Liberal fascists support drone strikes against Hazrat Abu Yazid and Hazrat Baitullah Mehsud – by Riaz Malik Hajjaji

Related post: Protest against silence on drone attacks! – by Riaz Malik

Dear all,

Please unite urgently against this petition This is a blasphemy to the sacred memory of Al Qaeda and TTP Shaheeds like Hazrat Baitullah and Hazrat Abu al-Yazid.

After the brave efforts of Hazrat Imran Khan against the liberal facists militants, our ghairat was restored and our brave Pakistani Arab, Pakistani Chechen, Pakistani Uzbek, Pakistani Uighar and Pakistani –German-British-Egyptian were spared the indiginity of further drone attacks. Further to this report by Jang, “Halt in drone strikes helping militants” peace has been restored and our assets have regained their ghairat and the Islamic Emirate of Waziristan and FATA has regained its sovereignty. For many years, Hazrat Imran Khan bravely bore the taunts of Farhat Taj and Dr. Taqi, often at great risk to his afternoon siesta. He had to bear the indignity of seasonal fruits wrapped in the Daily Times newspaper and on one occasion after unwrapping a case of mangoes, his eyes fell on a Farhat Taj column on drones – that incident nearly cost Imran Khan a gain of 10 IQ points!

Special thanks also to Meera Ghani, Fundy Kasuri and Samad Khurram for staring down the threats that were coming their way from the Octagenarian Lyari Women’s Club and Multan Centenarian Association of Knitters. Pacifist groups like Islami Jamiat Tulaba and the ISI have often been the victims of these groups but they stood by Imran Khan and his youth brigade and anti-droni activists.

Just when we were approaching the DAWN that was promised by pious Jamaat-e-Islami poet Faiz and just when our Iqbalian Ghazis were regaining the right to take the lives of Rafzis/collaborators/girl students and the non=PTI supporting mud people, along comes this petition, Save us from terrorist Petition: Resume Drone Attacks:

“Based on statistical evidence, such Jihado-sectarian terrorists are responsible for hundreds of attacks on Afghan soldiers and civilians, NATO officials and soldiers, Westerns citizens in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Sufi (Barelvi) Muslims in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Shia Muslims (including but not limited to Hazara Shias) in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Ahmadi Muslims, Christians, Hindus and other ethnic or religious minority communities in the region. Jihadis trained in Taliban-Sipah-e-Sahaba controlled areas are also known to have conducted terrorist operations in various European countries.

Recently (in November 2012) , USA and NATO have put a halt to their sophisticated drone attacks on Al Qaeda-Taliban-Sipah-e-Sahaba hideouts in FATA buckling under strategic and diplomatic pressure of Pakistan army. The absence of the drone attacks has enabled the Jihado-sectarian terrorists to reorganize and reinforce their attacks against Western, Pakistani and Afghan targets.

This fact has also been reported in the international media. For example, the New York Times (8 January 2012) reports that:

A nearly two-month lull in American drone strikes in Pakistan has helped embolden Al Qaeda and several Pakistani militant factions to regroup, increase attacks against Pakistani security forces and threaten intensified strikes against allied forces in Afghanistan and elsewhere”

Human Rights Petition: Resume Drone Attacks

Dear pious Muslims and pretty PTI trolls,

General Pasha kay sadqay, we need you to Un-Sign this petition.

Syed Riaz Malik Qasimi Hajjaji, a proud descendant of Mohammad bin Qasim and his uncle Hajjaj bin Yusuf who are also set to join PTI, posthumously



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