House of DawnNews correspondent attacked by ISI sleuths
The Islamabad police has registered a case against unknown persons and are investigating the incident. –File Photo
ISLAMABAD: In the wee hours of Tuesday, January 19, unknown persons attacked the house of Dawnnews investigative reporter Azaz Syed. They locked both gates of the house leaving the terrorized family locked inside. The windscreen of his car was also smashed, reports DawnNews.
DawnNews is in the process of lodging a formal police complaint. The attack has happened days after Azaz Syed was threatened by ISI sleuths on an investigative story he was doing related to the military.
The DawnNews management has taken strong notice of the incident and is dispatching letters to President Zardari, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gillani, Information Minister Qamaruzzaman Kaira, Interior Minister Rehman Malik, Defence Minister Ahmed Mukhtar and DG ISPR Major General Athar Abbas as well as journalist unions and human rights organizations.
The management has urged the relevant authorities to take strong notice and initiate a high level inquiry to unmask the perpetrators of the crime.
Journalists’ are staging a walk out from National Assembly and the Senate over the harassment of Azaz Syed.
Source: Dawn
The wicked ISI continues it proud tradition.
Reporters Without Borders calls on Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani to assign sufficient resources to the investigation into a shooting attack on a well-known journalist’s home to ensure that those responsible are identified. The Rawalpindi home of Kamran Shafi, a leading columnist with the newspaper Dawn, was shot up on the night of 27 November.
“I want to know who attacked my home,” Shafi told Reporters Without Borders. “I am not pointing my finger at anyone. This shooting was traumatic for me and my family but it will not make me stop writing.” The police have announced the arrests of two possible accomplices and have given Shafi protection.
A total of six shots were fired at Shafi’s home on the night of 27 November by an unidentified gunman who collected the spent bullet casings before leaving. The shots penetrated one of the rooms but Shafi and his family were unhurt because they were in a lower room.
A former army officer who is nowadays a TV commentator as well as newspaper columnist, Shafi received a threatening phone call the day after the shooting. A woman’s voice told him that what had happened was just the “trailer” and that he would soon be shown “the entire film.” The police have arrested two employees of a public telephone store from where the call was made. They said it was made by a veiled woman. The columns that Shafi writes for Dawn have criticised abuses by Pakistan’s intelligence agencies, which operate outside of any government control, he says.
Read one of his articles:
On the night of Nov 27-28, 2009, my house in Wah, where my wife and daughter and I had come to celebrate Eidul Azha, was fired upon six times by a high velocity firearm, probably a Kalashnikov (on single shot mode) judging from the half-inch deep and two-inch across holes in the concrete wall of the bedroom above ours, possibly a Takharov 30 MM pistol, popularly known as ‘TT Pistol’ in the Land of the Pure.
There was no sound of a motor vehicle driving away, suggesting professional hit-men who had probably parked their vehicle a way away towards the main GT Road and then calmly walked to it after doing their deed.
There were no empties found at the site giving further credence to the above theory — the assailants had taken care to catch the bullet casings before they fell to the ground, for you do not start looking for empties in the dead of night for fear of getting caught in the act. One of the ways that we used in the army during firing practice in my day was to hold a beret over the ejection port. We had to account for every round fired which I am sure is the case even now.
There is more: at exactly 17:33 on Nov 28, 2009, I received a telephone call from a woman speaking in uneducated Urdu and using a mobile phone (0300-274-9185). She asked if I was Kamran Shafi. When I said I was, she said that what had happened to me last night was just the ‘trailer’ and that the complete movie would also be shown.
When I asked why any of this should happen, she said, ‘One does not spit in the plate one eats from’, and that if I was not careful about what I write I would soon see the complete movie. I am a pensioner of the Pakistan Army, getting the princely sum of Rs1,200 a month, by the way. FIR No 827 has been registered at the Wah Cantonment PS in which I have in an additional application said that I suspect an ‘agency’ of doing the deed.
I must end by saluting Mian Nawaz Sharif and President Asif Ali Zardari for telephoning me inside of 15 and 17 minutes of my sending messages to their staff respectively, about what had happened. And the Punjab government for providing me and my family the best security it can. This is exactly why I stand on the side of elected leaders and against any further interference in our country’s politics by the men on donkey-back.
In it, up to our necks By Kamran Shafi Tuesday, 01 Dec, 2009
Pakistani TV reporters attacked; station hints intel agency involvement
By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (CP) – 3 hours ago
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A Pakistani TV station says two of its reporters have been attacked and has hinted intelligence agencies were behind the assaults.
On Tuesday, assailants hurled stones at the empty car of Dawn TV reporter Azaz Syed and locked him and his family in his house in Islamabad. The station also said a stone was hurled at the car of another reporter as he drove in the capital earlier this month, breaking the windshield.
The station hinted at the involvement of intelligence agencies, but did not make a direct accusation. A military spokesman was not available for comment.
Pakistan has several powerful spy agencies that operate outside state control.
Dawn is one of Pakistan’s most respected TV stations.
ڈان نیوز کے صحافی کے گھر پرحملہ
آصف فاروقی
بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، اسلام آباد
اعزاز سید کا کہنا ہے کہ گزشتہ دنوں آئی ایس آئی کے اعلیٰ افسران نے انہیں اپنے دفتر طلب کر کے سنگین نتائج کی دھمکیاں دی تھیں
پاکستان میں انگریزی زبان کے نیوز چینل ’ڈان نیوز‘ کی انتظامیہ نے حکومت سے مطالبہ کیا ہے کہ چینل کے ایک رپورٹر کے گھر پر نامعلوم افراد کے حملے کی تحقیقات کی جائیں۔
دوسری جانب صحافتی تنظیموں نے اس واقعے کے خلاف احتجاج کا اعلان کیا ہے۔
اسلام آباد میں ’ڈان نیوز‘ کے رپورٹر اعزاز سید کے مطابق نامعلوم افراد نے پیر اور منگل کی درمیانی شب ان کے گھر پر حملہ کیا اور پورچ میں کھڑی ان کی گاڑی کو نقصان پہنچانے کے بعد گھر کو باہر سے تالے لگا کر فرار ہو گئے۔
چینل انتظامیہ کی جانب سے جاری ہونے والےایک بیان میں کہا گیا ہے کہ ان کے تحقیقاتی رپورٹر کے گھر پر یہ مبینہ حملہ ’انٹیلی جنس ادارے آئی ایس آئی کی جانب سے اعزاز سید کو ملنے والی دھمکیوں کے بعد ہوا ہے‘۔
پاکستانی فوج کے ترجمان اس خبر پر ردعمل کے لیے دستیاب نہیں تھے۔
اعزاز سید نے بی بی سی کو بتایا کہ وہ پاکستانی فوج کے بارے میں ایک تحقیقی رپورٹ پر کام کر رہے تھے جسے روکنے کے لیے، ان کے بقول، ’گزشتہ دنوں آئی ایس آئی کے اعلیٰ افسران نے انہیں اپنے دفتر طلب کر کے سنگین نتائج کی دھمکیاں دی تھیں۔ان افسران کا کہنا تھا کہ آئی ایس آئی کے سربراہ مجھ سے خوش نہیں ہیں لہذا مجھے اپنی رپورٹنگ میں قومی سلامتی سے متعلق اداروں اور افراد کے نام لینے سے پرہیز کرنا چاہئے‘۔
’ڈان نیوز‘ انتظامیہ کے بیان میں کہا گیا ہے کہ وہ اس واقعے کے بارے میں صدر مملکت، وزیراعظم، وزیردفاع، وزیرداخلہ اور وزیراطلاعات کے علاوہ فوجی حکام اور صحافتی اور انسانی حقوق کی تنظیموں کو بھی مراسلے بھیج رہے ہیں تاکہ اس جرم میں ملوث افراد کو بے نقاب کرنے کے لیے اعلی سطحی تحقیقات کی جائیں۔
صدر مملکت کے نام لکھے گئے خط میں ڈان نیوز کی انتظامیہ نے کہا کہ ’ڈان نیوز‘ کے صحافیوں کو اس سے پہلے بھی بعض افسران کی جانب سے ہراساں کیا جاتا رہا ہے۔ خط میں آئی ایس آئی کے ایک افسر کا نام، فون نمبر اور عہدہ بھی بتایا گیا ہے جس نے مبینہ طور پر اعزاز سید اور چینل کے ایک اور رپورٹر مطیع اللہ جان اور ان کے اہل خانہ کو ہراساں کرنے کی کوشش کی تھی
Azaz Syed [Dawn]’s Correspondent was attacked because of this story:
Convict in Musharraf attack case denied appeal By Azaz Syed and Matiullah Jan Sunday, 24 Jan, 2010
ISLAMABAD: Abdul Islam Siddiqui, a soldier of the Pakistan Army hanged in 2005 after an in-camera military trial for his alleged involvement in the Dec 2003 attack on then president Pervez Musharraf’s convoy, was denied right to file writ in any superior court, Dawn investigations show.
The case of six other co-accused from the Air Force is currently in the apex court. Two of the soldiers turned prosecution witnesses, but alleged torture and coercion by military authorities nevertheless.
“The military authorities tortured us to get a false statement against Siddiqui. Brigadier Feroz, who was supposed to be our defending officer, threatened us into get our signatures on an English-language statement.
“Prosecutor Brigadier Liaqat threatened us with dire consequences unless we signed the statement and Siddiqui’s defending officer, a major whose identity I’ve been unable to ascertain, was browbeaten by military court officials every time he tried to argue in Siddiqui’s support,” claims a former soldier Hafiz Mohammad Ashfaq. He was subsequently released but dismissed from service without benefits.
Havaldar Mohammad Younis, another witness who deposed against Siddiqui and is currently incarcerated in Gujranwala jail, also alleged torture.
In an undated hand-written note to his family, he claimed that he was subjected to torture for 10 months in Rawalpindi cells to extricate a false statement against Siddiqui.
“I filed an appeal before Maj-Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha [current ISI Chief and the then military judge hearing appeals against conviction] who merely completed the procedural formality before upholding my sentence,” Younis said in his note.
“He did not provide a lawyer or summon my witness and did not even care for my refusal to depose before him.”
Attempts to secure the army’s version of events failed as military spokesman Maj-Gen Athar Abbas did not respond to calls or a detailed text message.
“Recent Supreme Court verdicts have established that persons convicted by military courts have the right to file writs in high courts,” said former attorney-general Malik Mohammad Qayyum.
“I recently represented some Air Force personnel in a similar case in the SC, which upheld their right to move the judiciary against the military court verdict.”
Siddiqui was prosecuted by in-camera trial and executed on Aug 20, 2005. Record shows that he was sentenced to death before Dec 25, 2004, when this fact was officially announced.
Siddiqui’s family quote him as saying that he had filed appeals before military appellate courts right up to the army chief, but all were rejected.
“The appeal process in the army is contradictory,” said Colonel (retd) Akram, a former military lawyer.
“When the army chief confirms a death sentence, the convict can file an appeal in a military court of appeal which is headed by a military officer subordinate to the army chief.” He added that it was strange that General Musharraf — the target of the attempted murder — decided the fate of an appeal as the army chief. And, had Siddiqui been allowed the due process of the law, his mercy petition would have been presented to Pervez Musharraf in his capacity as president.
Under the law, such appeals — once rejected by the army chief and confirmed by appellant military courts — go to high courts and then the Supreme Court.
If the appeal is rejected by the apex court, a mercy petition is filed before the president. In Siddiqui’s case, the process of law appears to have been short-circuited.
President Musharraf rejected Siddiqui’s appeal as army chief and when this was confirmed by an appellate military court, it was interpreted by jail authorities as a rejection of his mercy petition by Musharraf in his capacity as the president.
“You are hereby informed that your son Islam Siddiqui, who was sentenced to death for an attempt on the life of the president and whose appeals have been dismissed, including a mercy petition that has been rejected by the president of Pakistan, will be hanged to death [sic] on Aug 20, 2005,” said the Aug 13, 2005, letter from the jail authorities to Siddiqui’s father Karim Buksh, mother Maria Kalsoom and brother Umer Islam Siddiqui.
Siddiqui’s family members accuse jail officials of stopping them from challenging the death sentence in superior courts.
“Ten days before his scheduled execution, I reached Multan jail accompanied by our lawyer and the prison authorities refused to let us meet my brother saying that the army had strictly forbidden it,” said Umer Islam Siddiqui.
Normally, jail authorities are responsible for filing appeals for such convicts from jail,” said Shah Khawar [then acting attorney-general and currently the deputy AG] when contacted in December.
Mr Qayyum said that military officials could still be held accountable.
“The family of the hanged soldier can still seek action against military authorities by filing writ in the High Court,” he said.
“The name of the Abdul Salam Siddiqui never formally appeared in the previous proceedings of the lower courts; we were told by the prosecutor that he was hanged in the same case but his case details were not provided,” said advocate Col (retd) Akram.
“If a military court awards the death sentence to any accused persons, it has to be verified by the chief of the respective armed forces; since he was the Chief of Army Staff at the time, Gen Musharraf must have signed his death warrant,” said another lawyer, advocate Altaf Malik who is representing the air force personnel.
Colonel (retd) Akram, said that they never knew that there was a seventh accused in the case.
“We came to know about him through media reports after his execution and later the army prosecutor told me that since he was an army man, his case was separated from the Air Force persons,” said Akram.
“Even if he was involved in the assassination attempt, though, he should have been tried with the rest of the accused persons.”
35-year-old Siddiqui, a father of three who worked for Company No. 1 of the Defence Services Guard, was charged with pressing the button of the remote control device which caused an explosion on Jhanda Chichi Bridge on Dec 14, 2003.
Immediately prior to his execution, Siddiqui wrote a two-page letter to his family claiming innocence.
Hamid Mir’s column on the ISI’s threats to journalists in Pakistan, suggesting why Pakistani media may not write independently about the spiteful role of the ISI and other secret agencies:
Hamid Mir is lying through his teeth.
Establishment VS Judiciary & Demented Pakistani Media.
