Two exclusive videos of Shia massacre which were blacked out by Pakistani media
Recently two videos have been released showing the slaughter of Shia Muslims at the hands of the ISI-SCP backed Sipah-e-Sahaba/Lashkar-e-Jhangvi terrorists.
Video 1: Mastung Massacre
The first video of the Mastung massacre (September 2011) has been released by the SSP-LeJ media cell in which ISI-SSP produced Jihadi songs have been used as a background music to the execution-style murder of 27 Shia Hazaras in Mastung, Balochistan.
This is an incredibly horrifying video of LeJ-SSP terrorists (extremist Deobandis brainwashed by Saudi-ISI Jihad Enterprise) murdering Shia travellers, which would leave your heart in pain. Discretion is advised.
Update: Only yesterday, 1 December 2011, yet another Shia (a Kurd Baloch) namely Gohar Aziz Kurd S/o Mukhtiar Aziz, aged 20 year was killed in the Mastung market by ISI-backed LeJ-SSP terrorists. This news too was blacked out by ISI-influenced Pakistani media.
Video 2: Karachi Scouts Massacre
The second video of three Shia scouts’ massacre in Karachi is based on a CCTV footage released by Huriyat News. In this video, the connivance of Pakistan’s security forces (army rangers) with SSP-LeJ terrorists can be clearly seen. This video too was completely blacked out by both right wing and urban fake liberal affiliates of Pakistani establishment.
Exclusive CCTV Footage of Numaish Incident Karachi
Related posts: Global community must not stay silent on anti-Shia pogroms taking place in Pakistan – by Rusty Walker
Malik Ishaq’s hate speech in Punjab
From Ziyarat of Imam Hussain: “Allah curse those who killed you, & those who wronged you, and those who heard the event and rested satisfied.”
Clearly Pakistan’s security forces are hand in glove with their Jihadi cum sectarian proxies.
And clearly Pakistani media is silent on systematic murder of Shia Muslims.
This is unacceptable.
First of all it is a very shameful incident and the intellegence agencies should capture the culprits and put under light!
The second video is a bit exaggerating as far as i think where the immature journalist says the security forces are not arresting the terrorists …
May the killers rot in hell and they dont even get a burial.
@Ahmed, the Supreme Court freed their leader, Malik Ishaq.
Kanay dajjal say poochha jaye kay kya woh suo moto notice ley ga ya nahee?
xxxx….the rangers could have walked in and taken the f**kers.
Can someone PLEASE ass Shahbaz Sharif how he went about killing all those SSP/LeJ people in Punjab during the late ’90’s.
However, the Hurriyat TV part misses out the part where the angry Shia folk surrounded the mosque and burnt a few things.
Death of Two Scouts Sparks 4 Hour Riot – Occupy Numaish
It took me a while to extract the urls for these pictures, but it did become a riot after those two scouts were killed. But here’s more
Protesters torched 35 motorcycles, five cars and a rickshaw; journalist shot during violence
The protesters set about 25 vehicles ablaze outside the mosque where they believed the alleged killers were taking refuge
A Shi’ite cleric speaks to the protesters after the clash in Karachi November 27, 2011
And the murder of the scouts is to be condemned. I doubt a comparison with Sarfraz Shah’s case works in this case though. And as a Karachi’ite I have to be wary when 20+ vehicles are burnt, so bad on the Rangers for not apprehending the killers immediately.
Sorry for ruining your outrage with facts, but Hurriyat news, like many Urdu channels, seems to be running too much towards sensationalism, in a story that is seriously sensational enough.
RIP Zainul Abideen
RIP Azhar Ali
tlw: the rangers actively facilitated the escape of the Sipah-e-Sahaba murderers; a crucial detail missing from all the links that you sent me. Furthermore, by firing upon the victims and providing protection to the killers, the Ranger literally promoted the riots and the burnings where other unruly elements likely jumped in to take advantage. Remember the Ashura bomb blast of 2009 that killed far more than the 40 odd that were printed officially. My family and I attend julooses for decades now and no one could have entered that juloos with 3 foot industrial cutters and phosphorus for burning. With all due respect, many of the links that you have posted are from a media that I find to be very dishonest as proved by the CCTV footage.
