Desperation of Ansar Abbasi
What sort of language is Ansar Abbasi using these days in his columns? On page 3 of Jang on June 14, 2010, his two columns have appeared which are nothing less than contemptuous and target the popularly elected government of the PPP. his fixation with President Zardari, Babar Awan, the Bank of Punjab case are well known but now the attack is on PM Yusuf Raza Gilani and Mian Nawaz Sharif too.
His first column titled “Maasoom Wazir-e-Azam!” talks about the notion that even after the 18th Amendment, the PM is not in power and everything is being controlled by President Zardari. He is inciting the public by implying that we cannot allow this democracy to run because “qanoon kee be shak dhajjiyan urayen, corruption chahay kitnee hee kar len, Aala tareen adlia kay ahkamat aur faislon ka jitna hee mazaq urayen, aqraba parwari kee kaisee hee hadon ko chhoo layn, mulk ka chaheyn jaisa hee haal kar den … “ and so on. He even writes that “Italaat kay mutabiq, President Zardari, Wazir-e-Azam Gilani, aur hukmaran tabqay mayn Shamil aur doosray kayee afraad kay zaati karobar aur maali haalat do saalon mayn buhat behtar ho gaye hayn. President Zardari to pehlay hee arbon (billions) kay maalik thay, Rehman Malik ka bhee karobar khoob chal raha tha … ab to humaray Maasoom Wazir-e-Azam kay baray mayn bhee kaha jata hay kay un kay bhee maali haalaat kaafi aasooda ho chukay hayn”.
In the other column titled “Nawaz Sharif inqalabi asloob say bey amli kee janib gamzan”, ( Ansar Abbasi is writing stuff which I feel people who sit in every mohallas zakhmi corner talk about (Zakhmi corner is a place where mostly senior citizens and people who are depressed with life sit late in the evenings, smoke and discuss politics endlessly till their wives order them to come back home). For the purpose of clarity, how can Nawaz Sharif be termed as revolutionary? He and his party support industrialists and traders who are in no way favor of a revolution. The kind of words Ansar Abbasi has used in this column include: “Aik aisa Wazir-e-Azam jis ka koi vision nahee aur who aik banawati CEO ke taur par lutf andoz ho rahay hayn”, “Asif Zardari nay ghair mulki dictation qubool kee jo iss say pehlay kabhee nahee kee gayee thee” etc.
I have a query for the All Pakistan Newspapers Society and Council of Pakistani Newspaper Editors, will you have some self regulatory rules invoked? People like Ansar Abbasi, Tariq Butt, Shaheen Sehbai have column spaces available to write anything and everything they want to. I feel that the civil society must pressurize the All Pakistan Newspapers Society and Council of Pakistani Newspaper Editors to have some inbuilt mechanisms on self regulation else these journalists will keep on having their twisted agendas and inflict misery on all us readers.
I hate u Ansar Abbasi…u dont seems to be a Pakistani
Ansar Abbasi is a classic Jamaati. Bus this curse is enough. Perhaps there is some touch of Imran Khan. “Sab kharab hai. sara system hi ganda hai. Corruption corruption corruption.. Churr churr.. ” .
He must be kicked out literally.
Absar Abbasi is a Jamati Pig. He is abnoxious when he appears on talk shows. He snoty attitude is disgusting. He thinks he knows it all. Ansar Abbassi, Hamid Mir and Shaheen Sebhai(skunk) are paid lackeys of pro taliban lobby.
Ansar Abbasi should realize now that Even after PPP and PML-N ,JI Islami cannot become number one in Pakistan and Munawer and Qazi can never become Khalifa of Pakistan ,So he should be realistic .All his opposition and effort is for man made Mududized concept of “Islami Inqilab ”
Today Punjabi Taliban Media Spokes man HAMID MIR again protected his Taliban brothers .He said
“۔ نواز شریف مسئلہ فلسطین پر مزید گفتگو کے متمنی تھے لیکن ہمارے ساتھی صحافی نے ”پنجابی طالبان“ کے متعلق سوال کرکے گفتگو کا رُخ موڑ دیا۔ نواز شریف نے اس سوال کا جواب دینے کے لئے احسن اقبال کو پیچھے سے بُلا کر ہمارے سامنے بٹھادیا۔ یہ جواب مکمل ہوا تو دیگر سیاسی سوالات شروع ہوگئے اور نواز شریف صاحب نے تمام تلخ و شیریں سوالات کے بڑے مدلّل جواب دیئے”
Thousands of Mile Palestinians are more valuable then Pakstani Awam which is being killed by punjabi Taliban every day .