When Advocate Hashmat Habib requested the court to summon heads of the Military Intelligence and the Inter-Services Intelligence, Justice Iqbal said that last time when “we tried to summon them we were sent home for almost 16 months”. Moving scenes were witnessed in the courtroom when Mrs Amina Masood Janjua, chairperson of the Defence of Human Rights who is campaigning for the release of detained persons including her husband Masood Janjua, regretted that there was silence despite the fact that witnesses were ready to help locate her husband. – ISLAMABAD: In the missing persons’ case’s proceedings on Wednesday, Justice Javed Iqbal, who heads the bench hearing the case, stated that individuals taken by intelligence agencies were considered as missing persons. The military’s role was also brought into question over the disappearances of these individuals. Justice Javed Iqbal said in the missing persons’ cases “there is always a mention of brigadiers and majors, who has given them power?” “Frontier Corps has no rights to arrest and detain any person,” Justice Iqbal said, adding that the court will be satisfied even if one person was recovered and the anxiety of one family was over. Meanwhile, Justice Raja Fayyaz said “there is a Gestapo-like reign of terror…anyone can come into a house, where is the enforcement of law?” Incidents involving hundreds of missing persons have been reported to the court in the past four years. Relatives of the missing allege they were picked up by intelligence agencies. — DawnNews – REFERENCE: Missing persons issue more serious than NRO, says judge By Nasir Iqbal Wednesday, 06 Jan, 2010,-says-judge-610 SC questions military’s role in missing persons’ case Wednesday, 06 Jan, 2010 – Agencies failed to recover missing persons: SC Wednesday, January 06, 2010 Seeks report within two weeks court wonders how democracy got jeopardised all of a sudden By Sohail Khan
Right after the resignation of General Musharraf from the Post of the President of Pakistan, Mr. Athar Minallah the Chief Spokesman of Defunct Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhary in Private Pakistani TV Channel [AAJ TV], demanded Treason Trial under article 6 of 1973 Constitutiuon of Islamic Republic of Pakistan while shamelssly forgetting that Athar Minallah, also served in the Musharraf cabinet for two years. Shouln’t Mr Athar Minallah be brought to Justice as well because abetting in a crime is tantamount to committing a crime. Athar Minallah joined the prestigious Civil Service of Pakistan (CSP) and after serving for 10 years left the post of Additional Collector Customs to join the firm as a partner. Athar Minallah brings not only rich taxation experience but also valuable scholastic input. Athar completed his law degree from the International Islamic University (Islamabad) and his LLM from University of Cambridge, UK. And his areas of interest are taxation, judicial review, Athar was appointed Minister for Law, Local Government, Parliamentary Affairs and Human Rights by the Provincial Government of NWFP (2000-2002). He also was the member of the Task Force constituted by the Federal Government for revamping the Taxation regime in Pakistan. Currently he is the member of the Policy Board of Intellectual Property of Pakistan and Chairman of Alternate Dispute Resolution Committee (ADRC) for Sales Tax constituted by the Central Board of Revenue. – Athar was appointed Minister for Law, Local Government, Parliamentary Affairs and Human Rights by the Provincial Government of NWFP (2000-2002) by General Musharraf Military Regime. REFERENCE: Musharraf Consolidates His Control With Arrests By JANE PERLEZ Published: November 4, 2007
Sometimes Intellectual Dishonesty is more fatal than the Financial or Moral Corruption. Financial/Moral Corruption is mostly related with few and destroys few [I REPEAT I AM NOT CONDONING IT] but Intellectual Dishonesty destroys nations e.g. Sharifuddin Pirzada, A K Brohi and many many more. I will just restrict myself to the swinging pendulum of Mr. Ansar Abbasi’s pen and journalism and will quote news/columns/opinions filed by him in all these years and every article is contradicting the earlier one. Remember one thing that Ansar Abbasi had demanded Treason Trial of Musharraf for violating article 6 of 1973 Constitution whereas shamelessly Mr. Ansar Abbasi is in favour of retaining National Accountability Bureau to hound politicians [the NAB was founded by Martial Law Regime! Where is the validity? Violation is Violation and cannot be condoned through Law of Necessity. To Proceed
Mr Ansar Abbasi was a Musharraf supporter while working for Daily Dawn:
During 1999 Mr. Ansar Abbasi was Praising General Musharraf Martial Law regime’s “Alleged Reforms” when Ansar Abbasi used to be a Correspondent in Daily Dawn, he never mentioned even a single time that Impsoing Martial Law is Treason and Violation of Article 6 of 1973 Constitution of Pakistan. Read the news reports which Ansar Abbasi filed in the Daily Dawn in 1999. Not a single time Ansar adress Musharraf as CMLA but Ansar was very respectful towards “Alleged Chief Executive” Musharraf. You may not find a single personal observation by Ansar Abbasi on Constitutional Tampering by Military Regime. Musharraf was given mandate by the Judiciary to tamper with the Constitution. Everybody knows who was part of that Supreme Court Bench. REFERENCES: Special courts to try cases of accountability Ansar Abbasi 06 November 1999 Issue : 05/45 [Courtesy Daily Dawn Wire Service] Musharraf approves pre-1973 authority for FPSC by Ansar Abbasi Week Ending : 29 January 2000 Issue : 06/05 [Courtesy Daily Dawn Wire Service] Sharifs lose 80pc of assets, says Qureshi by Ansar Abbasi Week Ending : 16 December 2000 Issue : 06/48 – The National Accountability Bureau is Pakistan’s apex anti-corruption organization. It is charged with the responsibility of elimination of corruption through a holistic approach of awareness, prevention and enforcement. It operates under the National Accountability Ordinance-1999, with its headquarter at Islamabad. REFERENCE:
Ansar Abbasi Praising General Musharraf’s Martial Law Regime’s “Alleged Reforms” when Ansar Abbasi used to be a Correspondent in Daily Dawn, he never mentioned even a single time that Impsoing Martial Law is Treason and Violation of Article 6 of 1973Constitution of Pakistan
As per 1973 Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
6. (1) Any person who abrogates or attempts or conspires to abrogate, subverts or attempts or conspires to subvert the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason.
(2) Any person aiding or abetting the acts mentioned in clause (1) shall likewise be guilty of high treason.
(3) [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] shall by law provide for the punishment of persons found guilty of high treason.
ISLAMABAD, May 29: The Chief Justice of Pakistan, Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, on Tuesday narrated for the first time his version of the events of of May 9 at the President’s camp office in Rawalpindi. He said in an affidavit that top intelligence officials had constantly pressured him into resigning, and after keeping him confined at the office for over five hours, he was allowed to leave in a flagless car. “I was informed that I have been restrained from acting as the chief justice.” The `non-functional’ chief justice informed the full-bench hearing identical petitions against the presidential reference that since the action of March 9, he had remained a victim of intrusive and not-so-intrusive intelligence and police operation. “I replied that it was not based on facts as my case was decided by a two-member bench and that attempts are being made to maliciously involve the other member of the Bench as well.” After this, the president said there were a few more complaints as well, directing his staff to call the ‘other persons’. The ‘other persons’ entered the room immediately. They were: Prime Minster Shaukat Aziz, the Directors General of Military Intelligence (MI), Director General of Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), Director General Intelligence Bureau (IB), Chief of Staff (COS) and another official. All officials (except the IB chief and the COS) were in uniform. “The meeting lasted about 30 minutes. The chiefs of the MI, ISI and IB stayed back, but they too did not show him me a single piece of evidence.” In fact, Justice iftikhar said, no official, except the ISI chief, had any document with him. The officials, however, alleged that Justice Iftikhar had used his influence to get his son admitted in Bolan Medical College, Quetta, when he was serving as a judge of the Balochistan High Court. The ISI and MI heads persisted in their demand for resignation, the CJ said. “I refused, saying that the demand has a collateral purpose.” “I was kept there absolutely against my will till 5pm. I was stopped there on one pretext or the other and at one stage was told the president will once again see me. “After 5pm, the MI chief told me `This is a bad day. Now you are taking a separate way and you are informed that you have been restrained from working as a judge of the Supreme Court or the Chief Justice of Pakistan’.” Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry further said when he came out of the room, he was stunned to find that the national flag and the insignia of office were no longer there on his car. “My staff officer later informed me Justice Javed Iqbal has taken oath as Acting Chief Justice and it has been shown on TV. My driver said he had been instructed not to drive the Chief Justice to the Supreme Court.” REFERENCE: CJ says chiefs of MI, ISI asked him to quit: Affidavit on March 9 camp office event By Iftikhar A. Khan May 30, 2007 Wednesday Jamadi-ul-Awwal 13, 1428
ISLAMABAD: The detailed judgment in the case of the restoration of the Chief Justice of Pakistan on July 20, 2007 reveals that not only Pervez Musharraf but the then Director General ISI and the DG Military Intelligence (MI) had also insisted that the chief justice resign during his illegal detention at the Army House Rawalpindi on March 9, 2007. The judgment, penned by Justice Khalilur Rehman Ramday, says: “The petitioner CJP went on to depose that ‘the respondent (the president) insisted that the deponent (the CJP) should resign’. He added that his refusal to oblige, ‘ignited the fury of the respondent (the president); he (the president) stood up angrily and left the room along with his MS, COS, and the prime minister of Pakistan, saying that others would show evidence to the deponent’ (about the allegations of misconduct against the CJP).” “As per the CJP, his meeting with the president lasted for about thirty minutes meaning thereby that the president and the prime minister would have left by about 12.15/12.30 pm and the CJP was then left behind in the company only of the DG MI, the DG ISI allegedly to be shown the evidence in support of the above-noticed accusations. The CJP alleged that no evidence at all was shown to him and “in fact, no official except DG ISI had some documents with him but he also did not show anything to the deponent” (the CJP). He added that they only accused him of having secured a seat for his son in Bolan Medical College while he was serving as a judge of Balochistan High Court. “The CJP further alleged that the DG MI and the DG ISI kept insisting that he should resign from his office while he continued to assert strongly that the allegations were baseless and were being levelled only for a collateral purpose and that he would not resign at any cost and would rather face the said false charges.” The judgment states, “While the CJP was still at the President’s Camp Office in Rawalpindi during the said crucial ‘FIVE HOURS’ and when according to the CJP he was being detained there against his wishes after 12 noon and when according to the respondents he was sitting there, in the company of the intelligence chiefs examining the reference and the material available in support thereof, a notification dated March 9, 2007, was issued by the Government of Pakistan in the Law, Justice and Human Rights Division mentioning therein that since the President of Pakistan had been pleased to make a reference called a ‘DIRECTION’ by Article 209(5) of the Constitution) to the SJC against the CJP, therefore, the President had restrained Mr Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry from acting as the Chief Justice of Pakistan or even as a Judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan.”
The honourable judges of the Supreme Court also made it clear that the case had nothing to do with army as an institution but acts of a person who happened to be chief of army staff. The judgment regarding the statement of Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain that ‘it was a matter between army and judiciary’ states, “This, in our opinion, was a naive attempt to create a wedge between two important and indispensable arms of the State and to put them on a war-path. What was in question before us was an act of the President and it was just an accident or a coincidence that the said President also happened to be the Chief of Army Staff. The matter had obviously nothing to do with the Army as an institution. Needless to add that the Army was an invaluable organ and instrument of the State and was as precious to us all as any other institution of our homeland. We, therefore, take this opportunity to express our disapproval and displeasure about the said statement.” Political analysts and observers who had watched the situation at the time, however, told The News that the involvement of junior military officers was minimal and on the specific orders of General Pervez Musharraf who had his own personal vested interest to protect.
They said whatever happened at the time was planned and ordered by General Musharraf and no other army or intelligence officer could be blamed for it. “It was Musharraf and Musharraf alone who must be held responsible for the treatment he meted out to the judiciary and the judges have also noted this in their judgment when they said the army had nothing to do with it as an institution,” an analyst said. It should be noted that both the ISI and the MI were directly under control of the then COAS, General Musharraf, although the ISI is supposed to be under the prime minister. A retired general who was closed to General Pervez Musharraf when contacted said that Musharraf tried to show the door to the chief justice because he wanted extension in his tenure that was expiring, election results of his own desire and government of his own choice. He considered the chief justice as the only person who could create hurdles in the achievement of his objectives. He said Musharraf’s stakes were very high and he wanted to achieve his objectives at all costs. Musharraf, he said, used his senior colleagues, to press the chief justice to quit. He said the then DG MI General Nadeem Ijaz, who was relative of Musharraf, crossed all limits in dealing with the opponents of the former dictator. The DG MI was the strong man of Musharraf. He said Musharraf took aggressive steps against judiciary on the advice of the DG MI, who was in fact responsible for spoiling Musharraf’s all matters related to judiciary. The DG IB went too far in bid to protect the interests of his boss (Musharraf).
He said under Musharraf’s pressure the DG MI Ijaz, DG IB Ejaz Shah, the then secretary interior and some others also submitted affidavits in the Supreme Court against the chief justice. He reminded that the DG ISI did not submit an affidavit. It was believed that Musharraf asked the DG ISI to submit his affidavit but the latter said sorry to the former. Musharraf, he said, was reportedly offended by the DG ISI. He said despite Musharraf’s intensive efforts, the then DG ISI Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani kept a reasonable distance from this issue in grace. He said Gen Kayani was popular as a simple soldier. He did not show any interest in Musharraf’s machinations and that was why he did not submit any affidavit. Observers are pleasantly surprised that Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry wrote the names of military generals including the former DG ISI Gen Kayani, who is present army chief, and the full court also mentioned them in their judgement without showing any fear. They said the chief justice and all the members of the full court deserve praise and esteem for showing rare courage. Justice Khalilur Rehman Ramday also mentioned the reasons for delay in writing the detailed judgment. The judgment says, “And before I put my pen down, I wish to offer a personal explanation which I owe in connection with this judgment. As is known, the short judgment in the matter was announced on July 20, 2007 and these reasons in support of the said judgment are being recorded after almost 2-1/2 years. This rather extraordinary delay, which was on account of equally extraordinary circumstances, warrants clarification and elucidation.” He mentioned that after vacations he was a part of a bench hearing the eligibility case of Pervez Musharraf but, when the said matter had almost reached the final stages, martial law (called emergency) was imposed in the country by General Musharraf on November 3, 2007 in his capacity as the Chief of Army Staff. Thirteen out of seventeen Judges were removed from office and some including the Chief Justice were put under house arrest which detention continued till March, 2008. “Thereafter, I was of course a free man but being a ‘REMOVED’ Judge, had no access to the Supreme Court and consequently the entire record of this case, including all the notes, were out of my reach. I, along with the Chief Justice of Pakistan and some other learned brothers, got restored to office in March, 2009 and it is thereafter that I got down to collecting the lost, the forgotten and the scattered threads and this is what I have been able to produce now.” REFERENCE: How dictator Musharraf used his colleagues against Justice Iftikhar Friday, December 25, 2009 By Usman Manzoor
MR. ANSAR ABBASI OF THE SAME JANG GROUP OF NEWSPAPERS REFUTES THE ABOVE REPORT. WHAT A JOKE! – LIES OF MR. ANSAR ABBASI IN VIEW OF NEWS ABOVE AND IF THAT WAS NOT ENOUGH MR. ANSAR ABBASI ALSO TRIED HIS BEST TO PROVE THAT CJ’s AFFIDAVIT WAS WRONG [he didn’t write that but his article “missed” a crucial information – read the last paragraph and then read CJ Affidavit as reported in Daily Dawn above]
MURREE: The Pakistan Army would stay distant and neutral from the Supreme Court’s proceedings against the ex-army chief and condemned dictator General (retd) Pervez Musharraf’s trial on account of his Nov 3, 2007 unconstitutional action. While many wonder if the Pakistan Army would defend Musharraf despite what he did to Pakistan, its institutions and to the constitution as a 14-member bench of the apex court is currently adjudicating the former dictator’s Nov 3 actions, the military under General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani intends to stay neutral. It is not interested to drag itself into unnecessary controversy by siding with a man, who is no more associated with the Army and is sought by the country’s superior judiciary for his unconstitutional actions. The Supreme Court Wednesday summoned Musharraf to appear before the 14-member bench or get himself represented through his counsel to defend his actions of Nov 3 and later. Although the military spokesman when contacted by a member of The News Investigative Reporting Wing did not offer his comment on the question if Pakistan Army would defend its former chief in the apex court, a senior army source simply ruled out any such possibility. “What army has to do with this,” said the source, adding that the Supreme Court has taken up a political case that has nothing to do with the army.
“We have nothing to do with it,” the source said when precisely asked about the Nov 3rd unconstitutional actions of the then Army Chief General Pervez Musharraf. Musharraf, the military source added, is no more in army. “You know better that he is retired now and have no link with army,” the source said, adding that dragging Pakistan Army into this would be uncalled for. In an interesting twist of fate Musharraf, who had perpetuated his dictatorial rule by misusing his powers as chief of army staff and even at the cost of the reputation of the institution of Pakistan Army, is all alone and is now trying to settle down in London as he fears facing music if comes back to Pakistan. Musharraf is becoming such a lesson for others that even Washington to whom he had sold his soul and served even at the cost of damaging Pakistan, has been abandoned by his real master. US special envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan Richard Holbrooke Wednesday said President Pervez Musharraf is now history and that the US will not come to defend him.
The reputation of Pakistan Army was at its worse when Musharraf handed over the military command to the incumbent Army Chief Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, who took no time to get the army out of politics and repeatedly proved military’s neutrality from political and government matters. Kayani, the man who enjoys utmost respect both within the army and outside for his professionalism, kept army out of any electoral manipulation early last year though Musharraf was keen to rig the elections to get his choice parties elected all over Pakistan. After Musharraf’s departure and the emergence of President Asif Ali Zardari as the major opponent to the restoration of the deposed judges, again it was the incumbent army chief who played his positive role and have had a series of interactions with President Zardari and Prime Minister Gilani to settle the issue to the best interest of the people, the country and the judiciary. This is also in public knowledge that even during the days when Musharraf was an all powerful dictator, he had also refused to give an affidavit against the incumbent Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry following his controversial suspension on March 9, 2007. Perhaps not many know that Musharraf and some of his other Generals misbehaved with the chief justice on March 9 in order to coerce him into tendering resignation, Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, the then ISI chief, was decent and polite with the chief justice. While others were rude towards the CJ, it was Gen Kayani, who had even offered a cup of coffee to Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry. REFERENCE: Army to stay away Thursday, July 23, 2009 Kayani treated Iftikhar with respect when Musharraf and aides misbehaved with him By Ansar Abbasi
Jang Group, Neutrality of Commander & Jang Group’s Peace with India [Aman Ki Asha]
Shamelessly, the senior correspondent of Daily Jang/GEOTV, Mr Muhammad Saleh Zaafir talks about [that too without quoting naming any credible source] that ” The armed forces have taken very serious note of the rhetoric made by certain high ups including some ministers in recent days about the role of the armed forces of the country. The reaction has not been conveyed formally in dossier but the communication is very loud and clear, the sources told this scribe. Meanwhile, the constitutional experts pointed out that a member of the Parliament stands disqualified under the article 63 of the constitution if he/she defames or brings into ridicule the judiciary or the Armed Forces of Pakistan as the constitution states under the title of “Disqualifications for membership of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament).” REFERENCE: MPs to get red card for defaming judiciary, armed forces By Muhammad Saleh Zaafir Friday, January 08, 2010
Whereas the very same Jang Group/GEO TV had played a very dirty role during Mumbai Tragedy in 2008 while relaying a bogus “Investigative Report on Ajmal Kasab” on GEO TV and the same Jang Group is now lecturing Pakistanis for Peace with India whereas very Muhammad Saleh Zaafir and Jang Group have no shame left in them because they forget while lecturing PPP and Zardari about Kerry Lugar Bill, No First Strike, Patriotism and National Security not too long ago while running the campaign of “Joint statement by editors of the Jang Group and Times of India” Friday, January 01, 2010 Aman Ki Asha”. AMAN KI ASHA – DESTINATION PEACE
Jang Group/Saleh Zaafir in fervour of supporting the Establishment have also forgotten this brazen and naked truth.