This problem is much bigger than Shahbaz Sharif who is now fully in support of SSP-LeJ and the Taliban. This is about the State which is trampling over its elected government and whose educated elites are completely comprised and unable to tell the truth. Please don’t rub salt on our wounds.
Saira, What can neutral Sunnis do to help?
I’ve already made it known to everybody around me that Pakistan is engulfed in a serious wave of bigotry.
Are you sure the rangers started firing before the crowd approached the mosque or after the burning began?
And that the CCTV footage wasn’t editted with quick cuts?
tlw: thanks for replying back to me. All Pakistanis should write about these things. Also, please understand that riots (with all other actors getting involved) were reactions. The thing that lead to them was the wanton killings of Shias. In many instances, these riots are engineered by those who know that Shias are going to be attacked and the Ashura blast of 2009 proves that.
These violent militias like LeJ-SSP-ASWJ (the same organization with different names) have spared no one; they have killed Shias, Ahmedis, Sikhs and Christains in Pakistan. They will spare no one. After Haqqani was trapped and removed, I shudder to think what Sherry will do given the JI-USIP report recommendations which essentially support the policy of supporting the Taliban and Sipah.
Listen, sorry for all the questions, but I was on twitter as it happened, and I was getting live tweets from Karachi professionals. The only people viciously condemning the murders of the two scouts as it happened were @UroojZia & @AKChishti. Two people who don’t have the best relations with this blog.
Us three seemed to be the only people responding live to what was happening and poisonously condemning what was happening.
I even viciously asked on twitter why did everyone turn into lambs besides AKC, UZ & me. Honourable mention also goes to one more person who reports any violent incident in the city.
And I take interest in any thing heavily violent that happens in Karachi.
Sorry if that`s the way the country crumbles. All I want to do is ascertain what happened.
Thanks for your response.
In many instances, these riots are engineered by those who know that Shias are going to be attacked
Thank you. Will keep an eye open for that line of inquiry. Very enlightening. Land mafias; waiting for Ashura trouble. That’s my hypothesis; now would need proof 😐
tlw: its more than just land mafias. It is a mixture of helpless rage, outside elements who take advantage of such situations and vested interests. see the CCTV footage of 2009 Ashura attack. How did the arsonists get their three foot cutters and phosphorus past the intense security? On many instances after a Shia massacre, the media shifts focus from the mass killings of Shias to subsequent riots. The atrocities are then diluted and or at times, forgotten altogether. There was the 2005 attack on Bab-ul-Ilm and the burning down of KFC wihin minutes of the attack. Herald or Newsline did a piece of that incident where they raised similar doubts.
Thanks for your understanding. Please distribute these videos to your friends.
@tlw: sorry, I did not see your other comments. Can you post some good good articles by Ali Chishti sahib and Urooj Zia sahiba on the topic of Shia killings in the comments section. I hope they write differently from the usual media and are bold and anti-establishment walla types. While my family and I voted MQM in the last elections being from Karachi; however LUBP has the most provocative articles on Shia killings. They have also provided some good information on Balochistan and other articles on the rights of our Christain and Hindu brothers. In KU, this blog is getting very popular amongst the non-Jamaati types and my friends and I discuss these articles after our classes. Please provide me links of more sites like this. Why Ali Chishti and Madam Zia sahiba don’t have good relations with LUBP?
Salam. Laanat Ullahi alal Qomiz zalimeen
Pakistan is really a democratic, independent state where even the killers, terrorists have the liberty not only to kill but to propagate this activity as a sacred act.
Surely, this is the Islam that was propagated after the demise of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). This is what Yazeed did; submit or face death.
Saira, I’m surprised this blog gets discussed seriously. Especially at KU. Well done, if its true.
UZ wrote on a Shia killing in Balochistan, which intersected with the wider case of Baloch people being disappeared:
Action and Reaction
AK Chishti covers violence in Karachi & the actions of Pakistan’s Jihadis too well:
Funding Pakistani Jihad
Target Killings in Karachi
And here’s a case where even LUBP copied his work.
Profiling Pakistan’s Jihadists
This time I answered your very probing questions;
next time I will expect you to do your googling and research yourself.
