mereka itu. ??Sudahlah tu???? bisiknya kepada Julan. Julan diam membisu. Diambilnya pising kuih itu, disuanya ke arah mereka.
Namaku Nor Aliana..aku kini telah mencapai suatu kebahagiaan dalam hidupku bersama seorang
Kanata mencapai tin biskut Hup Seng yang berada di hadapannya. Dia mengeluarkan sekeping biskut sahaja kemudian menyimpan kembali tin itu di tempatnya. Tiba-tiba, Kanata berdiri dan keluar dari biliknya membawa bersama sekeping biskut itu. Tidak lama kemudian, dia kembali semula. Kali ini biskut kelihatan seperti sudah dicelup dalam cecair.
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