When Advocate Hashmat Habib requested the court to summon heads of the Military Intelligence and the Inter-Services Intelligence, Justice Iqbal said that last time when “we tried to summon them we were sent home for almost 16 months”. Moving scenes were witnessed in the courtroom when Mrs Amina Masood Janjua, chairperson of the Defence of Human Rights who is campaigning for the release of detained persons including her husband Masood Janjua, regretted that there was silence despite the fact that witnesses were ready to help locate her husband. — The bench, which includes Justice Raja Fayyaz and Justice Mohammad Sair Ali, summoned the Inspector General of Frontier Constabulary and Major Ibrahim next week to explain how Mustafa Azam, an accused in the Hayatabad (Peshawar) bombing, went missing after he dad been arrested his involvement in the blast but released within an hour. The Supreme Court also wanted to know why names of brigadiers or majors always surfaced whenever cases of missing persons were taken up for hearing. Who had given them the right, it asked, to pick up individuals at will? “There is a reign of terror like Gestapo and anyone can just barge into someone’s house to pick anyone,” Justice Raja Fayyaz said. The court would be satisfied even if one person was recovered and the anxiety of one family was addressed, Justice Iqbal observed. REFERENCES: Missing persons issue more serious than NRO, says judge By Nasir Iqbal Wednesday, 06Jan, 2010 The ‘disappeared’ Dawn Editorial Thursday, 07 Jan, 2010 Judge calls it Gestapo-like reign of terror By Nasir Iqbal Thursday, 07 Jan, 2010
KARACHI, Jan 6: PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif said “Pakistan today is facing several challenges. Terrorism, poverty, unemployment, price hike and loadshedding are major issues inherited from eight years of dictatorship,” Without naming Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf, the PML-N chief said the man who had dissolved parliament, abrogated the Constitution and pushed the country into crisis should not have been given the guard of honour. He should have been brought to justice and punished. — KARACHI: Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Quaid Nawaz Sharif said on Wednesday that “conspirators” should be punished as they were responsible for breaking up the country and undermining parliament. REFERENCES:PPP national asset: Nawaz By Habib Khan Ghori Thursday, 07 Jan, 2010 ‘Conspirators’ must be punished: Nawaz Terms all problems gift of dictatorship By Imtiaz Ali Thursday, January 07, 2010
GUARD OF HONOUR FOR GENERAL [RETD] PERVEZ MUSHARRAF and for what??? Making Pakistani disappear from Pakistan as mentioned above or for abrogating 1973 Constitution Pakistan twice i.e. 12 Oct 1999 and 3 Nov 2007.
As per 1973 Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
6. (1) Any person who abrogates or attempts or conspires to abrogate, subverts or attempts or conspires to subvert the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason.
(2) Any person aiding or abetting the acts mentioned in clause (1) shall likewise be guilty of high treason.
(3) [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] shall by law provide for the punishment of persons found guilty of high treason.
When General [RETD] Pervez Musharraf was President of Pakistan before his resign in 2008.
As per Daily Dawn dated March 07, 2008 Friday Safar 28, 1429
Chief of the Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani announced on Thursday his institution’s complete support for the elected government and the democratic process. However, he called for avoiding schism between various pillars of the state and dispelled a perception that the army was distancing itself from the president. Alluding to a perception about ‘the army distancing itself from the president’, he stressed the importance of the constitutional relationship between the army and the National Command Structure. Highlighting the need for understanding, he pointed out that any kind of schism, at any level, under the circumstances would not be in the larger interest of the nation.” REFERENCE: ‘Army not distancing itself from president’: Gen Kayani announces support for elected govt By Iftikhar A. Khan March 07, 2008 Friday Safar 28, 1429
In my humble view the Establishment distanced iself from Mr Musharraf not only Mr Musharraf but every political party as well because that is the need of the hour since Mr Musharraf is not neutral, neutral and impartial President doesn’t address political rallies nor does they ‘predict’ the vicotry of ‘Like minded parties i.e. King Parties. Getting close to Mr Musharraf him will surely make anybody a party. Why Mr. Musharraf is not neutral. read
I change the subject. Last time I visited him here in Rawalpindi he gave me a spookily accurate prediction of the imminent election results, which suggested information more than insight. Who will win this election? His answer is definitive. The PML-Q (the party otherwise known as the King’s Party, assembled by President Musharraf himself six years ago to legitimise his “managed” democracy) allied with the Muttahida Qaumi Movement will “certainly have the majority. Whether they’ll be able to form a government is a question mark.” This contradicts all the recent opinion polls, which have shown that the popularity of his favoured party is right down, at just 12 per cent. I point out this out to him. REFERENCE: An extraordinary encounter with Musharraf As Pakistan votes tomorrow in its postponed elections, Jemima Khan is granted a rare interview with Pervez Musharraf, the country’s beleaguered leader Sunday, 17 February 2008
A good advice for all and sundry is conveyed in an Editorial of Daily Dawn Dated 08-Mar-2008.
THERE is something unmistakably oxymoronic about the statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations directorate after the corps commanders meeting at the GHQ on Thursday. If you read the subtext, it means that though the army will support the next democratic government, the latter should not let “schisms” develop in the working of the political system; though the army will keep its distance from politics, the impression that it has distanced itself from the president is wrong; and, finally, the army should not be “dragged” into politics and be allowed to concentrate on its professional duties. There can be no two opinions on the last-mentioned wish attributed to Chief of the Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani. However, the ISPR does not tell us who or what prompted this reaction from Gen Kayani. If the army wishes to stay out of politics then why come out with an opinion on matters purely political and constitutionally beyond the pale for generals? Pray, who is stopping the armed forces from going back to their professional duties, from returning to the barracks? Pakistan has had eight years during which the military’s running of affairs well outside its designated area of responsibility has wreaked havoc on the country. One man who led the military and the country called all the shots. Pakistan slipped deeper and deeper into anarchy, with even the economic windfall from Islamabad’s readiness to join the US-led war on terror failing to brake this slide. Little wonder then that all state institutions, including the army, received a pat on the back for organising a by and large fair (on the day at least) election on Feb 18. A tense, tentative nation heaved a sigh of relief for the result was not disputed and the country spared the turmoil which could have imperilled its very existence. The nation has spoken. Let its voice be heard. If the elected parliament wants to undo the tampering the constitution was subjected to by the former chief of army staff so be it. It is time the generals sought a complete break from the divisive role their erstwhile army chief ended up playing. It should resolutely resist being “dragged” into politics. It should be left to the parliament to sort out any “schisms” that may develop. The army should help the civilian government tackle the daunting challenges posed by the scourge of religious extremism and terrorism. One would caution General Kayani against opting for any role for himself other than that of the army chief. His is a full-time job and so much needs to be done to restore the fighting edge to the military and the morale of the soldiers. Known as a ‘thinking’ man, one hopes that he’ll not be tempted by talk of power troikas for the consequences of choosing such a path are disastrous. REFERENCE: Reading the subtext March 08, 2008 Saturday Safar 29, 1429
These Journalists [selected few] are rotten to the core.
Seven years ago Mr Shaheen Sehbai was also quoted in The New York Times as well his Editor in Chief i.e. Mir Shakil ur Rehman, and do note what Mir Shakil ur Rehman had to say about the Patriotism and Loyalty of Shaheen Sehbai with Pakistan. Should we believe Mr Shaheen Sehbai or his Editor in Chief Mir Shakil ur Rahman’s Letter Addressed to Mr Shaheen Sehbai asking for his resign on filing Concocted Stories in The News International that ANTI-PAKISTAN ARMY/ISI Story [Kamran and Shaheen involved Pakistan Army in Daniel Murder] on Daniel Pearl went very well in Times of India [story was filed by Kamran Khan in Washington Post, The News and Jang with the consent of Shaheen Sehbai], read the background. Shaheen Sehbai VS Mir Shakil ur Rahman on Daniel Pearl.
Credibility of Shaheen Sehbai, Mir Shakil ur Rahman and Jang Group of Newspapers.
Jang Group/GEO TV had played a very dirty role during Mumbai Tragedy in 2008 while relaying a bogus “Investigative Report on Ajmal Kasab” on GEO TV and the same Jang Group particularly Mr Mahmood Sham (Group Editor Daily Jang), Mr Shaheen Sehbai (Group Editor The News International), Mr Kamran Khan (Senior Correspondent Jang/The News and GEO TV) and Mr Rauf Klasra (Senior Correspondent Jang/The News International) played a very dirty role after the murder of US Journlaist Daniel Pearl in Karachi in 2002.
Jang Group/The News International/GEO TV also support this Anti Pakistan Army/ISI Campaign of Times of India. Just a Glimpse
Jang Group – Times of India joint Campaign against ISI.
Whereas the very same Jang Group/GEO TV had played a very dirty role during Mumbai Tragedy in 2008 while relaying a bogus “Investigative Report on Ajmal Kasab” on GEO TV and the same Jang Group is now lecturing Pakistanis for Peace with India whereas very Muhammad Saleh Zaafir and Jang Group have no shame left in them because they forget while lecturing PPP and Zardari about Kerry Lugar Bill, No First Strike, Patriotism and National Security not too long ago while running the campaign of “Joint statement by editors of the Jang Group and Times of India” Jang Group, Neutrality of Commander & Jang Group’s Peace with India [Aman Ki Asha]
Now read as to how Kamran Khan with malafide intent involves Pakistan Army/ISI with Militants while giving an Interview to FRONTLINE PBS an American Public Affairs News Organization.
What was [Abu Zubaydah] doing in Faisalabad?
He was just hiding there. They were having a very low profile there. They didn’t have weapons, a lot of weapons, with them. They why they wanted to just stay cool there and waiting for their chance to react. …
They’ve also come to Karachi, and we had an event here [on Sept. 11. 2002]. What happened?
There were many, many incidents there. The incident two days ago in Karachi, there was an information from neighborhood to the police that there are some suspicious people living here. Police did some reconnaissance, and then they went for a raid early morning Sept. 11. They faced fierce resistance from these guys. They are all definite Al Qaedas in the sense that they are Tajiks and they are Central Asians and two Arabs and all.
The ISI is in the Binori Madrassa?
Yes, yes, yes. They know what’s going on there. But at the same time, you must understand that some of the key people are already with the ISI. I mean, they report back to the ISI. Maybe they are in the forefront of the anti-U.S. campaign or whatever–
So some of the Islamists are inside the ISI? And the ISI is looking–
And they report back to the ISI, yes, yes.
How does that work?
It works quite good, yes. I think that they have a very reliable penetration source of information. The bottom line here is that, “Look. Whatever you are doing, whatever you do, we understand. But mind you, we cannot afford to harbor Arabs here. We cannot afford to harbor non-Pakistanis here. So please, please cooperate with us on that count.” There is a very deep connections between the religious madrassas, and the key religious scholars, and the establishment. …
Doesn’t President Musharraf need the Islamists in order to prosecute the Indians? Doesn’t he need them to keep pressure on the Indians in Kashmir?
So he can’t offend these groups that are akin to Al Qaeda in their sympathies?
By all means. … It’s also because there are 50,000 strong, militant, armed people. That most of these people have deep connections with the establishment, with the security–
Security — ISI?
–operators of Pakistan, the security operators, yes. The intelligence agencies. And they just can’t do things which may provoke them, and which may create an internal rebellion of sorts. Not only that. Of course, these people have devoted themselves to jihad in India, at least, to jihad in Kashmir. …
A lot of Pakistani security people say that no country has such a tremendous fifth column. You have 50,000 armed people who are ready to give their lives without asking for any favor or anything. These motivated people are an asset for any country with such a massive, such a big enemy. And with such a major problem boiling there. Of course, yes.
So can Americans trust Musharraf to crack down on his own people to rat out terrorists in Pakistan?
I don’t know, because my perception is the Americans are basically interested in Al Qaeda — people who were in Afghanistan, who have an anti-West, anti-America agenda. I’m not sure if the U.S. is really terribly interested about the people who were fighting in Kashmir. …
Jang Group, Ansar Abbasi VS Military Establishment.
When one tries to keep everybody happy through lies then this effort is often result in worst kind of Intellectual Dishonesty of which Mr Ansar Abbasi, the Senior Correspondent of Jang Group of Newspapers is a glaring example in particular and Jang Group in general. READ ANSAR ABBASI ON ISI AND THEN READ HIS OWN NEWSPAPER/GROUP ON ISI and Pakistan Army.
Although October 12, 1999 events were the outcome of the known mistrust between the then prime minister and the Army chief following the Kargil adventure of General Musharraf, in the present scenario the incumbent Army chief, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, is widely respected for his professionalism and pro-democracy stance. General Kayani is not only highly popular within the Army but is also admired by political parties for the excellent role that he had played during the last year’s general elections and later on the occasion of the judges’ restoration. In a situation when the Army as an institution has regained its respect and there is absolutely no sign of the military’s attempt to destabilise the democratic set-up, any effort by the president to make key changes in the Army top command would be extremely dangerous for the system. Last year, the government’s abrupt shifting of the ISI under the Interior Ministry was unacceptable to all and sundry, including the media, which resulted into the immediate cancellation of the government’s notification. Perhaps foreseeing the dangers ahead, different views were being expressed in the media as a reaction to the president’s speech such as, “There are only so many possibilities about where the threat Mr Zardari keeps referring to can come from. With his public comments, Mr Zardari may in fact be alarming the persons in those institutions that they could be the target of impending attacks themselves and, therefore, need to strike before they are struck against. Our advice: put up or shut up. The president is supposed to be a symbol of the federation, a unifying force rather than a hyper-partisan figure fuelling conspiracy theories. More presidential, less political – that’s what the county needs from Mr Zardari.” REFERENCE: Why the ‘put up or shut up’ calls to Zardari? Wednesday, December 30, 2009 Comment By Ansar Abbasi
ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Army has presently more than 125 general officers in its strength. While a lot is said and written about the civilian bureaucracy, not many know about the military bureaucracy, which is today far more bloated compared to what it was a few decades back. Today we have three full four-star generals, 30 three-star generals also called lieutenant generals while the number of two-star generals — major generals — is said to be almost 100. This number, however, includes those serving generals who are also presently occupying civilian posts including the Presidency. Although the serving general officers currently holding civilian positions are not in a huge number,there are hundreds of retired soldiers including dozens of ex-generals who are now occupying civil service positions including the key posts like ambassadors in Pakistan’s missions abroad, heads of authorities, corporations and departments. A list of ex-servicemen, serving against the civil posts, last presented before the Parliament and also published by some newspapers included almost 600 names. According to sources, the number of General officers in the pre-1965 Pakistan Army was about 30. But in the aftermath of the 1965 war the military was restructured and new formations were raised that took the number of general officers to almost 60.
The 1971 war yet again resulted into further growth in the number of General officers. However, it was during General Ziaul Haq’s tenure when a major expansion of army was done. During the present military rule, these sources said, the expansion was done in two areas — Army Strategic Force Command and Air Defence System. Promotions in the army and in the topmost ranks, it is said, are strictly done against the posts that are sanctioned by the government. “There is no such thing that you start promoting the officers and sending them to the civilian side,” a source said adding that besides clear vacancies certain promotions are made against “pool vacancies”. Unlike the distortions that are characteristics of the civilian bureaucracy and which furthered during the last eight years, the systems in the military have not been played with. While in the civilian bureaucracy no top mandarin gets retired and is generously allowed extension in complete violation of the law and rules, the Pakistan Army, during the last eight years, has seen just three cases of extensions. These exceptional military extensions include the case of General Musharraf himself who continues to be the Army Chief since 1998. The second extension that the top General granted during his rule was that of his Chief of Staff Lt Gen (retd) Hamid Javaid, who when offered another year’s extension a few years back preferred to hang his boots instead of depending on a leased military life. The third case of extension is that of Lt Gen Khalid Kidwai, who is presently heading the strategic planning division. Kidwai was to retire last year but Musharraf gave him one-year extension reportedly because of his technical assignment.