Anyhow, I was getting live tweets whilst the incidents were happening, that’s why I will keep an eye on whatever few developments take place regarding the Numaish incident. The government seems to be preventatively detaining people for the duration of Ashura.
Please refer to the language that detestable lady named Urooj Zia uses against our blog. She is a wannabe member of the Fake CIvil Society.
thanks for the information about our blog’s popularity. Please ask and encourage your friends to write on any topics they feel like
Ahmed sahab, I sometimes use abusive language. It’s either the Punjabi or Karachi’ite in me.
Sometimes, some crimes are so heinous, they need abuse.
@TLW, I also use abusive language but not in a public domain. Twitter, various blogs etc are very much part of public domain. With decreasing privacy, one has to be very careful with one’s conduct.
Another point, you showed your surprise that this blog gets discussed seriously. Tell me what’s so non-serious about our blog? We are giving opportunity to all spheres of live to contribute on topics they like. We are Jiyalas, yet we publish criticism of the party. In the last one year, the number of people who have made contributions to the blog have swelled 50.
The only drawback we have is that we are known and open supporters of the PPP unlike many other blogs and writers who have a clear bias against the PPP and liking for other parties, but never admit it.
Ali Chishti is the same man who routinely equates and stereotypes all Shias as Iranians (a typical stereotype used by anti-Shia Arab leaders right from Saddam Hussain to Saudi King and from Bahrain’s King to Pakistan’s Sipah Sahaba).
Urooj Zia, the lesser said the better. She was a personal assistant of Sherry Rehman when Sherry produced the much hated pro-establishment, pro-Taliban report on Afghanistan. The same Taliban who massacred thousands of Shias and other minority groups in Afghanistan.
I have yet to meet a single Shia person who has either read these two struggling writers or has anything good to say about them!
haider toori: Toori sahib, this is a very harsh indictment. I just googled and read some of Ali Chishti sahib’s articles in Friday Times. He writes on foreign policy. If he has used the Shias = Iranian arguement which makes all Shias as Iranian fifth columnists, then that is very disappointing.
tlw: I googled Urooj Zia sahiba and was disturbed to read her account of Salman Taseer’s murder. Is this true. Thank you for all the google links but I must say that LUBP has written far more and far better articles on Shia killing. These articles you showed me are a little elitest type wallay and don’t make sense to what we see on the grounds. My family and I live in Ancholi which is lower-middle class neighbourhood of Karachi and LUBP content makes sense to someone from my background. It has a common touch to it and has content in Urdu. Why do you say that LUBP is non-serious? My university friends and I take it very seriously as it gives very original insight on current events. Also Please don’t mind but we like it when lubp goes after elite tabka burger wallas. thanks for your responses.
Ahmed sahib, how does one contact the editors of this blog? We voted for MQM in the last elections, undecided now. I am considering to write for lubp.
@Saira, you live in Ancholi? That’s great. 🙂 I’m glad to meet someone from Ancholi writing in English
Ancholi is famous without being famous; many foreign writers have written descriptions of passing through a predominantly Shia part of Karachi that I recognised as Ancholi, but they never gave it a name.
For example, in “To Live or To Perish Forever”, the author clearly describes being driven on a dug up road, the one that borders Sohrab Goth, because it was being dug up at that time. He also describes watching a Shia specific gathering on the playground/field in Ancholi.
Then, in Migrants & Militants, the author describes “predominantly Shia” parts of Karachi. Well, I know of Ancholi, why doesn’t it get written by name?
On LUBP: Citations and sources. Some of your stuff is not sourced properly, or seems too anecdotal. For example Farhat Taj going on and on about all the interviews she’s done. Some textual source or records would be appreciated. Part of the problem is that places like Balochistan, some parts of Sindh, and some ruined parts of Karachi are completely off the record. So when one tries to source writing, it comes off gray. Also, the extremely rhetorical and informal style of the blog is something which sometimes keeps some posts just one step away from being a personal blog. That’s why the addition of swearing just wouldn’t look out of place. Also, ZAB used to swear like a sailor, and that helps in getting things get done 🙂
Saira please do write for LUBP. I would salute someone who wrote from the perspective of an Ancholi resident. Also take some pictures of Ancholi’s landscape please, even if it’s with your cell phone camera.
