Pakistan’s Good Liberals and Good Media Love Good Taliban – by Syed Riaz Al Malik Hajjaji

hakeem ullah

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan was shocked at the news that Hakimullah Mehsud was martyred in a cowardly US drone attack,” the Afghan Taliban said in a formal reaction to the incident.

“The Emirate strongly condemns the American terrorist attack and consider the martyrdom of Mulla Hakimullah Mehsud as a great loss and convey condolences to his family members, relatives and Taliban friends,” a statement issued by the Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid said.

The Pashto language statement was emailed to The Express Tribune.

The statement said the United States cannot achieve its goals through the “martyrdom of the Mujahideen.”

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan calls upon the government of Pakistan and the people to double their efforts to stop such brutal American strikes,” the Taliban spokesperson said.

He said the helpless people of Afghanistan and Pakistan are suffering from the American attacks and people of the two neighbouring countries must show the courage to take the right decisions regarding their future.

But but but, Good Liberals and Good Media who love Good Taliban keep telling us that Pakistani Taliban and Afghan Taliban are two different groups. Even Raza Rumi, Ejaz Haider and Sherry Rehman’s Jinnah Institute Report wants space for Good Afghan Taliban in Future Afghanistan.

Let me assure you that Afghan Taliban and Pakistan Taliban are two very, very different groups. Just because they share the same origins, ideology, planning, supply network, supporters, apologists and rest houses does not mean they are the same. Just because they both pledge fealty to Mullah Omar does not mean they are the same. Just because they are both saddened by the loss of Frontier Gandhi Part Deux aka Hakeemullah Meshud, does not mean they are the same. Yes, you heard me – inspired by the lofty rhetoric of Jamaati Islami I am henceforth renaming Hakimullah Meshud (Shaheed Of course) as Frontier Gandhi Part Deux.



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