Amongst the full Generals that we presently have in the military, General Pervez Musharraf, who for being the Chief of Army Staff, tops the list. The two other four star Generals include General Ahsan Saleem Hayat, Vice Chief of Army Staff and General Ehsan ul Haq, Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee.
The three star Generals, who are also appointed as Corps Commander, presently serving the Pakistan Army include Lt Gen Khalid Ahmed Kidwai, Director General Strategic Planning Division, Lt Gen Malik Arif Hayat, Director General C4I (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence), Lt Gen Ashfaq Pervez Kiani, Director General Inter-Services Intelligence, Lt Gen Tariq Majeed, Corps Commander Rawalpindi, Lt Gen Safdar Hussain, Chief of Logistics Staff General Headquarters, Lt Gen Salahuddin Satti, Chief of General Staff General Headquarters, Lt Gen Mohammed Sabir, Director General Military Services General Headquarters, Lt Gen Waseem Ahmed Ashraf, Corps Commander Gujranwala, Lt Gen Syed Athar Ali, Director General Joint Staff at Joint Staff Headquarters, Lt Gen Hamid Rab Nawaz, Inspector General Training and Evaluation General Headquarters, Lt Gen Imtiaz Hussain, Adjutant General General Headquarters, Lt Gen Afzal Muzaffar, Quarter Master General, General Headquarters, Lt Gen Syed Sabahat Hussain, Chairman Pakistan Ordnance Factories, Lt Gen Masood Aslam, Corps Commander Peshawar, Lt Gen Shafaatullah Shah, Corps Commander Lahore, Lt Gen Israr Ahmed Ghumman, Director General Heavy Industries Taxila, Lt Gen Raza Muhammad Khan, Corps Commander Bahawalpur, Lt Gen Hamid Khan, President National Defence University, Lt Gen Mushtaq Ahmed Baig, Surgeon General, General Headquarters, Lt Gen Sikandar Afzal, Corps Commander Multan, Lt Gen Sajjad Akram, Corps Commander Mangla, Lt Gen Nadeem Ahmad, Deputy Chairman Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Authority (ERRA), Lt Gen Muhammad Zaki, Director General Infantry General Headquarters, Lt Gen Ahsan Azhar Hayat, Corps Commander Karachi, Lt Gen Ijaz Ahmed Bakhshi, Director General Weapons and Equipment General Headquarters, Lt Gen Mohammad Ashraf Saleem, Commander Army Air Defence Command, Lt Gen Shahid Niaz, Engineer-in-Chief Frontier Works Organisation, Lt Gen Khalid Shameem Wynne, Corps Commander Quetta, Lt Gen Muhammad Yousaf, Vice Chief of General Staff General Headquarters and Lt Gen Syed Absar Hussain, Commander Army Strategic Forces Command. REFERENCE: Steady growth in Army bureaucracy By Ansar Abbasi Saturday, September 01, 2007
Former highly controversial deputy ISI chief Maj-Gen (retd) Nusrat Naeem is the latest addition to this bunch whose ‘adventurism’ and ‘innovations’ had finally led to their boss’s ouster. Naeem, however, when contacted categorically denied this charge and said he met the incumbent president only once during Asif Zardari’s visit to the ISI office before he was elected as the head of the state. It is a strange coincidence that Nusrat Naeem, Sharifuddin Pirzada, the Law Ministry and the Presidency both in 2007 as well as in 2009 are standing on the same position vis-a-vis the superior judiciary of the country. At that time, however, Musharraf enjoyed the complete support of the establishment, which is neutral today. According to sources, Nusrat Naeem, who had played an active role under Musharraf to target the independent judiciary, including Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, has been in contact with President Zardari even before his becoming the head of the state. One of these sources even insist that last time the former deputy DG ISI met the president, was only a week when in the late evening he was escorted to the presidency by one of its security officials named Col (retd) Babar.
The sources also alleged that Nusrat Naeem’s hobnobbing with the president also led to the latter’s negativity towards Army chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, who has been Naeem’s boss in the ISI during Musharraf days. A respected retired lieutenant general, who was course mate of General Kayani, told this correspondent recently on condition of not being named that once Nusrat Naeem, after being superseded by Kayani, was using what he termed foul language against the Army chief. The retired general said that Naeem was snubbed for the same reason. Naeem, who had sought early retirement after his supersession, when contacted said he never met President Zardari after their only interaction in the ISI when the latter visited the prime agency’s headquarter. He also denied to have ever used foul language against the Army chief and instead showered all sort of praise on General Kayani, whom he dubbed as a highly professional soldier. He also denied to have played any role in poisoning the president against the Army chief. President’s spokesman Farhatullah Babar also denied that Nusrat Naeem was in contact with Zardari or had visited him recently. He believed that these reports were perhaps part of the rumour mongering that was already going on against President Zardari. REFERENCE: Those who sank Musharraf now advising Zardari By Ansar Abbasi Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Mr. Ansar Abbasi seldom bother to check history that’s why he miserably fails to even hide his efforts and his motives to save somebody, read news from his very own Jang/The News to expose Mr. Ansar Abbasi.
ISLAMABAD: There were at least a dozen principal players, who had roles in clinching the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) that was issued hours before the 2007 presidential polls in which Pervez Musharraf was re-elected. Apart from the then desperate and cornered Musharraf, Lt-Gen (retd) Hamid Javed, Tariq Aziz, Farooq H Naek, Makhdoom Amin Fahim, Rehman Malik, Safdar Abbasi, the then Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) chief Lt-Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain and Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi played varying roles, an aide of the then president told The News on condition of anonymity. He said that these actors gave their inputs at different stages in the process of finalising the NRO. The controversial NRO is now before parliament for a final decision about its fate. Petitions are also pending in the Supreme Court. As the story narrated by the former Musharraf aide, who opted to be in the background since his ouster, the substantive talks about quashing corruption and criminal cases against Benazir Bhutto, Asif Ali Zardari and a multitude of others were held when Musharraf met the Pakistan Peopleís Party (PPP) chairperson for the first time in Abu Dhabi in July 2007. The meeting followed a hectic campaign by senior American and British officials to bring about a rapprochement between Musharraf and Benazir Bhutto and intense talks between Hamid Javed with Benazir Bhutto and her confidants in London. As Musharraf sought PPPís support in his October 2007 re-election, Benazir Bhutto expressed willingness, by boycotting the polls, but demanded two things in exchange ñ undoing of the embargo on her to serve as prime minister for the third term and all corruption and criminal cases registered in Pakistan and abroad against her, Zardari and others. REFERENCE: The many other players of NRO saga Thursday, October 22, 2009 By Tariq Butt
Interestingly, General Kayani was the only senior officer present with President Pervez Musharraf when he had the historic meeting with Benazir Bhutto at the Musharraf palace in the suburbs of Abu Dhabi in July this year. Then he was the director general inter-services intelligence (ISI). General Kayani also took part in the interactions and deliberations with different political leaders, including Benazir Bhutto, for quite sometime till his promotion as the four-star general. The meeting at the Presidency was also attended by the prime intelligence agencies and other heads of the law-enforcement agencies. The initial report that was submitted to the high-level meeting disclosed that Benazir Bhutto was hit by the ball bearings of the suicide bomber’s jacket that hit and cut her jugular vain. REFERENCE: It was not a bullet, president told at high-level meeting Friday, December 28, 2007
Here’s what I wrote two years ago: “By now, the dynamics set in place by America seem immutable: what Washingtonwants, it gets. Never mind about the people of Pakistan and what they wanted. Benazir Bhutto made Washington her second home this summer. And it paid off. The State Department turned a brokerage house facilitating political deals between Bhutto and the Pakistan Army led by General Musharraf’s heir-in-chief, General Kayani. The broker, that is America, stands to reap huge dividends… Secretary of State Rice admitted that America was pressing General Musharraf “very hard” to allow for free and fair elections. When asked if Benazir Bhutto had a role in the future political setup, she answered, “Well, I don’t see why not”. When asked how the corruption cases against Benazir Bhutto would play into the new equation, Condi Rice deflected it by going off on a tangent: “There needs to be a contested parliamentary system, but whether or not she is able to overcome that and whether Pakistanis are willing to allow that is really up to them.” The reason for her gobbledygook response is now as clear as the blue sky. Washington was working around the clock to get Musharraf to pass an ordinance providing amnesty to Bhutto for her alleged corruption. And Ms Rice was the one pushing the general to go for it.” REFERENCE: Last tango in Washington — II Wednesday, October 28, 2009 Anjum Niaz
Pakistan’s cadre of elite generals, called the corps commanders, have long been kingmakers inside the country. At the top of that cadre is Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, General Musharrafís designated successor as Army chief. General Kayani is a moderate, pro-American infantry commander who is widely seen as commanding respect within the Army and, within Western circles, as a potential alternative to General Musharraf. General Kayani and other military leaders are widely believed to be eager to pull the Army out of politics and focus its attention purely on securing the country. REFERENCE: If Musharraf falls… Friday, November 16, 2007 US making contingency plans
Sources other than Jang Group/The News are also vital to evaluate and analysis.
Musharraf recalls in his memoir, “In the Line of Fire.” Within months Kiyani had unraveled the two plots and arrested most of the participants. He was rewarded in 2004 with a promotion to chief of ISI, and the next year his agency scored big with the arrest of Abu Faraj al-Libbi, the senior Qaeda lieutenant who masterminded the attempts on Musharraf’s life. A former U.S. intelligence official who dealt personally with Kiyani says the ISI “took a lot of bad guys down” under his leadership. Kiyani has earned his boss’s confidence, even serving as Musharraf’s personal envoy in recent talks with exiled opposition leader Benazir Bhutto. REFERENCE: The Next Musharraf – A Westernized, chain-smoking spy could soon become the most powerful man in Pakistan. By Ron Moreau and Zahid Hussain NEWSWEEK From the magazine issue dated Oct 8, 2007
A former U.S. intelligence official who dealt personally with Kiyani says the ISI “took a lot of bad guys down” under his leadership. Kiyani has earned his boss’s confidence, even serving as Musharraf’s personal envoy in recent talks with exiled opposition leader Benazir Bhutto. REFERENCE: The Next Musharraf A Westernized, chain-smoking spy could soon become the most powerful man in Pakistan. By Ron Moreau and Zahid Hussain NEWSWEEK From the magazine issue dated Oct 8, 2007
THERE is something unmistakably oxymoronic about the statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations directorate after the corps commanders meeting at the GHQ on Thursday. If you read the subtext, it means that though the army will support the next democratic government, the latter should not let “schisms” develop in the working of the political system; though the army will keep its distance from politics, the impression that it has distanced itself from the president is wrong; and, finally, the army should not be “dragged” into politics and be allowed to concentrate on its professional duties. There can be no two opinions on the last-mentioned wish attributed to Chief of the Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani. However, the ISPR does not tell us who or what prompted this reaction from Gen Kayani. If the army wishes to stay out of politics then why come out with an opinion on matters purely political and constitutionally beyond the pale for generals? Pray, who is stopping the armed forces from going back to their professional duties, from returning to the barracks? Pakistan has had eight years during which the military’s running of affairs well outside its designated area of responsibility has wreaked havoc on the country. One man who led the military and the country called all the shots. Pakistan slipped deeper and deeper into anarchy, with even the economic windfall from Islamabad’s readiness to join the US-led war on terror failing to brake this slide. Little wonder then that all state institutions, including the army, received a pat on the back for organising a by and large fair (on the day at least) election on Feb 18. A tense, tentative nation heaved a sigh of relief for the result was not disputed and the country spared the turmoil which could have imperilled its very existence. The nation has spoken. Let its voice be heard. If the elected parliament wants to undo the tampering the constitution was subjected to by the former chief of army staff so be it. It is time the generals sought a complete break from the divisive role their erstwhile army chief ended up playing. It should resolutely resist being “dragged” into politics. It should be left to the parliament to sort out any “schisms” that may develop. The army should help the civilian government tackle the daunting challenges posed by the scourge of religious extremism and terrorism. One would caution General Kayani against opting for any role for himself other than that of the army chief. His is a full-time job and so much needs to be done to restore the fighting edge to the military and the morale of the soldiers. Known as a ‘thinking’ man, one hopes that he’ll not be tempted by talk of power troikas for the consequences of choosing such a path are disastrous. REFERENCE: Reading the subtext March 08, 2008 Saturday Safar 29, 1429
How is it that those behind the deal-making based on this unconstitutional and illegal ordinance were not named and shamed/charged outright? Indeed, as reported widely at the time, the present chief of army staff was the DG ISI when the final draft of the NRO was being presented to Benazir in Dubai and was part of Musharraf’s team sent to convince her. REFERENCE: Let us be grateful for small mercies By Kamran Shafi Tuesday, 22 Dec, 2009
Mr. Ansar Abbasi conveniently “forget” that he himself had filed these “Damaging News” against the same ISI/Pak Army in his own newspaper and with full of mistakes and void of any facts.
ISLAMABAD: The announcement of head-money in millions on all the top commanders of the Taliban in Swat presents a perfect case of intelligence agencies’ failure to hunt down the extremist-cum-terrorist networks, as all the top commanders are still wanted and none has been apprehended or killed. Background interactions reveal despite the great challenge the country’s intelligence agencies are confronted with, average and below average defence and police officers have been posted in leading spy agencies, rendering them incompetent. In view of this situation, faulty reports have been generated, which led to wrong decisions. By announcing head-money on the key militant figures, the government has admitted that it has no knowledge of their whereabouts. It was a serious lapse on the part of the government and security agencies that they had launched the Swat operation but without ascertaining as to where the likes of Maulana Fazlullah, Muslim Khan, Ibne Amin and Shah Doraan were. So far, the Army claims to have killed more than 1,000 militants but none of the top militant commanders was included in this huge number of killings. Sources said the top posts, particularly in the military-dominated agencies — the Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) and the Military Intelligence (MI) — are generally held by career generals, two-star and three-star. However, against the mid-level and most importantly field posts, those defence officers who do not have a promising career are appointed. “Without talented and career officers, the field intelligence apparatus of the country cannot meet the challenge they are entrusted,” a source said, adding only career officers with promising future would prove to be effective spies as in case of failures their career prospects would be affected. Rarely career officers of the level of captain, major and even colonel of the Pakistan Army, Air Force or Navy were posted to the ISI and the MI. Assigning them field positions was simply out of question. The Military Intelligence is a pure Pakistan Army’s baby; however, the ISI despite being a civilian agency is ruled by Army officers, who hold almost all its key positions: whether in the field or at its headquarters at Aabpara. REFERENCE: Head money on top terrorists shows failure of spy agencies By Ansar Abbasi Saturday, May 30, 2009
Even if that was not enough Mr Ansar Abbasi had to say this:
ISLAMABAD: The country’s elite intelligence agency — the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) — has initiated a probe into the Punjab Auqaf Department’s land-leasing controversy. The ISI is digging into the matter to get to one of its former deputy chiefs — a retired major-general, who by using his influence had tried to grab Punjab Auqaf Department’s commercial land on a 30-year lease on nominal rent. Sources said the ISI officials have started contacting various sources to collect details of the case reported in this newspaper. The auction for the Auqaf land in Rawalpindi was scheduled for February 15 but it was cancelled at the eleventh hour after this newspaper reported on the same day. Tens of Kanals of the Auqaf’s commercial land in Rawalpindi was all set to be added to the fortunes of the retired major-general and former deputy of the ISI, and member of the Punjab Public Service Commission in the cancelled auction. REFERENCE: ISI looking for its ex-deputy chief Ansar Abbasi Saturday, February 17, 2007
Mr. Ansar Abbasi in his very first story above was behaving like the “Defender of Pakistan Army” whereas the same Mr Ansar Abbasi used to file stories like these and not very long ago:
ISLAMABAD: Serving and retired officers of the armed forces continue to dominate the top civilian set-up and their number has crossed the figure of 500. Despite the Feb 18 election mandate and indications by the army high command that men in uniform were being pulled out, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani continues with majority of political appointments made by the previous government. Following prime ministerís direction, the Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani has recalled a considerable number of serving Army officers back to the barracks but hundreds of ex-servicemen continue to serve on key government posts that were offered to them by Musharrafís military regime. This is the first-ever civilian set-up to have inherited not only a record number of political appointments but is also continuing with the same. Traditionally new governments do not carry the extra-luggage and resort to termination of the contracts of political appointments made by the previous regime. However, the incumbent regime of Yousuf Raza Gilani seems to be status quo-oriented. While the total number of political appointees runs into thousands, the number of Khakis, both serving and retired, occupying civilian posts, is more than 500. The dominant majority of these appointees fall in the category of ex-servicemen, most of them appointed without prior clearance from the GHQ. A number of serving army officers are presently holding the positions, which have been offered to the military officers traditionally. Details show that more than 50 key civilian posts are currently held by the serving or retired General or their equivalents in the Navy and Air Force; 91 by retired or serving brigadiers or equivalent; while there are hundreds of serving/retired colonels, majors and captains or their equivalent in Navy and Air Force in different civilian institutions.