@Ahmed sahab, can I have your email?
Don’t let my criticism get to you guys, I appreciate LUBP because it allows me a space to say stuff like I have here → And if no one responds, I want my views out, known and preferably implemented. We can talk from there.
@Saira, please email your writings on [email protected]
@TLW, my address is [email protected]. Your comments are truly appreciated by all of us. Please email me and I will respond on your message that you posted on Sindhyar’s article. To answer you briefly, it was the PML-N that forced the government to revert back to the commissionarate system. The Local Government concept is something that the PPP had talked about in 1990’s but unfortunately, the PML-N announced the dissolution of the Local Governments and unilaterally announced going back to the commissionarate system and led the government to decide that in the interest of keeping all provinces along, accept this decision. You cant have many systems operating in a small country like ours?
While ISI-backed goons of LeJ-SSP were busy in killing innocent Shia scouts in Karachi, a ranking obsessed anchor of Dunya TV, Asma Chaudhry, had the audacity to contact SSP-LeJ leader Mulla Ludhianvi online and let him utter his hate speech against Shia Muslims calling all Shias as Kafir!!!
Karach’s Shias must lodge an FIR against Asma Chaudhry, Director News of Duya TV, Nasim Zehra (pro-Sherry Rehman, pro-ISI fame). Shias blood is on Asma and Nasim’s hands!
Sarooj Ijaz writes:
The mindless, hyper-nationalist jingoism and sophomoric solipsism are defining features of our media, but they outdid themselves this time around. Around about the same time, on the first of Muharram, Shias were killed in a terrorist attack in Karachi, but the message of sheer horror did not get the coverage it mandated. However, one anchorperson on Dunya TV chose to talk about it and, probably in some twisted interest of fairness, invited the leader of a banned criminal sectarian organisation (mind you, also a prime suspect of the murders) to voice his hatred against the Shia and why they are labelled ‘kafirs’. Surely, no one can be this stupid so as to not realise the unbelievable insensitivity at play here. It makes one wonder if there is some secret reservoir of the semi-literate, partially educated from which our television channels pluck out some of these gems.
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) – More than 11 Shia Muslims have been martyred in Pakistan by the LeJ-SSP-TTP terrorists in last month of October of 2011. The genocide of the Shia Muslims was the part of the ongoing killing of Shia Muslims in Pakistan.
Some elements in the Pakistani establishment and agencies are the main organizations and institutions involved in the genocide of Shia Muslims in different provinces of Pakistan.
Sindh Province:
More than Seven Shia Muslims were martyred in Karachi, the capital of Sindh province and financial hub of Pakistan.
The martyr Zainul Abideen (7th November), martyr Kashif Zaidi ( 12th November), martyr Tabish (20th November in fake Police encounter), martyr Ghulam Hussain (25th November), martyr Zainul Abideen of Buturab Scouts and martyr Mohamamd Azhar Ali of Pak Hyderi Scouts (27th November at Numaish Chowrangi) and martyr Nayar Zaidi (29th November— Injured of Rangers shelling at Numaish Chowrangi) were martyred in November 2011 in the firing of armed Wahhabi terrorists and Rangers shelling in Karachi.
Gilgit-Baltistan Province:
Three Shia Muslims were martyred in the Gilgit City in the ongoing conspiracy of Wahhabi and some biased state elements to sabotage the peace of the Gilgit-Baltistan province and to start a crack-down against Shia Muslims.
Martyr Nisar Hussain (1st November), martyr Mohammad Ali (2nd November) and martyr Karim Haider ( 6th November) were martyred and four Shia Muslims were injured in the target killing of Shia Muslims in Gilgit City of Shia dominated Gilgit-Baltistan Province.
Balochistan Province:
Martyr Mohammad Danish Alam Baltistani, a lecturer at the University of Balochistan, was gunned down by armed Wahhabi-terrorists in Quetta, capital of violent Balochistan Province on 29th November.
Ahmed sahab, I am very grateful for this quick response you’ve posted, and I would like to add a slight perspective of mine to your words.
To answer you briefly, it was the PML-N that forced the government to revert back to the commissionarate system.