Amongst others the retired/serving Generals serving the Gilani government include Lt Gen (retd) Muhammad Zubair, Member Planning Commission; Lt Gen (retd) Prof Dr KA Karamat, advisor (Health), Planning Commission; Lt Gen (retd) Javed Hasan, Rector National School of Public Policy (NSPP); Chairman FPSC Lt Gen (retd) Shahid Hameed; Lt Gen (retd) Abdul Ahad Najmi. Member FPSC; Rear Admiral (retd) Nishat Rafi, Member FPSC; Vice Admiral (retd) Ahmad Hayat, Chairman Karachi Port Trust; Air Marshal(retd) Shahid Hameed, Chairman Alternate Energy Development Board (recently removed); Vice Admiral (retd) M Asad Qureshi, Chairman Port Qasim Authority; Lt Gen Nadeem Ahmad, Deputy Chairman ERRA, repatriated to Army by the present regime; AVM (retd) Muhammad Ateeb Siddiqui, MD Federal Employees Benevolent and Group Insurance Funds; Rear Admiral Ahsanul Haq Chaudhry, Chairman Gwadar Port Authority; Lt Gen Syed Sabahat Husain, Chairman Pakistan Ordinance Factories; Air Marshal Khalid Chaudhry, Chairman Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Board, Kamra; AVM (retd) Ayaz Mahmood, Director General Ministry of Interior; Vice Admiral Interior Iftikhar Ahmad, MD Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works; AVM Sajid Habib, Deputy DG Civil Aviation Authority; AVM Iqbal Haidar, Ambassador to Libya; AVM Interior Shahzad Aslam Chaudhry, Ambassador to Sri Lanka; Admiral (retd) Shahid Karimullah, Ambassador to Saudi Arabia; Lt Gen (retd) Khateer Hasan Khan, Ambassador to Thailand; Lt Gen (retd) Shahid Siddiq Tirmizi, Secretary Defence Production; Maj Gen (retd) Syed Asif Riaz Bukhari, DG Civil Service Reforms Unit; DG NIPA Lahore Maj Gen (retd) Sikandar Shami; Maj Gen (retd) Farooq Ahmad Khan, Chairman Prime Ministerís Inspection Commission; Maj Gen Akhtar Iqbal, Deputy Chief of Staff to President; Press Secretary to President Maj Gen (retd) Rashid Qureshi, who had actually retired as Brigadier from Army but was given shoulder promotion as Maj Gen by Musharraf; Maj Gen Tariq Salim Malik, Additional Secretary Defence Production Division; Maj Gen (retd) Muhammad Jaweed, Chairman Evacuee Trust Property Board; Maj Gen Mahmud Ai Durrani, Ambassador of Pakistan to US and now adviser to Prime Minister on National Security; Maj Gen Asif Ali, Surveyor General, Survey of Pakistan; Rear Admiral (retd)(retd) Syed Afzal, G Ports and Shipping wing, Port Qasim Authority; Maj Gen (retd)Syed Haider Jawed, Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam; Maj Gen (retd) Tahir Mahmud Qazi, Ambassador to Malaysia; Maj Gen (retd) Syed Shua-ul-Qamar, Chairman National Telecommunication Corporation; Maj Gen (retd) Ali Baz Khan, Ambassador to Indonesia; Maj Gen (retd) Ghazanfar Ali Khan, Ambassador to Ukraine; Maj Gen (retd) Muhammad Yasin, Member Administration, Federal Bureau of Revenue; Maj Gen (retd) Fahim Akhtar, DG Intelligence and Investigation, FBR; Maj Gen (retd) Syed Shahid Mukhtar Shah, DG National Institute of Science and Technology; Maj Gen (retd) Inayatullah Khan Niazi, Chairman Federal Lands Commission; Maj Gen (retd) Shahzada Alam, Chairman Pakistan Telecommunication Authority; AVM Tariq Matin, MD Stedec Technology Commercialization Corporation of Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd; Maj Gen Imtiaz Ahmad, Chairman National Highway Authority (NHA); Maj Gen (retd) Zaheer Ahmad Khan, Chairman State Engineering Corporation; Maj Gen (retd) Zafar Abbas Chairman National Fertilizer Corporation Ltd; Maj Gen (retd) Muhammad Javed, Chairman Pakistan Steels (recently removed); Maj Gen (retd) Shahida Malik, DG Health; Maj Gen (retd) Masood Anwar Executive Director National Institute of Health; Maj Gen Wajahat Ali Mufti, DG MI&C, Ministry of Defence; AVM M Kamal Alam, Director PIA; Maj Gen Syed Khalid Amir Jaffery, DG Anti-narcotics Force; Maj Gen Muhammad Siddique, Deputy Chairman NAB reverted to Army by the present regime; Maj Gen Aftab Ahmad, reverted to Army from NAB by the present regime; Maj Gen Mukhtar Ahmad, DG NAB, reverted to Army from NAB by the present regime; Maj Gen Shahid Ahmad Hashmat, DG NAB, also reverted to Army by this government.
The Brigade of the serving and retired Brigadiers include Brig Javed Iqbal Ahmad, DG Federal Directorate of Education; Brig Bilal Hameed, Inspector General Development Projects, Planning Commission; Brig Abdul Qadir, Secretary Health Gilgit; Brig (retd) Syed Ghulam Akbar Bukhari, MD PEAC; Brig (retd) Muhammad Sarfaraz, MD Baitul Maal; Brig (retd) Muhammad Younus, Deputy MD Baitul Maal; Brig (retd) Tariq Hamid Khan, DG National Security Council; Brig (retd) Faroghuddin Anjum, Director Education; Brig (retd) Atiqur Rahman, GM PTDC; Eng Brig (retd) Usman Shafi, GM Planning PTDC; Brig (retd) Dr Khaliqur Rahman Shah, Project Coordinator Higher Education Commission; Commodore (retd) Muhammad S Shamshad, Chairman Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Islamabad; Brig Shahryar Ashraf, GM NHA; Brig Zaheer Ahmad Rashad, GM NHA; Brig (retd) Hafeez Ahmad, MD Utility Stores Corporation; Brig (retd) Allah Ditta, Coordinator Franchise Utility Stores Corporation; Brig (retd) Naseem Ahmad, Incharge Development Cell, State Engineering Corporation; Brig (retd) Abdul Qayyum, Principal Executive Officer Pakistan steel; Brig (retd) Akhtar Zamin, Chairman Employees Old-Age Benefit Institute; Brig (retd) Shakeel Ahmad, Consultant Pemra; Brig Riaz Ahmad Noor, DG Frequency Allocation Board; Brig (retd) Muhammad Mazhar Qayyum Butt, DG PTA; Brig (retd) Aslam Shahab Hasan, DG PTA; Brig (retd) Muhammad Zubair Tahir, Consultant PTA; Brig (retd) Asad Munir, Member CDA; Brig Nusratullah, Member CDA; Brig Zahid Ahmad Malik, Secretary NTISB, Cabinet Division; Brig Raja Imitaz Ayub, Cabinet Division; Brig Shahid Majid, Member NHA; Brig (retd) Ghulam Haider, GM NHA; Brig Sohail Masood Alvi, DG NHA; Brig Arshad Wahab, GM Pakistan Steel; Brig (retd) Asad Hakeem, DG PASB Department; Air Cdre M Najib Khan, GM PIA; Brig (retd) Sikandar Javaid, Project Director CDWA; Brig (retd) Muhammad Musaddiq, Director NAB; Brig (retd) Inayatul Ilyas, Consultant NAB; Brig (retd) Khalid Pervaiz, Consultant NAB; Brig (retd) Muhammad Ashfaq Ashraf, Consultant NAB; Brig (retd) Muhammad Irfan, Consultant NAB; Brig (retd) Farooq Hameed Khan, Consultant NAB; Brig (retd) Amir Najeed, Consultant NAB; Brig Abdul Rahman Raza Khan, COS NAB Headquarter, returned to Army by the present regime; Brig Sajjad Bakhshi, Director NAB, now returned to Army; Brig Tariq Suhail, director NAB; Brig Ihsanul Haq, Director NAB; Brig Gul Farid Khan, COS NAB; Brig (retd) Muhammad Ali Asif, GM OGDC; Brig (retd) Muhammad Khalid S Khokhar, MD Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation; Brig (retd) Mukhtar Ahmad, GM Sui Southern Gas Company; Brig (retd) Zulqarnain Ahmad, GM Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Ltd; Brig (retd) Syed Tariq Hassan, Director Punjab ASB Department; Brig (retd) Muhammad Akram Director Punjab ASB Deptt; Brig Babar Idress, ANF; Brig Sultan Mahmood Satti, Director ANF; Brig Pervez Sarwar Khan, Director ANF; Brig Amjad Pervez, Director ANF; Brig Faizul Karim Khan Kurki, ANF; Brig Pervez Khalid, ANF; Brig Muhammad Asif Alvi; Brig Saleem Mahmood; Brig (retd) Muhammad Younas, DG Board of Investment; Brig Riaz Arshad, Additional DG, Cabinet Division; Brig Ahmad Nawaz Zafar, Chief of Staff, PMís Secretariat; Brig Muhammad Anwar Khan, Director Civil Works, Ministry of Defence Production; Brig Ijaz Mahmood, Commandant, Ministry of Industries, Production and Special Initiative; Brig (retd) Saleem Ahmad Moeen, Chairman Nadra; Brig (retd) Shahid Akram Kardar, Member Directing Staff, Pakistan Administrative Staff College; Cdre M Saeed Kureshi, DG Ministry of Ports and Shipping; Air Cdre Zafar Iqbal Haider, OSD, Ministry of Defence Production; Brig Pervez Sarwar Khan, Director, Narcotics Ministry; Brig Ghulam Hafiz, Chief Engineer, Ministry of Information Technology; Brig Sher Afgan Khan Niazi, Member Erra; Brig Muhammad Salik Javed, Member Erra; Brig Shahid Saleem Lone, GM, Karachi Port Trust; Brig Abid Husain Bhatti, OSD, Defence Production Division; Brig Waqar Iqbal Raja, DG Erra; Air Cdre Abbas Petiwala, Chief of Calibration, Defence Ministry; Brig Akhtar Javed Warraich, DG Erra; Brig Muhammad Arshad Abbasi, Director General Wafaqi Mohtasib Secretariat; Brig Javed Iqbal, GM Ministry of Information Technology; Cdre Muhammad Ali, DG Gawadar Port Authority; Brig (retd) M Ashraf Siddiqi, DG Defence Production Division; Brig (retd) Muhammad Anwar Khan, DG, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Brig (retd) Tariq Hamid Khan, DG National Security Council; Cdre Azhar Hayat, GM Ministry of Ports and Shipping; Brig Nadeem Mahmood, Chief Medical Officer, Ministry of Ports and Shipping; Brig (retd) Javed Iqbal Cheema, DG National Crisis Management Cell, Interior Ministry; Brig (retd) Javed Iqbal Sattar, Directing Staff, NSPP; Brig (retd) Anwar-ul- Haq, Directing Staff NSPP; Brig (retd) Zubair Ahmed Chaudhry, Directing Staff NSPP and others. The above list may include some names of serving officers, already repatriated to GHQ, or those ex-servicemen, who may have left during the recent weeks and months. Besides the long list of Khakis, a large number of re-employed retired civilian bureaucrats, contractual appointees from private sector and several dozen of those political appointees carrying huge salary package under MP scales have also been inherited by the present regime, which so far remains indifferent to such appointments. REFERENCE: The men in uniform still ruling the roost By Ansar Abbasi Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Seven years ago Mr Shaheen Sehbai was also quoted in The New York Times as well his Editor in Chief i.e. Mir Shakil ur Rehman, and do note what Mir Shakil ur Rehman had to say about the Patriotism and Loyalty of Shaheen Sehbai with Pakistan. Should we believe Mr Shaheen Sehbai or his Editor in Chief Mir Shakil ur Rahman’s Letter Addressed to Mr Shaheen Sehbai asking for his resign on filing Concocted Stories in The News International that ANTI-PAKISTAN ARMY/ISI Story [Kamran and Shaheen involved Pakistan Army in Daniel Murder] on Daniel Pearl went very well in Times of India [story was filed by Kamran Khan in Washington Post, The News and Jang with the consent of Shaheen Sehbai], read the background. REFERENCES: Shaheen Sehbai VS Mir Shakil ur Rahman on Daniel Pearl. Credibility of Shaheen Sehbai, Mir Shakil ur Rahman and Jang Group of Newspapers.
Jang Group/GEO TV had played a very dirty role during Mumbai Tragedy in 2008 while relaying a bogus “Investigative Report on Ajmal Kasab” on GEO TV and the same Jang Group particularly Mr Mahmood Sham (Group Editor Daily Jang), Mr Shaheen Sehbai (Group Editor The News International), Mr Kamran Khan (Senior Correspondent Jang/The News and GEO TV) and Mr Rauf Klasra (Senior Correspondent Jang/The News International) played a very dirty role after the murder of US Journlaist Daniel Pearl in Karachi in 2002. Jang Group/The News International/GEO TV also support this Anti Pakistan Army/ISI Campaign of Times of India. Just a Glimpse. REFERENCE: Jang Group – Times of India joint Campaign against ISI. Whereas the very same Jang Group/GEO TV had played a very dirty role during Mumbai Tragedy in 2008 while relaying a bogus “Investigative Report on Ajmal Kasab” on GEO TV and the same Jang Group is now lecturing Pakistanis for Peace with India whereas very Muhammad Saleh Zaafir and Jang Group have no shame left in them because they forget while lecturing PPP and Zardari about Kerry Lugar Bill, No First Strike, Patriotism and National Security not too long ago while running the campaign of “Joint statement by editors of the Jang Group and Times of India” REFERENCE: Jang Group, Neutrality of Commander & Jang Group’s Peace with India [Aman Ki Asha]
Now read as to how Kamran Khan with malafide intent involves Pakistan Army/ISI with Militants while giving an Interview to FRONTLINE PBS an American Public Affairs News Organization.
What was [Abu Zubaydah] doing in Faisalabad?
He was just hiding there. They were having a very low profile there. They didn’t have weapons, a lot of weapons, with them. They why they wanted to just stay cool there and waiting for their chance to react. …
They’ve also come to Karachi, and we had an event here [on Sept. 11. 2002]. What happened?
There were many, many incidents there. The incident two days ago in Karachi, there was an information from neighborhood to the police that there are some suspicious people living here. Police did some reconnaissance, and then they went for a raid early morning Sept. 11. They faced fierce resistance from these guys. They are all definite Al Qaedas in the sense that they are Tajiks and they are Central Asians and two Arabs and all.
The ISI is in the Binori Madrassa?
Yes, yes, yes. They know what’s going on there. But at the same time, you must understand that some of the key people are already with the ISI. I mean, they report back to the ISI. Maybe they are in the forefront of the anti-U.S. campaign or whatever–
So some of the Islamists are inside the ISI? And the ISI is looking–
And they report back to the ISI, yes, yes.
How does that work?
It works quite good, yes. I think that they have a very reliable penetration source of information. The bottom line here is that, “Look. Whatever you are doing, whatever you do, we understand. But mind you, we cannot afford to harbor Arabs here. We cannot afford to harbor non-Pakistanis here. So please, please cooperate with us on that count.” There is a very deep connections between the religious madrassas, and the key religious scholars, and the establishment. …
Doesn’t President Musharraf need the Islamists in order to prosecute the Indians? Doesn’t he need them to keep pressure on the Indians in Kashmir?
So he can’t offend these groups that are akin to Al Qaeda in their sympathies?
By all means. … It’s also because there are 50,000 strong, militant, armed people. That most of these people have deep connections with the establishment, with the security–
Security — ISI?
–operators of Pakistan, the security operators, yes. The intelligence agencies. And they just can’t do things which may provoke them, and which may create an internal rebellion of sorts. Not only that. Of course, these people have devoted themselves to jihad in India, at least, to jihad in Kashmir. …
A lot of Pakistani security people say that no country has such a tremendous fifth column. You have 50,000 armed people who are ready to give their lives without asking for any favor or anything. These motivated people are an asset for any country with such a massive, such a big enemy. And with such a major problem boiling there. Of course, yes.
So can Americans trust Musharraf to crack down on his own people to rat out terrorists in Pakistan?
I don’t know, because my perception is the Americans are basically interested in Al Qaeda — people who were in Afghanistan, who have an anti-West, anti-America agenda. I’m not sure if the U.S. is really terribly interested about the people who were fighting in Kashmir. …
IN SEARCH OF AL-QAEDA -INTERVIEW KAMRAN KHAN – URL: Kamran Khan [Jang Group]’s Malicious campaign against ISI.
Why Hamid Mir is lying:
Hamid Mir of 8 Years back.
Hamid Mir Calamity & Geo TV.
Military Dictators particularly in Pakistan always survive through exploiting imaginary and concocted fears. General Zia ul Haq had survived by exploiting the fear “Islam is in Danger” and Maudoodi’s Jamat-e-Islami and other Deobandi-Wahabi-Barelvi Mullahs helped General Zia in his every dirty effort to exploit Islam for the sake of perpetuating his Ruthless Rule to achieve a bigger goal for the Americans that was routing Communist USSR in Afghanistan once and for all. The day the Communists left Afghanistan General Zia and lackeys in Religious Mafia of Afghanistan and Pakistan lost all viability in the eyes of US Military Industrial Complex and came ‘Divine Intervention’ of 17 August 1988. Now almost after 16 years the Pakistan is again under the Military Dictatorship courtesy USA and again imaginary Fear and Terror threat from so-called Al-Qaeda. Musharraf had said somewhere between 12 October 1999 to 2005 that Pakistan was about to be declared ‘Terrorist Rogue State’ and allegations were all over the place that Pakistan is not a responsible state and believed to be involved in Nuclear Proliferation to other Rogue States around the world. Whereas such rogue States like Iraq and Iran amongst those nations who received Weapons from USA in their time of ‘distress’ Iraq {during Iran-Iraq War from USA, Europe and Saudi Arabia} and Iran {during the same war from USA remember Iran-Contra Affair}.
Sheikh Rashid Ahmed [Former Federal Information Minister and Ex Federal Minister for Railway under General Musharraf’s Martial Law Regime]
In 2005 the then Pakistan’s Federal Information Minister Sheikh Rashid had said in an interview that;
“Pakistan: Khan Gave Nuke Material to Iran Thursday, March 10, 2005,2933,149995,00.html
“Dr. Abdul Qadeer gave some centrifuges to Iran,” the minister, Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. “He helped Iran in his personal capacity, and the Pakistan government had nothing to do with it.”
In a seminar arranged by Mir Khalil ur Rehman, the federal Information Minister Sh. Rasheed said:
Information Minister Sheikh Rasheed says that Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, disgraced scientist dubbed the father of Pakistan’s atomic bomb, provided Iran with centrifuges that can be used to purify uranium for nuclear weapons.
In the same seminar the Minister said Qadeer did this without the involvement of Pakistani govt, means govt. is not involved but Qadeer did on his own. Isn’t it strange after all Nations top scientist is always under tight security. Who is Rasheed trying to fool or save? Is this technology like a peanut, which you can sell anywhere you want. If the govt. doesnot know about this then these Security Agencies in Pakistan must be taken to task for the security lapse. These Security Agencies never fail to break any elected popular government through cloak and dagger, yes they never failed in doing so since the ‘death’ of General Ziaul Haq through a divine intervention. Since 1990 till 12 Oct 1999, these very Security Agencies conspired against every Civilian Government of Pakistan elected by the people but it is amazing the real job which they were responsible for was not done et all. I am not buying the Ranting of Sheikh Rasheed.
A very senior journalist from Karachi, Late. Mr. Shabbir Durrani , had once said to me; “do whatever you want but don’t ever try to work with Jang Groups of Newspapers, Pakistan {Owners of GEO TV and The News International}”, he had further advised that it would be much better for you to do labour at dockyards as Jang Groups and their Executives are worse than [no offence to Jews and Hindus] Shylocks {more crudely Baniya (Hindu) Money Lenders}. That was his statement about Daily Jang and their owners, the sad thing is that Daily Dawn {sometimes} and its management is not far behind in this dirty game. Daily Dawn Pakistan which otherwise is least sensational and scandalous but sometime plays to the tunes of Vested Interests even without checking the credentials of the Journalists filing the story. In November 2001 a reporter cum analyst cum biographer i.e. Mr Hamid Mir {Now in GEO TV of Jang Group of Newspapers Pakistan} filed a story in Daily Dawn that “Osama Bin Laden said he had nuclear and chemical weapons and was ready to use them” [For complete story click the links below]. The most pathetic thing is that nowadays nobody questions the story, you can file anything you like anywhere.
People have short memory because after 4 years in the same Daily Dawn one of the most serious and senior journalist and that too amongst the senior editors Ms. Zubeida Mustafa opined in her columns that “Stephen Hess and Marvin Kalb write in their book The Media and the War on Terrorism about the “CNN effect” (a term now applied for all television channels), “In 1992, President George H.W. Bush saw television images of starving children in Somalia and he felt obliged to send US troops there to distribute food.”
They add, “Less than a year, later President Bill Clinton saw television images of Somali fighters dragging the desecrated body of an American soldier through the streets of Mogadishu and he felt obliged to withdraw the troops.” She further wrotes, “With more serious implications has been the media’s propensity to project an image which may actually misrepresent the truth. The images could be positive or negative, but not accurate.” Since there is no professional check – an editor for websites, a code of ethics for television and radio – just about anyone can acquire a medium and put anything up there. All the information so released becomes an article of faith because it has been well presented and is believed by the gullible reader/viewer/listener.” I wonder was there any professional check on Mr. Hamid Mir (now in GEO TV) when he filed that story in one of the most ‘prestigious’ newspaper of the country and shamelessly the editorial executives are now advising all and sundry to check and cross check before filing any story. Did they ask from that reporter that Atomic/Nuclear devices are not that kind of devices, which can be carried away easily like .22 caliber pistol? Yet they published Hamid Mir’s story as headline in Daily Dawn as a gospel truth.
It’s a separate debate whether Al-Qaeda/Taliban was involved in 9/11 or not but still after thoroughly bombed and destroyed Afghanistan, the most high tech US Intelligence apparatus couldn’t ‘succeed’ in nabbing the Bearded Bandits i.e. Osama, Zawahiri and Omar {seems to be the disciples of Hassan Bin Sabbah of Nazari Community of Qila Al Amut, Khorasan} but isn’t it strange that these wanted persons are being sought after by CIA, NSA, DIA, FBI etc.etc. but a petty reporter of Pakistan not only knows where he was right after 9/11 and that was not the end, the reporter also declared himself as an un-official biographer of Osama Bin Laden.
Mr Hamid Mir, Geo TV Host/The News International Correspondent
Osama claims he has nukes: If US uses N-arms it will get same response By Hamid Mir
November 10, 2001 Saturday Shaba’an 23, 1422
KABUL, Nov 9: Osama bin Laden has said that “we have chemical and nuclear weapons as a deterrent and if America used them against us we reserve the right to use them”.
He said this in a special interview with Hamid Mir, the editor of Ausaf, for Dawn and Ausaf, at an undisclosed location near Kabul.
This was the first interview given by Osama to any journalist after the September 11 attacks in New York and Washington.
The correspondent was taken blindfolded in a jeep from Kabul on the night of Nov 7 to a place where it was extremely cold and one could hear the sound of anti-aircraft guns firing away. After a wait of some time , Osama arrived with about a dozen bodyguards and Dr Ayman Al-Zuwahiri and answered questions.
Hamid Mir: After American bombing on Afghanistan on Oct 7, you told the Al-Jazeera TV that the Sept 11 attacks had been carried out by some Muslims. How did you know they were Muslims ?
Osama bin Laden: The Americans themselves released a list of the suspects of the Sept 11 attacks, saying that the persons named were involved in the attacks. They were all Muslims, of whom 15 belonged to Saudi Arabia, two were from the UAE and one from Egypt. According to the information I have, they were all passengers.Fateha was held for them in their homes. But America said they were hijackers.
HM: In your statement of Oct 7, you expressed satisfaction over the Sept 11 attacks, although a large number of innocent people perished in them, hundreds among them were Muslims. Can you justify the killing of innocent men in the light of Islamic teachings ?
OBL: This is a major point in jurisprudence. In my view, if an enemy occupies a Muslim territory and uses common people as human shield, then it is permitted to attack that enemy. For instance, if bandits barge into a home and hold a child hostage, then the child’s father can attack the bandits and in that attack even the child may get hurt.
America and its allies are massacring us in Palestine, Chechenya, Kashmir and Iraq. The Muslims have the right to attack America in reprisal. The Islamic Shariat says Muslims should not live in the land of the infidel for long. The Sept 11 attacks were not targeted at women and children. The real targets were America’s icons of military and economic power.
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) was against killing women and children. When he saw a dead woman during a war, he asked why was she killed ? If a child is above 13 and wields a weapon against Muslims, then it is permitted to kill him.
The American people should remember that they pay taxes to their government, they elect their president, their government manufactures arms and gives them to Israel and Israel uses them to massacre Palestinians. The American Congress endorses all government measures and this proves that the entire America is responsible for the atrocities perpetrated against Muslims. The entire America, because they elect the Congress.
I ask the American people to force their government to give up anti-Muslim policies. The American people had risen against their government’s war in Vietnam. They must do the same today. The American people should stop the massacre of Muslims by their government.
HM: Can it be said that you are against the American government, not the American people ?
OSB: Yes! We are carrying on the mission of our Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him). The mission is to spread the word of God, not to indulge massacring people. We ourselves are the target of killings, destruction and atrocities. We are only defending ourselves. This is defensive Jihad. We want to defend our people and our land. That is why I say that if we don’t get security, the Americans, too would not get security.
This is a simple formula that even an American child can understand. This is the formula of live and let live.
HM: The head of Egypt’s Jamia Al-Azhar has issued a fatwa (edict) against you, saying that the views and beliefs of Osama bin Laden have nothing to do with Islam. What do you have to say about that ?
OSB: The fatwa of any official Aalim has no value for me. History is full of such Ulema who justify Riba, who justify the occupation of Palestine by the Jews, who justify the presence of American troops around Harmain Sharifain. These people support the infidels for their personal gain.The true Ulema support the Jihad against America. Tell me if Indian forces invaded Pakistan what would you do? The Israeli forces occupy our land and the American troops are on our territory. We have no other option but to launch Jihad.
HM: Some Western media claim that you are trying to acquire chemical and nuclear weapons. How much truth is there in such reports?
OSB: I heard the speech of American President Bush yesterday (Oct 7). He was scaring the European countries that Osama wanted to attack with weapons of mass destruction. I wish to declare that if America used chemical or nuclear weapons against us, then we may retort with chemical and nuclear weapons. We have the weapons as deterrent.
HM: Where did you get these weapons from ?
OSB: Go to the next question.
HM: Demonstrations are being held in many European countries against American attacks on Afghanistan. Thousands of the protesters were non-Muslims. What is your opinion about those non-Muslim protesters ?
OSB: There are many innocent and good-hearted people in the West. American media instigates them against Muslims. However, some good-hearted people are protesting against American attacks because human nature abhors injustice.
The Muslims were massacred under the UN patronage in Bosnia. I am ware that some officers of the State Department had resigned in protest. Many years ago the US ambassador in Egypt had resigned in protest against the policies of President Jimmy Carter. Nice and civilized are everywhere. The Jewish lobby has taken America and the West hostage.
HM: Some people say that war is no solution to any issue. Do you think that some political formula could be found to stop the present war ?
OSB: You should put this question to those who have started this war. We are only defending ourselves.
HM: If America got out of Saudi Arabia and the Al-Aqsa mosque was liberated, would you then present yourself for trial in some Muslim country ?
OSB: Only Afghanistan is an Islamic country. Pakistan follows the English law. I don’t consider Saudi Arabia an Islamic country. If the Americans have charges against me, we too have a charge sheet against them.
HM: Pakistan government decided to cooperate with America after Sept 11, which you don’t consider right. What do you think Pakistan should have done but to cooperate with America ?
OSB: The government of Pakistan should have the wishes of the people in view. It should not have surrendered to the unjustified demands of America. America does not have solid proof against us. It just has some surmises. It is unjust to start bombing on the basis of those surmises.
HM: Had America decided to attack Pakistan with the help of India and Israel, what would have we done ?
OSB: What has America achieved by attacking Afghanistan ? We will not leave the Pakistani people and the Pakistani territory at anybody’s mercy.
We will defend Pakistan. But we have been disappointed by Gen Pervez Musharraf. He says that the majority is with him. I say the majority is against him.
Bush has used the word crusade. This is a crusade declared by Bush. It is no wisdom to barter off blood of Afghan brethren to improve Pakistan’s economy. He will be punished by the Pakistani people and Allah.
Right now a great war of Islamic history is being fought in Afghanistan. All the big powers are united against Muslims. It is ‘ sawab ‘ to participate in this war.
HM: A French newspaper has claimed that you had kidney problem and had secretly gone to Dubai for treatment last year. Is that correct ?
OSB: My kidneys are all right. I did not go to Dubai last year. One British newspaper has published an imaginary interview with Islamabad dateline with one of my sons who lives in Saudi Arabia. All this is false.
HM: Is it correct that a daughter of Mulla Omar is your wife or your daughter is Mulla Omar’s wife ?
OSB: (Laughs). All my wives are Arabs ( and all my daughters are married to Arab Mujahideen). I have spiritual relationship with Mulla Omar. He is a great and brave Muslim of this age. He does not fear anyone but Allah. He is not under any personal relationship or obligation to me. He is only discharging his religious duty. I, too, have not chosen this life out of any personal consideration.
The flip side of information By Zubeida Mustafa
I still remember Kamran Khan waiting in the lobby for a file from Bringadier Imtiaz to file a news report in his paper under captioned “News Intelligence Unit” The News International/Jang.
‘The News’ reporter tortured, humiliated after abduction
Updated at: 1756 PST, Saturday, September 04, 2010
ISLAMABAD: Umer Cheema, reporter of The News Investigation Cell was tortured and humiliated during 6-hour captivity after abduction by unidentified men from Islamabad on Saturday.
Giving account of the events of abduction and torture following his release, Umer Cheema said he was picked up by some unknown men in police uniforms from Islamabad Sector I-8 when he was returning home early in the morning at Sehri time and taken to an unknown place at 45 to 50 minutes drive.
He said he was heading home in his car after meeting with friends. When he reached Sector I-8, a Land Cruiser blocked his way and pulled over in front of his car while a white Toyota came and parked right behind.
“A few unknown men wearing uniforms of Elite Force came up to me, saying I crushed a man at Zero Point and drove off and then these men forcibly took me along with them,” Umer Cheema said.
He said the men covered his face and took him to a building at 45 to 50 minutes drive.
“I was held in illegal captivity for 6 hours during which I was continuously tortured and humiliated in nude. They stripped me out of my clothes, hanged me upside down and shaved off my head and moustaches,” the senior reporter of the country’s leading English daily recounted.
Umer Cheema quoted the captors as saying: “Do you intend to have Martial Law imposed in the country by publishing anti-government reports?”
He said the captors warned: “Stop writing against the government, if you cannot bear this torture and that Ansar Abbasi will be next target if I failed to stop.” They were also aware of my arriving in Gujranwala, Umer Cheema added.
Why Umar Cheema was “attacked” ?
How Ghazi brothers got hold of seminaries By Umar Cheema
Sunday, July 08, 2007, Jamadi-us-sani 22, 1428 A.H
ISLAMABAD: There is a general misconception that the Lal Masjid clerics who are making the headlines nowadays owe their ‘glory’ to the blessings of intelligence agencies. The facts tell a different story.
It would be interesting to know how Maulana Abdullah, the late father of the Ghazi Brothers ‘maneuvered’ to get the Khitabat of Lal Masjid and Jamia Faridia. Equally interesting would be to know why masjid and madrasah were respectively named as Lal Masjid and Jamia Faridia. It was the late Field Marshal Ayub Khan, the country’s first military ruler, who got appointed late Maulana Abdullah as the prayer leader of Lal Masjid, on the advice of his spiritual guide, Pir Sahib of Deval Sharif.
Jaafar Brothers, one of the leading industrialist groups of the country who had constructed Jamia Faridia, in order to show reverence to the great Sufi Saint Khawaja Ghulam Farid named the seminary after him. It was handed over to the Maulanas by the then secretary CBR, Syed Hassan Akhtar. The land for Jamia Faridia was allotted during the late Gen Zia’s regime.