I was surprised by this sir and was left wondering how the PML-N could force a change in Sindh. The PPP in Sindh has shown itself to be admirably resistant to many external and internal influences it deemed harmful.
The Local Government concept is something that the PPP had talked about in 1990′s
Good to know sir.
but unfortunately, the PML-N announced the dissolution of the Local Governments and unilaterally announced going back to the commissionarate system
Ill look for sources on Shahbaz’s unilateral decision on my own, but this does gel with Shahbaz Sharif’s very unfortunate habit of centralising all and total control within himself, his party and his person. This has had a devastating effect on public administration in Punjab.
led the government to decide that in the interest of keeping all provinces along, accept this decision.
Sir? The commissionerate system was implemented in July this year when the troubles flared up with the MQM. The maneuvring and counter maneuvring of the PPP, MQM & ANP this blood soaked summer deserves it’s owndiscussion, but let us just suffice it to say the PML-N was immaterial to the process that led to the reinstatement & changing status of the commissionerate system.
You cant have many systems operating in a small country like ours?
Sir we can. Especially if they reinforece democracy at the local level. We had/have Fata. That was/is an undemocratic. Then we have the entire trouble with Balochistan’s A areas and B Areas. LUBP can/could write an entire issue on that. And we need democratically elected local government in, if not Pakistan, then from Sindh at least. We need to resolve our police systems as well, recruit more people into the police, fund it more heavily, which a democratic local government system could legitimately make the case for & professionalise the police for the 21st century. Elected local government, and making the transition to it would & could be the way to go.
And sir, we don’t have a billion people, the largest country by land, population or economy, but we certainly are not a small country 😉 Whilst not overstepping ourselves, let’s not think that way either.
I’ll go to email now sir, but I think maybe our leaders might be a little ahead of LUBP on this matter:”PPP. Muttahida Exchange Draft LG Proposals” Follow up would be appreciated 🙂
Good Luck to all.
The MQM is very much in favor of LG system as they were a major beneficiary of the system that was created. Not just monetarily (maybe an allegation from my side) but they got the right exposure globally and nationally because of running two cities as per their liking. They were really good at it. On the other hand, the 2005-2009 LG throughout Sindh, PPP was a major loser. Such was the case that 2 towns in Karachi and just one district Nawabshah, in all of Sindh were won by the PPP. Arbab Ghulam Rahim and MQM did make sure that they gain as much as possible for their alignment with Pervez Musharraf. Hence, the old school PPP in Sindh must have thought that we need to go back to the Commissionarate system where there is still influence to be wielded. What our PPP Sindh walas did was foolish more in Bughz-e-Muawaiya than Hubb-e-Ali. On the other hand, MQM got a chance rather excuse to get out of the alliance with the PPP on this pretext. And as they say “A house divided cannot stand on its own”. Those who didnt want the PPP-MQM alliance, made sure that the law and order situation go out of hand. Hopefully you will understand the logic in what I am saying.
Coming to Punjab, PML-N wanted to get its firm grip on the districts again. The PML-Q and PPP led district nazims were a thorn. The first thing they did was stop all funding and then force them change loyalties. When the 2009 LGs were coming to an end, they abruptly announced the restoration of the commissionarate system. As they had recently recovered their clout with the restoration of judiciary, the PPP didnt create much of a fuss. Hope you can understand what I am pointing to. I am not saying that PPP was right in supporting the commissionarate system.
Whatever the new MQM-PPP system is going to be, in real life it will be hybrid between LG and Commissionerate!
We are a small country as administrative units are limited and there is too much centralization.
The biggest problem Pakistan has currently is the belief in status quo. Everyone is just sitting down and waiting for the other to blink!
ATTENTION all…………….Especially Writer>……..It is not two Videos BUT three Videos the Most Important is Khawareej & Yazeedi TALIBAN & FC Joint STATE TERRORISIM against Turi Bangash (Shia Muslims ) of Pakistan…..KINDLY add the Link of this VIDEO also by editing the blog/post………..THANKS & Lanat on todays yazedis……………………………..Beshumar…
A third video, Khanpur massacre on 15 Jan 2012
Pakistan is failed country
It will be destryed by its own people!
Two exclusive videos of Shia massacre which were blacked out by Pakistani media
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