This was due to the blessing of Pirs that Lal Masjid Maulanas could manage to take over these religious seats. A graduate of Jamia Binnoria, Karachi, late Maulana Abdullah landed in Rawalpindi soon after President Ayub Khan took the decision to shift the capital to Islamabad. He took oath of allegiance to the then Pir of Deval Sharif, Muhammad Abdul Majid. This was a significant move on part of a Deobandi Maulana.
The information has been verified by the son of Pir Deval Sharif, Rooh-ul-Husnain Moeen and coordinator of Auqaf Department, Syed Muhammad Ali Wasti who says that many people told his father about the religious school of thought of late Maulana Abdullah, but Pir Sahib gave no importance to the point and considered and treated him like a changed man.
Maulana Abdullah served as the prayer leader in the mosque of Pir Sahib and later requested him to exercise his spiritual influence over his disciple, Gen Ayub.
Pir Sahib Deval Sharif helped Maulana Abdullah in his appointment as Khateeb of Lal Masjid. The Auqaf Department later took over Lal Masjid, but Maulana’s religious dynasty kept on flourishing unhindered. It was during Zia regime that Jamia Faridia was established. As the story goes, a partner of ‘Jaafar Brothers’ dreamed that he was at the tomb of Khawaja Ghulam Farid and that a river full of water was flowing around. He shared the dream with Syed Akhtar
Hassan, the-then secretary CBR, and sought his interpretation of the dream.
Akhtar termed the dream as a good omen and advised him to build a seminary and name it after Khawaja Ghulam Farid. Jaafar did accordingly. Akhtar helped him acquire the land from the government of late Gen Zia. Admiral (retd) Muhammad Sharif, whose son-in-law (Sha’aban Shoukat) these days is running a massage center (spa) in Super Market, had then allotted this
land. Interestingly, Lal Masjid brigade had raided an alleged prostitution den and then a massage center. However, the massage centre of Sha’aban Shoukat was not touched. Sha’aban was a CBR officer and left the CBR job to start this apparently lucrative business. The CBR secretary handed over the management of the Jamia to Maulana Abdullah and since-then the seminary
has been under the command of the family.
Why Lal Masjid was so called? Some say that it was named after Lal Shahbaz Qalandar, a highly revered saint of Sindh buried in Sehwan Sharif. This may well have been a ploy of the military government of Ayub Khan to please the people of Sindh who were not at all happy with the shifting of the capital from Karachi to Islamabad. It was most probably due to this reason that its walls were painted with red colour.
Who is behind the kidnapping of Umar Cheema?
JI splinter group leader, females held for links to suicide attackers Friday, December 18, 2009 By Umar Cheema
ISLAMABAD: One of the top security agencies on Wednesday picked up Raja Ehsan Aziz, a member of Tehrik-e-Islami (TI), for his alleged connections with terrorists who had attacked the Parade Lane Mosque in Rawalpindi and Moon Market in Lahore. Tehrik-e-Islami is a splinter group of the JI. Two female members of the Tehrik have already been taken into custody. Sarwat Wahid, another female member whose son’s car was used in the Parade Lane Mosque attack, is missing. Also her son, Jawad, who was studying in Faisalabad after doing A Level from Beacon House School System, is missing. Aziz, a graduate of Columbia University who also served on senior positions at the Foreign Office, is a retired professor of International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University. His elder son is an Army doctor. Aziz was taken away from his house in G/10-3 on Wednesday evening by sleuths of the Counter-Terrorism Cell, his wife Amira Aziz told The News. Amira, an ex-MNA of Jamaat-e-Islami and now a Shura member of the Tehrik, is a religious scholar and writes columns in an Urdu daily. Aziz’s driver, Phool Zeb from Nowshera, has already been arrested as investigators found a mobile SIM allegedly used for conversation during the attacks on the Parade Lane Mosque and Moon Market, was issued in his name. Likewise, the car used in the mosque attack belonged to Jawad, the son of a Tehrik-e-Islami woman, Sarwat Wahid, a resident of I-8 Sector, Islamabad. Both of them are missing since then. Likewise, Aziz’ son, Omer, a student of Islamic International University, has not returned home for the last five days.
Aziz has been picked up for the second time, his wife said, denying any links of the family with terrorism incidents. “I’m a sworn enemy of America and can pay any price for it but I strongly oppose terrorism within Pakistan,” Amira Aziz told The News. She said the intelligence operatives had been following the women activists of Tehrik-e-Islami for the last six months and harassed them. She alleged that her husband was beaten black and blue when picked up last time and kept in illegal custody for a night. Amira said her son, Omer, a heart patient, was very upset when intelligence guys kept his father in their custody for a night. A female member of Tehrik, Najma Sana, who lives in G-9/1, is already in the agency’s custody for the last 10 days. Sarwat Wahid, after being chased by the intelligence agency, left Islamabad for Karachi where she was again pursued by the police. Her sister and children in Karachi have been arrested to press for recovery of Sarwat who has gone underground there. Sarwat’s son, Jawad, is also missing. Tahira Mumtaz, another female member of the Tehrik, was twice called for investigation over her alleged assistance to Sarwat to flee the capital. Altaf Aziz Khattack, SHO, said he was not aware of any such incident. He asked this correspondent to take up the matter with the R A Bazaar police in whose jurisdiction the mosque was attacked. When contacted, officials of the concerned police station said that they had not arrested Ehsan Aziz, adding the Army was investigating the attack and the matter may be taken up with them. The DG ISPR could not be contacted.
Who is behind Umar Cheema Kidnapping and Torutre
Who is to blame for Karachi mayhem? Umar Cheema Saturday, May 19, 2007
ISLAMABAD: The Chief Secretary of Sindh had strongly opposed the strategy of the provincial government for May 12 while the Prime Minister’s advice to the provincial government for a judicial inquiry into the killings has been turned down, authoritative sources said on Friday. It was also revealed that the MQM had wanted to join the Islamabad rally but was stopped by the Chaudhrys of Gujrat.
Observers believe that these three important developments concerning the May 12 killings in Karachi may have a serious impact not only at the provincial level but also at the national. Sources said the Chief Secretary of Sindh, Shakeel Durrani, had strongly opposed the ‘counter productive’ strategy of the provincial government designed for May 12, the day the Chief Justice of Pakistan had gone to Karachi for addressing lawyers there. He had written in advance to his seniors, proposing that hurdles should not be created and that the CJ be given a smooth passage.
His recommendations were in clear contradiction to the Sindh Home Department, headed by former sector commander of Military Intelligence, Brig (retd) Ghulam Muhtaram. While the home department, fearing a serious law and order situation, insisted the CJ should not take the flight to Karachi, the chief secretary opposed the plan that was aimed to flop the CJ’s show, warning it would deteriorate the situation.
Shakeel Durrani had not only verbally opposed the blockade of roads but had also opposed in writing to such a plan that was prone to violence and mass-scale killings. He had instead recommended that no hurdle should be created and Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry should be allowed to go by the route he wanted to use for reaching the high court bar.
His recommendations, however, got a deaf ear from those who matter in decision-making in Sindh. Durrani is believed to have also held responsible his provincial government for Karachi mayhem, The News has learnt on good authority. While Durrani did not comment on the report when contacted by The News, another officer close to him confirmed it but refused to provide the details.
Meanwhile, the Sindh government has refused to order a judicial inquiry into the killings. The News has learnt on good authority that Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz wanted to order a judicial inquiry into the incident. He went to Karachi on Wednesday with this plan but faced opposition from his ruling allies in Sindh.
According to the sources, the PM had gone to Karachi with a plan to announce ordering judicial inquiry in a press conference after holding meetings there. Information Minister Muhammad Ali Durrani, Interior Minister Aftab Sherpao and Secretary Interior Kamal Shah had also accompanied him during this visit late Wednesday.
Sources privy to the development say the PM’s plan could not materialize following stiff opposition from his allies in Sindh who said that such an order would open up a new Pandora’s Box. The PM who had ordered judicial inquiry into the mysterious murder of Supreme Court’s additional registrar Hamad Raza, failed to do it in a case where more than 40 people had been killed in just one day, ie May 12.
Interior Minister Aftab Sherpao, when contacted to confirm about the PM plan, refused to comment. “I neither deny nor confirm this report,” he said.
Information Minister Muhammad Ali Durrani, however, termed the ordering of judicial inquiry as a legal issue. He also did not deny that the PM was planning to order a judicial inquiry but said: “I am not in knowledge of the plan”. Also, some MQM lawmakers have been heard blaming the Chaudhrys of the Gujrat for ‘pushing’ them to hold a separate rally in Karachi instead of joining the PML-Q rally in Islamabad held the same day.
They feel the May 12 incidents have left an adverse impact on their strategy to expand to other provinces so as to become a mainstream political party. The Karachi tragedy has put the MQM in dock as its offices in the Punjab and rural Sindh have faced a virtual closure following protests by the public of respective areas who blamed them for this bloodbath in Karachi.
In their background interviews, the MQM lawmakers are blaming Chaudhrys of Gujrat for putting them to ‘abuse’. They say they were not for holding a rally in Karachi. According to them, they had expressed the desire to join the PML-Q rally held in Islamabad the same day but were denied.
MQM parliamentary leader Dr Farooq Sattar, in his on-the-record discussion, has neither denied nor confirmed the claim of his party colleagues. But he said their plan to hold rally in Karachi was made after detailed deliberation.
Air chief, CNS ask for bulletproof cars Monday, March 12, 2007 Umar Cheema
ISLAMABAD: A summary has been moved to Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz seeking his approval for the purchase of bulleproof Mercedes cars for the chief of Air staff and the chief of the Naval staff, The News has learnt on authority.
The Defence Ministry has moved this summary after the relevant departments forwarded the requests in line with their measures to beef up security of the said services chiefs. According to sources, the security of Air Chief Marshal Tanvir Ahmad and CNS Admiral Afzal Tahir has already been doubled.
Spokespersons for the Pakistan Air Force and the Pakistan Navy neither deny nor confirm the report. “I have no comment to offer,” Air Commodore Sarfraz Ahmad, told this correspondent when contacted for the PAF version. Capt Siddique, Pakistan Navy’s spokesman said he was not in the knowledge. Javed Akhtar, the PM’s press secretary said, “I am not authorised to chase the summaries.”
Akhtar further explained the PM Secretariat has no spokesman and added that only the PM himself can respond to such queries. Both services chiefs have no bullet proof cars at the moment that necessitated the request for the purchase of these cars.
Top Army officials, like the COAS, the VCOAS, the DG ISI, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee and the corps commanders have bulletproof cars. Around two-dozen bulletproof cars, Mercedes Benz and BMW, were purchased to protect the top Army leadership in the wake of an assassination attempt on Vice Chief of Army Staff (VCOAS) Lt-Gen Ahsan Salim Hayat, who was then Corps Commander Karachi.
According to sources, the summary seeking PM’s approval for the purchase of bulletproof cars for the ACM and CNS, has been with the PM Secretariat for a couple of weeks. Defence Minister Rao Sikandar authorised the submission of the summary to the PM. And the scretary defence acted accordingly, sources said.
Presently, the air chief has a Mercedes car at his disposal but it is not bullet proof. The CNS has a Lexus for official use. The government has imported more than 40 bulletproof cars — 10 last year. The procurement of jammers-fitted Toyota land cruisers is apart from the purchase of the said cars made in one financial year.
More Clues!
Missing ex-ISI officers in Fata Thursday, April 22, 2010
By By Umar Cheema
ISLAMABAD: The mystery of the abduction in tribal areas of two pro-Taliban ISI veterans has virtually been solved as the wife of a kidnapped officer says the Punjabi Taliban were responsible and they invited them to the tribal areas.
One of the kidnapped ISI veterans, Khalid Khawaja, has previously acted as a conduit for Baitullah Mehsud for an intelligence agency. He once handed to late Baitullah a list of the Punjabi Taliban in the tribal belt who were disliked by the intelligence sleuths.
Khawaja, in a recently televised video sent by the captors, said he went to the tribal belt on the advice of former DG ISI, Lt Gen (retd) Hamid Gul, a serving ISI Col Sajjad, and former Army chief Aslam Beg. Col (retd) Imam in the same video said he undertook the tribal area visit on the advice of Gen (retd) Beg.
Retired PAF Squadron Leader Khalid Khawaja and Col (retd) Sultan Amir alias Col Imam were kidnapped along with a British documentary-maker of Pakistani origin, Asad Qureshi, in the tribal area where they went to film the ‘atrocities’ being committed on the Taliban of the Fata region.
According to an early press release issued by Khawaja’s family, they went there on the “precise invitation of the High Command of Tehrik-e-Taliban of North and South Waziristan as their respected guests for the purpose of making a documentary highlighting the present situation of the area and its impact on the indigenous population.” However, details gathered in background conversations present a totally different picture.
As far their visit to the area is concerned, it was not being done at the invitation of leadership of Taliban militants in Waziristan as was initially told to the media by the family of Khalid Khawaja. It was the second visit to the area within a month by Khawaja and Col (retd) Imam. They first went to the area in the beginning of March and left Islamabad for a second trip on March 26.
Before they departed for the second time, their guide in the first visit declined to join them, stating security concerns. As Khawaja was in contact with another Taliban militant, Usman Punjabi, they decided to leave after receiving clearance from him who also sent a guide to ensure their safe travel. They were later found missing.
The man who called the family of Khalid Khawaja to convey the demands of the captors introduced himself as ‘Usman Punjabi, confirmed Khawaja’s wife and son who have realised that the callers represent a bunch of criminals. They understand the group is dominated by Punjabi Taliban, raising questions about their motives.
Khawaja once handed a list of Punjabi Taliban to late Baitulah Mehsud on behalf of an intelligence agency, conveying the latter’s desire they be reined in as they were creating trouble time and again. Right from attacks on former President Pervez Musharraf to the GHQ and at other places, the Punjabi Taliban have been found involved.
Khawaja’s family did not deny he acted as a conduit. Elaborating, his son said his father’s efforts were intended to bring peace and he played a crucial role in holding Jirgas with Baitullah-led militants in the past.
Col (retd) Imam was closer to Afghan Taliban apparently working on behalf of the Pakistani establishment. His son is a serving major in the Army.
Khawaja remained more active on the domestic front. He had once claimed that he hosted Osama bin Laden in pre-9/11 days when bin Laden used to visit his Islamabad residence. Khawaja also remained at center-stage during Lal Masjid crisis, siding with the clerics. Though he spearheaded the movement of missing persons in the beginning, his alleged dual role came under suspicion by the families.
NUML rector, directors caught by own auditors Wednesday, January 06, 2010 By By Umar Cheema
ISLAMABAD: An audit report of the Army-run National University of Modern Languages (NUML) has found that its Rector, a retired Army brigadier, was also receiving the salary of a night watchman (security supervisor), getting tax rebates as a researcher and had sent his daughter and son-in-law abroad using the university scholarships.
While the NUML management has given some lame justifications for these acts, the auditors have found them unsatisfactory. The report finds that out of three scholarship grants, two were granted to the Rector’s family members. A grant of Rs 15.4 million allocated for setting up linkages and exchange of visits with the Utrecht University of the Netherlands was used for summer vacation in the UK, the USA, France and Turkey.
A hefty amount collected under the head of fine from students was kept aside for discretionary use of the management as “daily expenditures,” the audit report disclosed. Besides, dozens of appointments were made during a period of hiring ban. One such beneficiary, Maj Gen (retd) Owais Mushtaq Qureshi, has now been appointed as Federal Public Service Commission member.
The report finds that Brig. (retd) Aziz Ahmad Khan, the Rector, is not the only official involved in irregularities, he has many partners posted on senior positions like director administration, director finance, director libraries, registrar and director academics.
As for drawing money under the garb of a supervisor of security guards, other beneficiaries include his director administration Muhammad Yasin, director finance Muhammad Ashraf, director libraries Muhammad Abbas, registrar Kamran Jahangir and director academics Saeed Akhtar Malik. The Rector, together with his partners, impersonated as security supervisor to collect Rs 620,549 in extra money.
Defending itself, the NUML administration told the auditors that high-level security was organised for the protection of a sizeable number of foreign military students in the university. “This was the time when the security situation in Islamabad was beyond anyone’s control. It was, therefore, decided that high-level security be organised. This included security provided by the agencies and overseen by senior officers of the university. It would be appreciated that the whole night duty would definitely require compensation. Hence, the amount under observation was paid. However, as soon as these sensitive students had completed stay at the campus, the payment was stopped forthwith,” the NUML said.
The audit report, however, turned down the plea, saying: “Security didn’t fall under the responsibility of the officers mentioned” and directed the beneficiaries to return the money. The Rector’s daughter, Ayesha, and her husband, Waqas Hassan, are named as the two, out of three beneficiaries, who were granted M Phil leading to PhD scholarships for study in Sussex University, UK. The criteria for granting such awards were not adhered to, the audit report objected, noting that there was no provision of awarding scholarship for higher education in the NUML Ordinance 2000.
The university administration responding to this objection said the criteria for selection was transparent, the candidates had fulfilled all the conditions for winning the scholarship and that the Rector was not part of the selection committee.
The Rector’s administrative post notwithstanding, he received 75 per cent tax rebate posing as researcher as the facility is available to those involved in research work. Director planning & coordination and registrar also abused this facility, the audit objected.
The NUML’s reply to this charge was that PhD degree holders from foreign university, who also work as teacher and researcher, qualify for the rebate. This justification was also rejected by the auditors who observed that the facility was available only to full-time teachers.
As regards the use of Rs 15.4 million allocated for setting up linkages and exchange of visits with the Utrecht University, the project was intended to promote research and development at the postgraduate level. A department called “Government and Organisational Science” was to be established with similar system in currency at the Utrecht University. The staff was to be trained by the Utrecht University with its staff biannual visit to Pakistan be arranged. It was not done; instead the NUML management started using it for foreign visits.
“The activities of the project mainly depicts the picture that the programme was made to have foreign visits to UK, USA, France, Netherlands, Turkey during vacations of the university,” noted the audit report.
The NUML administration replying to this objection said that the PC-1 provides that joint faculty visits will be undertaken by the Pakistani side in May and June every year because in June and early part of July, Utrecht’s faculty and administrators are free from their routine assignments and can spare more time for research. However, the management didn’t reply as to how the visits to other countries were undertaken using these funds
Even More Startling Clues!
Missing person’s case takes dramatic turn Thursday, April 08, 2010 By By Umar Cheema
ISLAMABAD: A high profile missing person’s case has taken a dramatic turn as the police are examining a sitting corps commander and two recently retired ISI officials whereas a former DG ISI, now a corps commander, is likely to be examined following a guarded disclosure by former attorney general Malik Qayyum.
Lt. Gen. Shafqaatullah, Corps Commander Multan, and two retired ISI officials, Brig. Mansoor Saeed and Col. Jehangir Akhtar, have submitted their statements to the Supreme Court through the police as they were allegedly in knowledge of where Masood Janjua had been kept.
Masood Janjua was picked up along with a friend in July 2005 in Rawalpindi and has been missing since then. Amina, his wife, has waged a movement for the last five years, demanding the release of her husband and others. There are more than 3,500 persons reportedly missing of which 250 cases have been taken up by the Supreme Court.
The police have told the Supreme Court they need to further probe these officials as their statements do not answer all the questions required for a thorough probe, a fact confirmed by Kamran Aadil, Superintendent Police, who is in-charge of the investigation.
Kamran Aadil told The News the police would send more questions to the concerned officials through the Judge Advocate General (JAG) Branch of the Pakistan Army. He appreciated the role of JAG Branch, which is fully cooperating with them.
When asked about the statements he had obtained, Kamran said they had been submitted to the court and he would not comment about them.
Another corps commander who previously headed the ISI is expected to be next to be examined as he is said to have told Malik Qayyum, the then attorney general, that Masood Janjua had been killed. His examination is required to determine how he knew and who killed Masood Janjua. Lt. Gen. Shafqaat and two ISI officials are being examined on the request of Amina Masood after she told the court that she had approached these officers and they had dropped hints about the whereabouts of her husband. Shafqaat was military secretary to the then President Pervez Musharraf. He is said to have informed Amina that they had learned through their informers that her husband was seen somewhere in Waziristan and was alive. But he had declined to share his source.
Now as the police have obtained Shafqaat’s statement, he backtracked from what he reportedly told Amina. His statement on a plain paper submitted to the court with his signature on it has been seen by The News. It said that his efforts to locate Janjua, “initiated on the president’s directions, failed to trace the man.”
Masood’s father, a retired colonel of SSG, was senior to Musharraf and had asked him for help. Since Amina Janjua had also contacted him, Shafqaat wrote in his statement: “I politely informed her that all requested details have already been communicated to her father-in-law and that I had nothing else to add.”
Amina, talking to The News, contested the contents of Shafqaat’s statement, insisting that he had then said “their informers had seen him (Masood Janjua) alive somewhere in Waziristan.” She also demanded the corps commander be summoned before the court for cross-examination.
Col. Jahangir of ISI had frequently met Amina, visited her house many times and kept her waiting that “she would soon hear a good news about her husband” but the statement he has submitted to the court said: “It’s incorrect that she used to hold series of meetings with the undersigned and that I would inform her about the whereabouts of her husband.”
Brigadier Mansoor Saeed, ex-Director ISI, Islamabad, said in his statement: “I have never seen, met or interacted with any person named Mr. Masood Janjua nor have any knowledge of his whereabouts.”
Mansoor was accused by Dr. Imran Munir that he had seen Janjua kept in an ISI safe-house located in Westridge, Rawalpindi. Imran, who himself remained in the ISI’s custody, had submitted a sworn affidavit before the Supreme Court.
Malik Qayyum had told Hamid Mir of Geo TV that a powerful head of a powerful organisation had confirmed to him that Janjua had been killed.
As the police obtained a statement from Hamid Mir, he confirmed being told by Qayyum but said they should better ask him (Qayyum) about the powerful head. As the police approached Qayyum, he did not deny it and said that since it was a privileged secret passed on to him being the AG, he would disclose the name of the ‘powerful head’ only before the court.
In my humble opinion Mr. Umar Cheema is an excellent and no non-sense reporter and this is evident from some his stories [mind you links are dead because The News has changed the format therefore tolerate the text with dates of the stories filed by Mr Cheema]
The man, who rigged 2002 polls, spills the beans By Umar Cheema Sunday, February 24, 2008
ISLAMABAD: The main wheeler and dealer of the ISI during the 2002 elections, the then Maj-Gen Ehtesham Zamir, now retired, has come out of the closet and admitted his guilt of manipulating the 2002 elections, and has directly blamed Gen Musharraf for ordering so. Talking to The News, the head of the ISI’s political cell in 2002, admitted manipulating the last elections at the behest of President Musharraf and termed the defeat of the King’s party, the PML-Q, this time “a reaction of the unnatural dispensation (installed in 2002).” Zamir said the ISI together with the NAB was instrumental in pressing the lawmakers to join the pro-Musharraf camp to form the government to support his stay in power. Looking down back into the memory lane and recalling his blunders which, he admitted, had pushed the country back instead of taking it forward, Zamir feels ashamed of his role and conduct. Massively embarrassed because he was the one who negotiated, coerced and did all the dirty work, the retired Maj-Gen said he was not in a position to become a preacher now when his own past was tainted.
He said the country would not have faced such regression had the political management was not carried out by the ISI in 2002. But he also put some responsibility of the political disaster on the PML-Q as well. The former No: 2 of the ISI called for the closure of political cell in the agency, confessing that it was part of the problem due to its involvement in forging unnatural alliances, contrary to public wishes. Zamir’s blaming Musharraf for creating this unnatural alliance rings true as another former top associate of Musharraf, Lt-Gen (retd) Jamshed Gulzar Kiyani has already disclosed that majority of the corps commanders, in several meetings, had opposed Musharraf’s decision of patronising the leadership of the King’s party. “We had urged Musharraf many times during the corps commanders meeting that the PML-Q leadership was the most condemned and castigated personalities. They are the worst politicians who remained involved in co-operative scandals and writing off loans. But Musharraf never heard our advice,” Kiyani said while recalling discussions in their high profile meetings.
He said one of their colleagues, who was an accountability chief at that time, had sought permission many times for proceeding against the King’s party top leaders but was always denied. Kiyani asked Musharraf to quit, the sooner the better, as otherwise the country would be in a serious trouble. Ma-Gen (retd) EhteshamZamir termed the 2008 elections ‘fairer than 2002’. He said the reason behind their fairness is that there was relatively less interference of intelligence agencies this time as compared to the last time. But he stopped short of saying that there was zero interference in the 2008 polls. “You are quite right,” he said when asked to confirm about heavy penetration of ISI into political affairs during the 2002 elections. But he said he did not do it on his own but on the directives issued by the government. Asked who directed him from the government side and if there was somebody else, not President Musharraf, he said: “Obviously on the directives of President Musharraf.” Asked if he then never felt that he was committing a crime by manipulating political business at the cost of public wishes, he said: “Who should I have told except myself. Could I have asked Musharraf about this? I was a serving officer and I did what I was told to do. I never felt this need during the service to question anyone senior to me,” he said and added that he could not defend his acts now.
“It was for this reason that I have never tried to preach others what I did not practice. But I am of the view that the ISI’s political cell should be closed for good by revoking executive orders issued in 1975,” he said. Responding to a question regarding corruption cases that were used as pressure tactics on lawmakers, he said: “Yes! This tool was used, not only by the ISI. The NAB was also involved in this exercise.” Former corps commander of Rawalpindi, Lt-Gen (retd) Jamshed Gulzar Kiyani said majority of corps commanders had continued opposing Musharraf’s alliance with top leadership of the PML-Q. “Not just in one meeting, we opposed his alignment with these corrupt politicians in many meetings but who cared. Now Musharraf has been disgraced everywhere, thanks to his political cronies.”
After Pakistani Journalist Speaks Out About an Attack, Eyes Turn to the Military By JANE PERLEZ Published: September 24, 2010 A version of this article appeared in print on September 25, 2010, on page A7 of the New York edition.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — An investigative reporter for a major Pakistani newspaper was on his way home from dinner here on a recent night when men in black commando garb stopped his car, blindfolded him and drove him to a house on the outskirts of town.
There, he says, he was beaten and stripped naked. His head and eyebrows were shaved, and he was videotaped in humiliating positions by assailants who he and other journalists believe were affiliated with the country’s powerful spy agency.
At one point, while he lay face down on the floor with his hands cuffed behind him, his captors made clear why he had been singled out for punishment: for writing against the government. “If you can’t avoid rape,” one taunted him, “enjoy it.”
The reporter, Umar Cheema, 34, had written several articles for The News that were critical of the Pakistani Army in the months preceding the attack.
His ordeal was not uncommon for a journalist or politician who crossed the interests of the military and intelligence agencies, the centers of power even in the current era of civilian government, reporters and politicians said.
What makes his case different is that Mr. Cheema has spoken out about it, describing in graphic detail what happened in the early hours of Sept. 4, something rare in a country where victims who suspect that their brutal treatment was at the hands of government agents often choose, out of fear, to keep quiet.
“I have suspicions and every journalist has suspicions that all fingers point to the ISI,” Mr. Cheema said, using the acronym for the Inter-Services Intelligence agency, the institution that the C.I.A. works with closely in Pakistan to hunt militants. The ISI is an integral part of the Pakistani Army; its head, Gen. Shuja Ahmed Pasha, reports to the army chief of staff, Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.
Officials at the American Embassy said they interviewed Mr. Cheema this week, and sent a report of his account to the State Department. In response to an e-mail for comment, a spokesman for the ISI said, “They are nothing but allegations with no substance or truth.”
Mr. Cheema had won a Daniel Pearl Journalism Fellowship to train foreign journalists in 2007 and worked in The New York Times newsroom for six months at that time. He has worked at The News since 2007.
In interviews, he said his car was stopped near his home in the capital by men with the words “no fear” inscribed on their clothes. Once he was blindfolded and driven to the safe house, he was handed over to another group of men who carried out the abuse, he said. After six hours, he was dumped on a road 100 miles from the capital, Islamabad.
Mr. Cheema says he wrote more than 50 articles this year that questioned various aspects of the conduct of the military and the government, including corruption accusations against the president, Asif Ali Zardari.
But it was three articles in particular, in June, July and August, on delicate internal army problems that appear to have angered the military.
One article reported on the sensitive issue of the courts-martial of two army commandos who refused to obey orders and join the assault on a radical mosque and school in Islamabad in 2007.
The attack was believed at the time to be unpopular in the army ranks because many soldiers were reluctant to fire on fellow Muslims. Moreover, courts-martial are rarely mentioned in the Pakistani news media, and reporters have been warned not to write about them.
In his article, Mr. Cheema reported that two members of the Special Services Group, an elite commando squad, were being denied fair justice during the court-martial proceedings.
In another article, Mr. Cheema wrote that the suspects in a major terrorist attack against a bus carrying ISI employees were acquitted because of the “mishandling” of the court case by the intelligence agency.
In an article in early August, the reporter described how Army House, the residence of the chief of army staff, was protected by 400 city police officers and not by soldiers, as required by law.
In its political coverage, The News is vociferously against the civilian government of Mr. Zardari, but the opinion pages publish a cross section of views, including pro-military columnists.
While Mr. Cheema has chosen to publicize his case, he is not the only journalist or politician to come under the apparent harassment of the security services.
The law minister in Punjab Province, Rana Sanullah Khan, said that in 2003, when he was an opposition politician and had criticized the army during the presidency of Gen. Pervez Musharraf, he was kidnapped and brutalized in a similar manner.
In January, in Islamabad, the home of Azaz Syed, a reporter for Dawn, the main English-language daily, was attacked by unknown assailants days after he was threatened by supposed ISI agents over an investigative article he was researching related to the military.
Kamran Shafi, a leading columnist and himself a former army officer who writes critically of the military, was harassed and his house was attacked last December by “elements linked to the security establishment,” according to his own account.
In the last several years, journalists in the tribal areas, where the army is fighting the Taliban, have faced special risks and found it increasingly difficult to work for fear of offending either side. In September two journalists were killed in or near the tribal areas, under circumstances that remain unclear.
Pakistan has developed a rambunctious news media spearheaded by round the clock television news channels in the last decade. The military and the ISI are treated with respect by the powerful television anchors, and by newspaper reporters who extol the deeds of the army in battling the Taliban. The ISI is rarely mentioned by name but referred to as “intelligence agencies.”
One reason for the deference, according to a Pakistani intelligence official who has worked with the media cell of the ISI, is that the agency keeps many journalists on its payroll.
Unspoken rules about covering the military and its intelligence branches are eagerly enforced, Babar Sattar, a Harvard-trained lawyer, said. A journalist who trespasses over the line is told to behave, Mr. Sattar said.
Earlier this year, Mr. Cheema said he was called to a coffee shop in Islamabad by an ISI officer and warned to fall into line.
At a journalists’ seminar in Lahore, the editor of a weekly newspaper, Najam Sethi, said it was up to the ISI to declare who had attacked Mr. Cheema.
“If the ISI hasn’t done it, they should tell us who did it because they’re supposed to know,” Mr. Sethi said. “If they don’t tell, the presumption remains they did it.”
But in a column titled “Surprise Surprise” in Dawn, Mr. Shafi said, “We will never find out what happened to poor Umar Cheema because the Deep State does not want us to find out.”
Read the stories by Mr. Umar Cheema I have quoted in my An Act of Barbarity: Kidnapping & Torture of Mr. Umar Cheema. and find the “Attackers and Tormentors” – Hamid Mir’s article: Thursday, September 09, 2010, Ramzan 29, 1431 A.H Hamid Mir is one smart slippery reporter who change colour faster then chameleon
Aamir Mughal Simplicity of Mr. Irfan Siddiqui [Jang and Formerly a PRO of Presidency and also a Leading Columnist of Weekly Takbeer of IJI Brand] says he is related with General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani. Had this act been committed by anyone belonging to PPP or even PML-N, Mr Irfan and Jang group would have crucified:) Do read the apologetic language for pleading the case of Mr Umar Cheema: Friday, September 10, 2010, Ramzan 30, 1431 A.H
Mr. Altaf Hussain Threatens the Pakistani Press.
As per Daily Jang dated [Friday, September 24, 2010, Shawwal 14, 1431 A.H Updated at: 0010] MQM Founder Mr. Altaf Hussain says that had MQM been in the government it would have severed its relations with USA, AND ITS WESTERN ALLIES INCLUDING NATO in protest against the 86 Years sentence of of Dr. Afia Siddiqui in US Courts.
Now watch what Mr. Muhammad Anwar [Member of Central Coordination Committee MQM] has said on BBC World on Pakistani Press
BBC Hard Talk : MQM Muhammad Anwar Part 1
BBC Hard Talk : Part 2 MQM Muhammad Anwar
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House of DawnNews correspondent attacked by ISI sleuths
House of DawnNews correspondent attacked by ISI sleuths
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